Peer Reviewed
As You Like It (Modern)
Never talk to me. I will weep.
Do, I prithee, but yet have the grace to consider 1712that tears do not become a man.
But have I not cause to weep?
As good cause as one would desire; 1715therefore weep.
His very hair 1717is of the dissembling color.
Something browner than Judas's. 1719Marry, his kisses are Judas's own children.
I'faith, his hair is of a good color.
An excellent color. 1722Your chestnut was ever the only color.
And his kissing is as full of sanctity 1724as the touch of holy bread.
He hath bought a pair of cast lips of Diana. A 1726nun of winter's sisterhood kisses not more religiously; 1727the very ice of chastity is in them.
But why did he swear he would come this 1729morning, and comes not?
Nay, certainly, there is no truth in him.
Do you think so?
Yes. I think he is not a pickpurse nor a horse-stealer, 1733but for his verity in love, I do think him as 1734concave as a covered goblet or a worm-eaten nut.
Not true in love?
Yes, when he is in, but I think he is not in.
You have heard him swear downright he was.
"Was" is not "is." Besides, the oath of a lover is no 1739stronger than the word of a tapster; they are both the 1740confirmer of false reckonings. He attends here in the forest 1741on the Duke, your father.
I met the Duke yesterday, and had much question 1743with him. He asked me of what parentage I was. I 1744told him, of as good as he; so he laughed and let me go. 1745But what talk we of fathers, when there is such a man 1746as Orlando?
Oh, that's a brave man! He writes brave verses, 1748speaks brave words, swears brave oaths, and breaks 1749them bravely, quite traverse, athwart the heart of his lover, 1750as a puny tilter, that spurs his horse but on one side, 1751breaks his staff like a noble goose. But all's brave that 1752youth mounts and folly guides. Who comes here?
1753Enter Corin.
Mistress and master, you have oft inquired
Well, and what of him?
If you will see a pageant truly played
Oh, come, let us remove!