Not Peer Reviewed
Anthony and Cleopatra (Folio 1, 1623)
614Enter Pompey, Menecrates, and Menas, in
615warlike manner.
619lay, they not deny.
621the thing we sue for.
623Begge often our owne harmes, which the wise Powres
625By loosing of our Prayers.
627The people loue me, and the Sea is mine;
628My powers are Cressent, and my Auguring hope
629Sayes it will come to'th'full. Marke Anthony
630In Egypt sits at dinner, and will make
633Of both is flatter'd: but he neither loues,
634Nor either cares for him.
636A mighty strength they carry.
639Pom He dreames: I know they are in Rome together
640Looking for Anthony: but all the charmes of Loue,
641Salt Cleopatra soften thy wand lip,
642Let Witchcraft ioyne with Beauty, Lust with both,
644Keepe his Braine fuming. Epicurean Cookes,
646That sleepe and feeding may prorogue his Honour,
647Euen till a Lethied dulnesse---
648Enter Varrius.
649How now Varrius?
651Marke Anthony is euery houre in Rome
652Expected. Since he went from Egypt, 'tis
653A space for farther Trauaile.
655A better eare. Menas, I did not thinke
656This amorous Surfetter would haue donn'd his Helme
658Is twice the other twaine: But let vs reare
659The higher our Opinion, that our stirring
660Can from the lap of Egypts Widdow, plucke
661The neere Lust-wearied Anthony.
662Mene. I cannot hope,
665His Brother wan'd vpon him, although I thinke
666Not mou'd by Anthony.
668How lesser Enmities may giue way to greater,
671For they haue entertained cause enough
672To draw their swords: but how the feare of vs
673May Ciment their diuisions, and binde vp
674The petty difference, we yet not know:
675Bee't as our Gods will haue't; it onely stands
677Come Menas. Exeunt.