Much adoe
22802173Claudio In mo
st profound earne
st, and ile warrant you, for
22822175Prince And hath challengde thee.
22842177Prince What a pretty thing man is, when he goes in his
22852178dublet and ho
se, and leaues o
ff his wit!
22862179 Enter Constables, Conrade, and Borachio. 22872180Claudio He is then a Giant to an Ape, but then is an Ape a
22892182Prince But
soft you, let me be, plucke vp my heart, and be
22902183sad, did he not
say my brother was
22912184Const. Come you
sir, if iu
stice cannot tame you,
22922185nere weigh more rea
sons in her ballance, nay, and you be a
sing hypocrite once, you mu
st be lookt to.
22942187Prince How now, two of my brothers men bound? Bora
- 22962189Claudio Hearken after their o
ffence my Lord.
22972190Prince O
fficers, what o
ffence haue the
se men done?
22982191Const. Mary
sir, they haue committed fal
se report, moreo
- 22992192uer they haue
spoken vntruths,
secondarily they are
23002193sixt and la
stly, they haue belyed a Lady, thirdly they haue ve
- 23012194re
fied vniu
st thinges, and to conclude, they are lying knaues.
23032195Prince. Fir
st I aske thee what they haue done, thirdly I
23042196ask thee whats their o
sixt and la
stly why they are com
- 23052197mitted, and to conclude, what you lay to their charge.
23072198Claud. Rightly rea
soned, and in his owne diui
sion, and by
23082199my troth theres one meaning wel
23092200Prince Who haue you o
ffended mai
sters, that you are thus
23102201bound to your an
swere? this learned Con
stable is too cunning
23112202to be vnder
stood, whats your o
23122203Bor. Sweete prince, let me goe no farther to mine an
23132204do you heare me, and let this Counte kill me: I haue deceiued
23142205euen your very eyes: what your wi
sedoms could not di
shallowe fooles haue broght to light, who in the night o
- 23162207uerheard me confe
ssing to this man, how Don Iohn your bro
- 23172208ther incen
sed me to
slaunder the Lady Hero, howe you were