Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Randall Martin
Not Peer Reviewed

Anthony and Cleopatra (Folio 1, 1623)

Enter Ventidius as it were in triumph, the dead body of Paco-
1495rus borne before him.
Ven. Now darting Parthya art thou stroke, and now
Pleas'd Fortune does of Marcus Crassus death
Make me reuenger. Beare the Kings Sonnes body,
Before our Army, thy Pacorus Orades,
1500Paies this for Marcus Crassus.
Romaine. Noble Ventidius,
Whil'st yet with Parthian blood thy Sword is warme,
The Fugitiue Parthians follow. Spurre through Media,
Mesapotamia, and the shelters, whether
1505The routed flie. So thy grand Captaine Anthony
Shall set thee on triumphant Chariots, and
Put Garlands on thy head.
Ven. Oh Sillius, Sillius,
I haue done enough. A lower place note well
1510May make too great an act. For learne this Sillius,
Better to leaue vndone, then by our deed
Acquire too high a Fame, when him we serues away.
Caesar and Anthony, haue euer wonne
More in their officer, then person. Sossius
1515One of my place in Syria, his Lieutenant,
For quicke accumulation of renowne,
Which he atchiu'd by'th'minute, lost his fauour.
Who does i'th'Warres more then his Captaine can,
Becomes his Captaines Captaine: and Ambition
1520(The Souldiers vertue) rather makes choise of losse
Then gaine, which darkens him.
I could do more to do Anthonius good,
But 'twould offend him. And in his offence,
352The Tragedie of
Should my performance perish.
1525Rom. Thou hast Ventidius that, without the which a
Souldier and his Sword graunts scarce distinction: thou
wilt write to Anthony.
Ven. Ile humbly signifie what in his name,
That magicall word of Warre we haue effected,
1530How with his Banners, and his well paid ranks,
The nere-yet beaten Horse of Parthia,
We haue iaded out o'th'Field.
Rom. Where is he now?
Ven. He purposeth to Athens, whither with what hast
1535The waight we must conuay with's, will permit:
We shall appeare before him. On there, passe along.