Peer Reviewed
As You Like It (Folio 1, 1623)
As you like it.
854Cor. And to you gentle Sir, and to you all.
855Ros. I prethee Shepheard, if that loue or gold
856Can in this desert place buy entertainment,
858Here's a yong maid with trauaile much oppressed,
859And faints for succour.
860Cor. Faire Sir, I pittie her,
862My fortunes were more able to releeue her:
863But I am shepheard to another man,
864And do not sheere the Fleeces that I graze:
866And little wreakes to finde the way to heauen
867By doing deeds of hospitalitie.
868Besides his Coate, his Flockes, and bounds of feede
871That you will feed on: but what is, come see,
876That little cares for buying any thing.
879And thou shalt haue to pay for it of vs.
880Cel. And we will mend thy wages:
881I like this place, and willingly could
882Waste my time in it.
884Go with me, if you like vpon report,
886I will your very faithfull Feeder be,
888Scena Quinta.
889 Enter, Amyens, Iaques, & others.
891Vnder the greene wood tree,
892 who loues to lye with mee,
893And tnrne his merrie Note,
895Come hither, come hither, come hither:
897But Winter and rough Weather.
898Iaq. More, more, I pre'thee more.
900Iaq. I thanke it: More, I prethee more,
902As a Weazel suckes egges: More, I pre'thee more.
909Iaq. Nay, I care not for their names, they owe mee
910nothing. Wil you sing?
912Iaq. Well then, if euer I thanke any man, Ile thanke
913you: but that they cal complement is like th'encounter
914of two dog-Apes. And when a man thankes me hartily,
915me thinkes I haue giuen him a penie, and he renders me
916the beggerly thankes. Come sing; and you that wil not
917hold your tongues.
919the Duke wil drinke vnder this tree; he hath bin all this
920day to looke you.
921Iaq. And I haue bin all this day to auoid him:
922He is too disputeable for my companie:
923I thinke of as many matters as he, but I giue
924Heauen thankes, and make no boast of them.
925Come, warble, come.
927Who doth ambition shunne,
928 and loues to liue i'th Sunne:
929Seeking the food he eates,
930 and pleas'd with what he gets:
931Come hither, come hither, come hither,
936Amy. Thus it goes.
943Amy. What's that Ducdame?
948His banket is prepar'd. Exeunt
949Scena Sexta.
950Enter Orlando, & Adam.
952O I die for food. Heere lie I downe,
954Orl. Why how now Adam? No greater heart in thee:
955Liue a little, comfort a little, cheere thy selfe a little.
957I wil either be food for it, or bring it for foode to thee:
958Thy conceite is neerer death, then thy powers.
959For my sake be comfortable, hold death a while
960At the armes end: I wil heere be with thee presently,
961And if I bring thee not something to eate,
962I wil giue thee leaue to die: but if thou diest
963Before I come, thou art a mocker of my labor.
965And Ile be with thee quickly: yet thou liest
966In the bleake aire. Come, I wil beare thee
968For lacke of a dinner,
969If there liue any thing in this Desert.
970Cheerely good Adam. Exeunt