Not Peer Reviewed
Apollonius of Tyre
1166[Qualiter Appolinus, vxoris sue corpore in mare proiecto, Tyrum relinquens cursum suum versus Tharsim nauigio dolens arripuit.]
How Appolinus, having thrown his wife's body in the sea, abandoning Tyre, set his ship's course towards Tharsis, mourning.
1167 The Schip forth on the wawes wente;
1168The prince hath changed his entente,
1169And seith he wol noght come at Tyr
1170As thanne, bot al his desir
1171Is ferst to seilen unto Tharse.
1172The wyndy Storm began to skarse,
1173The Sonne arist, the weder cliereth,
1174The Schipman which behinde stiereth,
1175Whan that he sih the wyndes saghte,
1176Towardes Tharse his cours he straghte.