Not Peer Reviewed
Anthony and Cleopatra (Folio 1, 1623)
1494 Enter Ventidius as it were in triumph, the dead body of Paco-
1495rus borne before him.
1498Make me reuenger. Beare the Kings Sonnes body,
1499Before our Army, thy Pacorus Orades,
1502Whil'st yet with Parthian blood thy Sword is warme,
1503The Fugitiue Parthians follow. Spurre through Media,
1505The routed flie. So thy grand Captaine Anthony
1506Shall set thee on triumphant Chariots, and
1507Put Garlands on thy head.
1509I haue done enough. A lower place note well
1511Better to leaue vndone, then by our deed
1512Acquire too high a Fame, when him we serues away.
1515One of my place in Syria, his Lieutenant,
1516For quicke accumulation of renowne,
1517Which he atchiu'd by'th'minute, lost his fauour.
1518Who does i'th'Warres more then his Captaine can,
1519Becomes his Captaines Captaine: and Ambition
1521Then gaine, which darkens him.
1522I could do more to do Anthonius good,
352The Tragedie of
1524Should my performance perish.
1527wilt write to Anthony.
1530How with his Banners, and his well paid ranks,
1531The nere-yet beaten Horse of Parthia,
1532We haue iaded out o'th'Field.
1533Rom. Where is he now?
1535The waight we must conuay with's, will permit:
1537 Exeunt.