Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Gretchen Minton
Not Peer Reviewed

Much Ado About Nothing (Quarto 1, 1600)

about Nothing.
brought into the orchard, and saw me court Margaret in He-
roes garments, how you disgracde hir when you should marry
hir: my villany they haue vpon record, which I had rather seale
with my death, then repeate ouer to my shame: the lady is dead
vpon mine and my masters false accusation: and briefely, I de-
sire nothing but the reward of a villaine.
Prince Runnes not this speech like yron through your
Claud. I haue dronke poison whiles he vtterd it.
Prince But did my brother set thee on to this?
2330Bor. Yea, and paid me richly for the practise of it.
Prince He is composde and framde of treacherie,
And fled he is vpon this villanie.
Clau. Sweet Hero, now thy image doth appeare
In the rare semblance that I lou'd it first.
2335Const. Come, bring away the plaintiffes, by this time our
sexton hath reformed Signior Leonato of the matter: and ma-
sters, do not forget to specifie when time and place shal serue,
that I am an asse.
Con. 2 Here, here comes master Signior Leonato, and the
2340sexton too.
Enter Leonato, his brother, and the Sexton.
Leonato Which is the villaine? let me see his eies,
That when I note another man like him,
I may auoide him: which of these is he?
2345Bor. If you would know your wronger, looke on me.
Leonato Art thou the slaue that with thy breath hast killd
Mine innocent child?
Bor. Yea, euen I alone.
Leo. No, not so villaine, thou beliest thy selfe,
2350Here stand a paire of honourable men,
A third is fled that had a hand in it:
I thanke you Princes for my daughters death,
Record it with your high and worthy deeds,
Twas brauely done, if you bethinke you of it.
2355Clau. I know not how to pray your pacience,
Yet I must speake, choose your reuenge your selfe,