Peer Reviewed
Cymbeline (Folio 1, 1623)
The Tragedie of Cymbeline. 385
1979Then Lady, Ladies, Woman, from euery one
1981Out-selles them all. I loue her therefore, but
1982Disdaining me, and throwing Fauours on
1984That what's else rare, is choak'd: and in that point
1985I will conclude to hate her, nay indeede,
1986To be reueng'd vpon her. For, when Fooles shall---
1987Enter Pisanio.
1988Who is heere? What, are you packing sirrah?
1989Come hither: Ah you precious Pandar, Villaine,
1990Where is thy Lady? In a word, or else
1991Thou art straightway with the Fiends.
1992Pis. Oh, good my Lord.
1993Clo. Where is thy Lady? Or, by Iupiter,
1994I will not aske againe. Close Villaine,
1995Ile haue this Secret from thy heart, or rip
1998A dram of worth be drawne.
1999Pis. Alas, my Lord,
2001He is in Rome.
2004What is become of her?
2005Pis. Oh, my all-worthy Lord.
2006Clo. All-worthy Villaine,
2008At the next word: no more of worthy Lord:
2010Thy condemnation, and thy death.
2011Pis. Then Sir:
2012This Paper is the historie of my knowledge
2013Touching her flight.
2017She's farre enough, and what he learnes by this,
2018May proue his trauell, not her danger.
2019Clo. Humh.
2022Clot. Sirra, is this Letter true?
2023Pis. Sir, as I thinke.
2028bid thee do to performe it, directly and truely, I would
2030my meanes for thy releefe, nor my voyce for thy prefer-
2032Pis. Well, my good Lord.
2036tude, but be a diligent follower of mine. Wilt thou serue
2038Pis. Sir, I will.
2042Suite he wore, when he tooke leaue of my Ladie & Mi-
2047Clo. Meet thee at Milford-Hauen: (I forgot to aske
2048him one thing, Ile remember't anon:) euen there, thou
2051of it, I now belch from my heart) that shee held the very
2053and naturall person; together with the adornement of
2054my Qualities. With that Suite vpon my backe wil I ra-
2056my valour, which wil then be a torment to hir contempt.
2058dead bodie, and when my Lust hath dined (which, as I
2060prais'd:) to the Court Ile knock her backe, foot her home
2061againe. She hath despis'd mee reioycingly, and Ile bee
2062merry in my Reuenge.
2063Enter Pisanio.
2064Be those the Garments?
2065Pis. I, my Noble Lord.
2068Clo. Bring this Apparrell to my Chamber, that is
2069the second thing that I haue commanded thee. The third
2070is, that thou wilt be a voluntarie Mute to my designe. Be
2072thee. My Reuenge is now at Milford, would I had wings
2073to follow it. Come, and be true. Exit
2075Were to proue false, which I will neuer bee
2076To him that is most true. To Milford go,
2080Scena Sexta.
2081Enter Imogen alone.
2083I haue tyr'd my selfe: and for two nights together
2085But that my resolution helpes me: Milford,
2087Thou was't within a kenne. Oh Ioue, I thinke
2089Where they should be releeu'd. Two Beggers told me,
2090I could not misse my way. Will poore Folkes lye
2092A punishment, or Triall? Yes; no wonder,
2095Is worse in Kings, then Beggers. My deere Lord,
2097My hunger's gone; but euen before, I was
2098At point to sinke, for Food. But what is this?
2100I were best not call; I dare not call: yet Famine
2101Ere cleane it o're-throw Nature, makes it valiant.
2102Plentie, and Peace breeds Cowards: Hardnesse euer
2103Of Hardinesse is Mother. Hoa? who's heere?