Peer Reviewed
Cymbeline (Folio 1, 1623)
591Scena Septima.
592Enter Imogen alone.
594A Foolish Suitor to a Wedded-Lady,
595That hath her Husband banish'd: O, that Husband,
597Vexations of it. Had I bin Theefe-stolne,
602Enter Pisanio, and Iachimo.
603Pisa. Madam, a Noble Gentleman of Rome,
604Comes from my Lord with Letters.
605Iach. Change you, Madam:
607And greetes your Highnesse deerely.
608Imo. Thanks good Sir,
609You're kindly welcome.
612She is alone th' Arabian-Bird; and I
614Arme me Audacitie from head to foote,
617Imogen reads.
He is one of the Noblest note, to whose kindnesses I am most in-
621So farre I reade aloud.
622But euen the very middle of my heart
624You are as welcome (worthy Sir) as I
626In all that I can do.
628What are men mad? Hath Nature giuen them eyes
629To see this vaulted Arch, and the rich Crop
631The firie Orbes aboue, and the twinn'd Stones
632Vpon the number'd Beach, and can we not
634Twixt faire, and foule?
635Imo. What makes your admiration?
637'Twixt two such She's, would chatter this way, and
638Contemne with mowes the other. Nor i'th' iudgment:
639For Idiots in this case of fauour, would
641Sluttery to such neate Excellence, oppos'd
643Not so allur'd to feed.
644Imo. What is the matter trow?
645Iach. The Cloyed will:
648Longs after for the Garbage.
649Imo. What, deere Sir,
650Thus rap's you? Are you well?
652Desire my Man's abode, where I did leaue him:
654Pisa. I was going Sir,
655To giue him welcome. Exit.
656Imo. Continues well my Lord?
657His health beseech you?
658Iach. Well, Madam.
662The Britaine Reueller.
663Imo. When he was heere
665Not knowiug why.
667There is a Frenchman his Companion, one
669A Gallian-Girle at home. He furnaces
670The thicke sighes from him; whiles the iolly Britaine,
671(Your Lord I meane) laughes from's free lungs: cries oh,
672Can my sides hold, to think that man who knowes
673By History, Report, or his owne proofe
676For assured bondage?
679It is a Recreation to be by
680And heare him mocke the Frenchman:
681But Heauen's know some men are much too blame.
682Imo. Not he I hope.
683Iach. Not he:
684But yet Heauen's bounty towards him, might
685Be vs'd more thankfully. In himselfe 'tis much;
686In you, which I account his beyond all Talents.
687Whil'st I am bound to wonder, I am bound
688To pitty too.
689Imo. What do you pitty Sir?
690Iach. Two Creatures heartyly.
691Imo. Am I one Sir?
692You looke on me: what wrack discerne you in me
693Deserues your pitty?
694Iach. Lamentable: what
695To hide me from the radiant Sun, and solace
697Imo. I pray you Sir,
699To my demands. Why do you pitty me?
700Iach. That others do,
701(I was about to say) enioy your--- but
702It is an office of the Gods to venge it,
703Not mine to speake on't.
705Something of me, or what concernes me; pray you
706Since doubting things go ill, often hurts more
707Then to be sure they do. For Certainties
708Either are past remedies; or timely knowing,
709The remedy then borne. Discouer to me
711Iach' Had I this cheeke
712To bathe my lips vpon: this hand, whose touch,
715Takes prisoner the wild motion of mine eye,
716Fiering it onely heere, should I (damn'd then)
The Tragedy of Cymbeline. 375
717Slauuer with lippes as common as the stayres
718That mount the Capitoll: Ioyne gripes, with hands
720With labour:) then by peeping in an eye
723That all the plagues of Hell should at one time
724Encounter such reuolt.
725Imo. My Lord, I feare
726Has forgot Brittaine.
728Inclin'd to this intelligence, pronounce
729The Beggery of his change: but 'tis your Graces'
731Charmes this report out.
732Imo. Let me heare no more.
734With pitty, that doth make me sicke. A Lady
735So faire, and fasten'd to an Emperie
736Would make the great'st King double, to be partner'd
737With Tomboyes hyr'd, with that selfe exhibition
739That play with all Infirmities for Gold,
742Or she that bore you, was no Queene, and you
743Recoyle from your great Stocke.
744Imo. Reueng'd:
745How should I be reueng'd? If this be true,
746(As I haue such a Heart, that both mine eares
748How should I be reueng'd?
749Iach. Should he make me
751Whiles he is vaulting variable Rampes
754More Noble then that runnagate to your bed,
759Imo. Away, I do condemne mine eares, that haue
760So long attended thee. If thou wert Honourable
761Thou would'st haue told this tale for Vertue, not
763Thou wrong'st a Gentleman, who is as farre
764From thy report, as thou from Honor: and
765Solicites heere a Lady, that disdaines
766Thee, and the Diuell alike. What hoa, Pisanio?
767The King my Father shall be made acquainted
769A sawcy Stranger in his Court, to Mart
770As in a Romish Stew, and to expound
771His beastly minde to vs; he hath a Court
772He little cares for, and a Daughter, who
775The credit that thy Lady hath of thee
778A Lady to the worthiest Sir, that euer
779Country call'd his; and you his Mistris, onely
782Were deeply rooted, and shall make your Lord,
783That which he is, new o're: And he is one
785That he enchants Societies into him:
786Halfe all men hearts are his.
787Imo. You make amends.
790More then a mortall seeming. Be not angrie
792To try your taking of a false report, which hath
793Honour'd with confirmation your great Iudgement,
795Which you know, cannot erre. The loue I beare him,
796Made me to fan you thus, but the Gods made you
798Imo. All's well Sir:
799Take my powre i'th' Court for yours.
802And yet of moment too, for it concernes:
803Your Lord, my selfe, and other Noble Friends
805Imo. Pray what is't?
806Iach. Some dozen Romanes of vs, and your Lord
808To buy a Present for the Emperor:
810In France: 'tis Plate of rare deuice, and Iewels
811Of rich, and exquisite forme, their valewes great,
814To take them in protection.
815Imo. Willingly:
817My Lord hath interest in them, I will keepe them
818In my Bed-chamber.
819Iach. They are in a Trunke
820Attended by my men: I will make bold
821To send them to you, onely for this night:
822I must aboord to morrow.
823Imo. O no, no.
825By length'ning my returne. From Gallia,
827To see your Grace.
828Imo. I thanke you for your paines:
829But not away to morrow.
832To greet your Lord with writing, doo't to night,
833I haue out-stood my time, which is materiall
835Imo. I will write:
837And truely yeelded you: you're very welcome. Exeunt.