Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Gretchen Minton
Not Peer Reviewed

Much Ado About Nothing (Quarto 1, 1600)

Much adoe
Enter Claudio, Prince, and three or foure with tapers.
Claudio Is this the monument of Leonato?
Lord It is my Lord. Epitaph.
Done to death by slauderous tongues,
2525Was the Hero that heere lies:
Death in guerdon of her wronges,
Giues her fame which neuer dies:
So the life that dyed with shame,
Liues in death with glorious fame.
2530 Hang thou there vpon the toomb,
Praising hir when I am dead.
Claudio Now musick sound & sing your solemne hymne.
Song Pardon goddesse of the night,
2535Those that slew thy virgin knight,
For the which with songs of woe,
Round about her tombe they goe:
Midnight assist our mone, help vs to sigh & grone.
Heauily heauily.
2540Graues yawne and yeeld your dead,
Till death be vttered,
Heauily heauily.
Lo. Now vnto thy bones good night, yeerely will I do this (right.
Prince Good morrow maisters, put your torches out,
2545The wolues haue preied, and looke, the gentle day
Before the wheeles of Phoebus, round about
Dapples the drowsie East with spots of grey:
Thanks to you al, and leaue vs, fare you well.
Claudio Good morrow masters, each his seuerall way.
2550Prince Come let vs hence, and put on other weedes,
And then to Leonatoes we will goe.
Claudio And Hymen now with luckier issue speeds,
Then this for whom we rendred vp this woe. exeunt.
Enter Leonato, Benedick, Margaret Vrsula, old man, Frier, Hero.
2555Frier Did I not tell you shee was innocent?
Leo. So are the Prince and Claudio who accusd her,
Vpon the errour that you heard debated:
But Margaret was in some fault for this,
Although against her will as it appeares,