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Anthony and Cleopatra (Folio 1, 1623)
1175 Flourish. Enter Pompey, at one doore with Drum and Trum-
1176 pet: at another Caesar, Lepidus, Anthony, Enobarbus, Me-
1177 cenas, Agrippa, Menas with Souldiers Marching.
1181And therefore haue we
1185And carry backe to Cicelie much tall youth,
1187Pom. To you all three,
1188The Senators alone of this great world,
1189Chiefe Factors for the Gods. I do not know,
1190Wherefore my Father should reuengers want,
1193There saw you labouring for him. What was't
1196With the arm'd rest, Courtiers of beautious freedome,
1197To drench the Capitoll, but that they would
1198Haue one man but a man, and that his it
1199Hath made me rigge my Nauie. At whose burthen,
1200The anger'd Ocean fomes, with which I meant
1202Cast on my Noble Father.
1203Caesar. Take your time.
1206How much we do o're-count thee.
1207Pom. At Land indeed
1210Remaine in't as thou maist.
1211Lepi. Be pleas'd to tell vs,
1212(For this is from the present how you take)
1214Caesar. There's the point.
1215Ant. Which do not be entreated too,
1216But waigh what it is worth imbrac'd
1217Caesar. And what may follow to try a larger Fortune.
1219Of Cicelie, Sardinia: and I must
1220Rid all the Sea of Pirats. Then, to send
1221Measures of Wheate to Rome: this greed vpon,
1222To part with vnhackt edges, and beare backe
1223Our Targes vndinted.
1225Pom. Know then I came before you heere,
1226A man prepar'd
1227To take this offer. But Marke Anthony,
1231Your Mother came to Cicelie, and did finde
1232Her welcome Friendly.
1233Ant. I haue heard it Pompey,
1234And am well studied for a liberall thanks,
1235Which I do owe you.
1236Pom. Let me haue your hand:
1237I did not thinke Sir, to haue met you heere,
1239That cal'd me timelier then my purpose hither:
1240For I haue gained by't.
1242Pom. Well, I know not,
1245To make my heart her vassaile.
1246Lep. Well met heere.
1248I craue our composion may be written
1249And seal'd betweene vs,
1250Caesar. That's the next to do.
1252Draw lots who shall begin.
1253Ant. That will I Pompey.
1257Anth. You haue heard much.
1258Pom. I haue faire meaning Sir.
1259Ant. And faire words to them.
1261And I haue heard Appolodorus carried---
1263Pom. What I pray you?
1266Eno. Well, and well am like to do, for I perceiue
350The Tragedie of
1267Foure Feasts are toward.
1270When I haue enuied thy behauiour.
1271Enob. Sir, I neuer lou'd you much, but I ha'prais'd ye,
1272When you haue well deseru'd ten times as much,
1273As I haue said you did.
1275It nothing ill becomes thee:
1276Aboord my Gally, I inuite you all.
1277Will you leade Lords?
1280Men. Thy Father Pompey would ne're haue made this
1281Treaty. You, and I haue knowne sir.
1282Enob. At Sea, I thinke.
1283Men. We haue Sir.
1284Enob. You haue done well by water.
1285Men. And you by Land.
1287it cannot be denied what I haue done by Land.
1288Men. Nor what I haue done by water.
1290safety: you haue bin a great Theefe by Sea.
1291Men. And you by Land.
1293your hand Menas, if our eyes had authority, heere they
1294might take two Theeues kissing.
1297Enob. But there is neuer a fayre Woman, ha's a true
1302ing. Pompey doth this day laugh away his Fortune.
1305thony heere, pray you, is he married to Cleopatra?
1310Enob. 'Tis true.
1312Enob. If I were bound to Diuine of this vnity, I wold
1315in the Marriage, then the loue of the parties.
1327his occasion heere.
1328Men. And thus it may be. Come Sir, will you aboord?
1329I haue a health for you.