Peer Reviewed
As You Like It (Folio 1, 1623)
2778Lord the Prologue. If it be true, that good wine needs
2779no bush, 'tis true, that a good play needes no Epilogue.
2781playes proue the better by the helpe of good Epilogues:
2783logue, nor cannot insinuate with you in the behalfe of a
2784good play? I am not furnish'd like a Begger, therefore
2785to begge will not become mee. My way is to coniure
2786you, and Ile begin with the Women. I charge you (O
2787women) for the loue you beare to men, to like as much
2788of this Play, as please you: And I charge you (O men)
2789for the loue you beare to women (as I perceiue by your
2790simpring, none of you hates them) that betweene you,
2792man, I would kisse as many of you as had beards that
2793pleas'd me, complexions that lik'd me, and breaths that
2795beards, or good faces, or sweet breaths, will for my kind