Not Peer Reviewed
Coriolanus (Folio 1, 1623)
2621Enter Coriolanus in meane Apparrell, Dis-
2622guisd, and muffled.
2623Corio. A goodly City is this Antium. Citty,
2624'Tis I that made thy Widdowes: Many an heyre
2626Haue I heard groane, and drop: Then know me not,
2629Enter a Citizen.
2630Cit. And you.
2632fidius lies: Is he in Antium?
2634house this night.
2636Cit. This heere before you.
2641Are still together: who Twin (as 'twere) in Loue,
2643On a dissention of a Doit, breake out
2646To take the one the other, by some chance,
2647Some tricke not worth an Egge, shall grow deere friends
2648And inter-ioyne their yssues. So with me,
2649My Birth-place haue I, and my loues vpon
2650This Enemie Towne: Ile enter, if he slay me
2651He does faire Iustice: if he giue me way,
2652Ile do his Country Seruice. Exit.