Peer Reviewed
As You Like It (Folio 1, 1623)
2339Actus Quintus. Scena Prima.
2340Enter Clowne and Awdrie.
2342tle Awdrie.
2344olde gentlemans saying.
2346Mar-text. But Awdrie, there is a youth heere in the
2347Forrest layes claime to you.
2349in the world: here comes the man you meane.
2350Enter William.
2352my troth, we that haue good wits, haue much to answer
2354Will. Good eu'n Audrey.
2355Aud. God ye good eu'n William.
2356Will. And good eu'n to you Sir.
2357Clo. Good eu'n gentle friend. Couer thy head, couer
2358thy head: Nay prethee bee eouer'd. How olde are you
2360Will. Fiue and twentie Sir.
2361Clo. A ripe age: Is thy name William?
2366Art rich?
2370Art thou wise?
2375pher, when he had a desire to eate a Grape, would open
2376his lips when he put it into his mouth, meaning there-
2377by, that Grapes were made to eate, and lippes to open.
2378You do loue this maid?
2380Clo. Giue me your hand: Art thou Learned?
2382Clo. Then learne this of me, To haue, is to haue. For
2383it is a figure in Rhetoricke, that drink being powr'd out
2386now you are not ipse, for I am he.
2389you Clowne, abandon: which is in the vulgar, leaue the
2391male: which in the common, is woman: which toge-
2392ther, is, abandon the society of this Female, or Clowne
2395to death, thy libertie into bondage: I will deale in poy-
2397with thee in faction, I will ore-run thee with police: I
2399ble and depart.
2400Aud. Do good William.
2402Enter Corin.
2404way, away.
2405Clo. Trip Audry, trip Audry, I attend,
2406I attend. Exeunt