Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Gretchen Minton
Not Peer Reviewed

Much Ado About Nothing (Quarto 1, 1600)

about Nothing.
315And strong incounter of my amorous tale:
Then after, to her father will I breake,
And the conclusion is, she shal be thine,
In practise let vs put it presently.
Enter Leonato and an old man brother to Leonato
320Leo. How now brother, where is my cosen your sonne, hath
he prouided this musique?
Old He is very busie about it, but brother, I can tell you
strange newes that you yet dreampt not of.
Leo. Are they good?
325Old As the euents stampes them, but they haue a good co-
uer: they shew well outward, the prince and Count Claudio
walking in a thicke pleached alley in mine orchard, were thus
much ouer-heard by a man of mine: the prince discouered to
Claudio that he loued my niece your daughter, and meant to
330acknowledge it this night in a daunce, and if he found her ac-
cordant, he meant to take the present time by the top, and in-
stantly breake with you of it.
Leo Hath the fellow any wit that told you this?
335Old A good sharp fellow, I wil send for him, and question
him your selfe.
Leo. No, no, we wil hold it as a dreame til it appeare itself:
but I will acquaint my daughter withall, that she may bee the
better prepared for an answer, if peraduenture this be true: go
340you and tel hir of it: coosins, you know what you haue to doe,
O I crie you mercie friend, go you with me and I wil vse your
shill: good cosin haue a care this busie time. exeunt.
Enter sir Iohn the bastard, and Conrade his companion.
345Con. What the goodyeere my lord, why are you thus out of
measure sad?
Iohn There is no measure in the occasion that breeds, ther-
fore the sadnesse is without limit.
Con. You should heare reason.
350Iohn And when I haue heard it, what blessing brings it?
Con If not a present remedy, at least a patient sufferance.
Iohn I wonder that thou (being as thou saist, thou art, borne
vnder Saturne) goest about to apply a morall medicine, to a
B2 mor-