Not Peer Reviewed
Anthony and Cleopatra (Folio 1, 1623)
Anthony and Cleopatra. 355
1922We then can doo't at Land. Enter a Messenger.
1928Our nineteene Legions thou shalt hold by Land,
1930Away my Thetis.
1931Enter a Soldiour.
1932How now worthy Souldier?
1935This Sword, and these my Wounds; let th'Egyptians
1936And the Phoenicians go a ducking: wee
1937Haue vs'd to conquer standing on the earth,
1938And fighting foot to foot.
1940Soul. By Hercules I thinke I am i'th' right.
1942Not in the power on't: so our Leaders leade,
1943And we are Womens men.
1945whole, do you not?
1947Publicola, and Celius, are for Sea:
1949Carries beyond beleefe.
1950Soul. While he was yet in Rome,
1952As beguilde all Spies.
1953Cam. Who's his Lieutenant, heare you?
1955Cam. Well, I know the man.
1956Enter a Messenger.
1958Cam. With Newes the times with Labour,
1960Enter Caesar with his Army, marching.
1962Tow. My Lord.
1963Caes. Strike not by Land,
1964Keepe whole, prouoke not Battaile
1965Till we haue done at Sea. Do not exceede
1966The Prescript of this Scroule: Our fortune lyes
1967Vpon this iumpe. exit.
1968Enter Anthony, and Enobarbus.
1971We may the number of the Ships behold,
1973 Camidius Marcheth with his Land Army one way ouer the
1974stage, and Towrus the Lieutenant of Caesar the other way:
1975After their going in, is heard the noise of a Sea-fight.
1976Alarum. Enter Enobarbus and Scarus.
1978Thantoniad, the Egyptian Admirall,
1981Enter Scarrus.
1985With very ignorance, we haue kist away
1986Kingdomes, and Prouinces.
1987Eno. How appeares the Fight?
1989Where death is sure. Yon ribaudred Nagge of Egypt,
1991When vantage like a payre of Twinnes appear'd
1992Both as the same, or rather ours the elder;
1993(The Breeze vpon her) like a Cow in Inne,
1995Eno. That I beheld:
1997Indure a further view.
1998Scar. She once being looft,
1999The Noble ruine of her Magicke, Anthony,
2000Claps on his Sea-wing, and (like a doting Mallard)
2001Leauing the Fight in heighth, flyes after her:
2003Experience, Man-hood, Honor, ne're before,
2005Enob. Alacke, alacke.
2006Enter Camidius.
2007Cam. Our Fortune on the Sea is out of breath,
2009Bin what he knew himselfe, it had gone well:
2010Oh his ha's giuen example for our flight,
2012Enob. I, are you thereabouts? Why then goodnight
2016And there I will attend what further comes.
2019Shew me the way of yeelding.
2020Eno. Ile yet follow
2021The wounded chance of Anthony, though my reason
2022Sits in the winde against me.
2023Enter Anthony with Attendants.
2024Ant. Hearke, the Land bids me tread no more vpon't,
2025It is asham'd to beare me. Friends, come hither,
2026I am so lated in the world, that I
2028Laden with Gold, take that, diuide it: flye,
2030Omnes. Fly? Not wee.
2034Which has no neede of you. Be gone,
2035My Treasure's in the Harbour. Take it: Oh,
2036I follow'd that I blush to looke vpon,
2037My very haires do mutiny: for the white
2039For feare, and doting. Friends be gone, you shall
2040Haue Letters from me to some Friends, that will
2041Sweepe your way for you. Pray you looke not sad,
2042Nor make replyes of loathnesse, take the hint
2043Which my dispaire proclaimes. Let them be left
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