Peer Reviewed
As You Like It (Folio 1, 1623)
1179Actus Tertius. Scena Prima,
1180Enter Duke, Lords, & Oliuer.
1182But were I not the better part made mercie,
1184Of my reuenge, thou present: but looke to it,
1185Finde out thy brother wheresoere he is,
1186Seeke him with Candle: bring him dead, or liuing
1187Within this tweluemonth, or turne thou no more
1188To seeke a liuing in our Territorie.
1189Thy Lands and all things that thou dost call thine,
1191Till thou canst quit thee by thy brothers mouth,
1192Of what we thinke against thee.
1194I neuer lou'd my brother in my life.
1197Make an extent vpon his house and Lands:
1198Do this expediently, and turne him going. Exeunt