Not Peer Reviewed
Anthony and Cleopatra (Folio 1, 1623)
2752 Alarum afarre off, as at a Sea-fight.
2753Enter Anthony, and Scarrus.
2754Ant. Yet they are not ioyn'd:
2757Scar. Swallowes haue built
2758In Cleopatra's Sailes their nests. The Auguries
2759Say, they know not, they cannot tell, looke grimly,
2760And dare not speake their knowledge. Anthony,
2762His fretted Fortunes giue him hope and feare
2763Of what he has, and has not.
2764Enter Anthony.
2766This fowle Egyptian hath betrayed me:
2767My Fleete hath yeelded to the Foe, and yonder
2769Like Friends long lost. Triple-turn'd Whore, 'tis thou
2771Makes onely Warres on thee. Bid them all flye:
2772For when I am reueng'd vpon my Charme,
2773I haue done all. Bid them all flye, be gone.
2775Fortune, and Anthony part heere, euen heere
2776Do we shake hands? All come to this? The hearts
2777That pannelled me at heeles, to whom I gaue
2780That ouer-top'd them all. Betray'd I am.
2781Oh this false Soule of Egypt! this graue Charme,
2782Whose eye beck'd forth my Wars, & cal'd them home:
2785Beguil'd me, to the very heart of losse.
2786What Eros, Eros?
2787Enter Cleopatra.
2788Ah, thou Spell! Auaunt.
2795For poor'st Diminitiues, for Dolts, and let
2797With her prepared nailes. exit Cleopatra.
2798'Tis well th'art gone,
2799If it be well to liue. But better 'twere
2800Thou fell'st into my furie, for one death
2801Might haue preuented many. Eros, hoa?
2803Alcides, thou mine Ancestor, thy rage.
2804Let me lodge Licas on the hornes o'th'Moone,
2808Vnder this plot: She dyes for't. Eros hoa? exit.