Peer Reviewed
As You Like It (Modern)
How say you now? Is it not past two o'clock? 2149And here much Orlando!
I warrant you, with pure love and troubled brain
2151Enter Silvius [with a letter].
[To Rosalind]
My errand is to you, fair youth.
[He gives the letter.]
[Examining the letter]
Patience herself would startle at this letter
No, I protest, I know not the contents.
Come, come, you are a fool,
Sure it is hers.
Why, 'tis a boisterous and a cruel style,
So please you, for I never heard it yet;
She Phoebes me. Mark how the tyrant writes.
Call you this railing?
Call you this chiding?
Alas, poor shepherd!
Do you pity him? No, he deserves no pity. 2216Wilt thou love such a woman? What, to make thee an instrument, 2217and play false strains upon thee! Not to be endured! 2218Well, go your way to her, for I see love hath 2219made thee a tame snake, and say this to her: that if she 2220love me, I charge her to love thee; if she will not, I will 2221never have her unless thou entreat for her. If you be a 2222true lover, hence, and not a word; for here comes more 2223company.
Exit Silvius.
2224Enter Oliver.
Good morrow, fair ones. Pray you, if you know,
West of this place, down in the neighbor bottom,
If that an eye may profit by a tongue,
It is no boast, being asked, to say we are.
Orlando doth commend him to you both,
[He produces a bloody handkerchief.]
I am. What must we understand by this?
Some of my shame, if you will know of me
I pray you, tell it.
When last the young Orlando parted from you,
Oh, I have heard him speak of that same brother,
And well he might so do,
But to Orlando: did he leave him there,
Twice did he turn his back, and purposed so;
Are you his brother?
Was't you he rescued?
Was't you that did so oft contrive to kill him?
'Twas I; but 'tis not I. I do not shame
But for the bloody napkin?
By and by.
[Rosalind swoons.]
Why, how now, Ganymede, sweet Ganymede!
Many will swoon when they do look on blood.
There is more in it. -- Cousin Ganymede!
Look, he recovers.
I would I were at home.
We'll lead you thither. --
[They help Rosalind up.]
Be of good cheer, youth. You a man? 2319You lack a man's heart.
I do so, I confess it. 2321Ah, sirrah, a body would think this was well counterfeited. 2322I pray you tell your brother how well I counterfeited. 2323Heigh-ho!
This was not counterfeit. There is too great testimony 2325in your complexion that it was a passion of earnest.2326
Counterfeit, I assure you.
Well then, take a good heart and counterfeit to 2329be a man.
So I do; but, i'faith, I should have been a 2331woman by right.
Come, you look paler and paler. Pray you, draw 2333homewards. -- Good sir, go with us.
That will I, for I must bear answer back
2335How you excuse my brother, Rosalind.
I shall devise something. But, I pray you, commend 2337my counterfeiting to him. Will you go?