Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Gretchen Minton
Not Peer Reviewed

Much Ado About Nothing (Quarto 1, 1600)

Much adoe
825rance, and al the preparation ouerthrowne.
Iohn Grow this to what aduerse issue it can, I will put it in
practise: be cunning in the working this, and thy fee is a thou-
sand ducates.
830Bor. Be you constant in the accusation, and my cunning
shall not shame me.
Iohn I will presently go learne their day of marriage. exit

Enter Benedicke alone.
835Bene. Boy.
Boy Signior.
Bene. In my chamber window lies a booke, bring it hither
to me in the orchard.
Boy. I am here already sir. exit.
840Bene. I know that, but I would haue thee hence and here a-
gaine. I do much wonder, that one man seeing how much an
other man is a foole, when he dedicates his behauiours to loue,
wil after he hath laught at such shallow follies in others, becom
the argument of his owne scorne, by falling in loue, and such a
845man is Claudio, I haue knowne when there was no musique
with him but the drumme and the fife, and now had he rather
heare the taber and the pipe: I haue knowne when he would
haue walkt ten mile afoot, to see a good armour, and now wil
850he lie ten nights awake caruing the fashion of a new dublet: he
was woont to speake plaine, and to the purpose (like an honest
man and a souldier) and now is he turnd ortography, his words
are a very fantasticall banquet, iust so many strange dishes:
may I be so conuerted and see with these eies? I cannot tell, I
855thinke not: I wil not be sworne but loue may transforme me to
an oyster, but ile take my oath on it, till he haue made and oy-
ster of me, he shall neuer make me such a foole: one woman is
faire, yet I am well, an other is wise, yet I am well: an other
vertuous, yet I am wel: but till all graces be in one woman, one
womã shal not com in my grace: rich she shal be thats certain,
wise, or ile none, vertuous, or ile neuer cheapen her: faire, or ile
neuer looke on her, mild, or come not neare me, noble, or not I
for an angell, of good discourse, an excellent musitian, and her