Author: William ShakespeareEditor: David BevingtonPeer Reviewed
As You Like It (Folio 1, 1623)
2126Enter Iaques and Lords, Forresters. 2127Iaq. Which is he that killed the Deare?
2129Iaq. Let's pre
sent him to the Duke like a Romane
2130Conquerour, and it would doe well to
set the Deares
2131horns vpon his head, for a branch of vi
ctory; haue you
song Forre
ster for this purpo
2134Iaq. Sing it: 'tis no matter how it bee in tune,
so it
2137What shall he haue that kild the Deare?
2138His Leather skin, and hornes to weare: 2139Then sing him home, the rest shall beare this burthen;
2140Take thou no scorne to weare the horne,
2141It was a crest ere thou wast borne,
2142Thy fathers father wore it,
2143And thy father bore it,
2144The horne, the horne, the lusty horne,
2145Is not a thing to laugh to scorne.