Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: David Bevington
Peer Reviewed

As You Like It (Folio 1, 1623)

As you like it.
2475to set her before your eyes to morrow, humane as she is,
and without any danger.
Orl. Speak'st thou in sober meanings?
Ros. By my life I do, which I tender deerly, though
I say I am a Magitian: Therefore put you in your best a-
2480ray, bid your friends: for if you will be married to mor-
row, you shall: and to Rosalind if you will.
Enter Siluius & Phebe.
Looke, here comes a Louer of mine, and a louer of hers.
Phe. Youth, you haue done me much vngentlenesse,
2485To shew the letter that I writ to you.
Ros. I care not if I haue: it is my studie
To seeme despightfull and vngentle to you:
you are there followed by a faithful shepheard,
Looke vpon him, loue him: he worships you.
2490Phe. Good shepheard, tell this youth what 'tis to loue
Sil. It is to be all made of sighes and teares,
And so am I for Phebe.
Phe. And I for Ganimed.
Orl. And I for Rosalind.
2495Ros. And I for no woman.
Sil. It is to be all made of faith and seruice,
And so am I for Phebe.
Phe. And I for Ganimed.
Orl. And I for Rosalind.
2500Ros. And I for no woman.
Sil. It is to be all made of fantasie,
All made of passion, and all made of wishes,
All adoration, dutie, and obseruance,
All humblenesse, all patience, and impatience,
2505All puritie, all triall, all obseruance:
And so am I for Phebe.
Phe. And so am I for Ganimed.
Orl. And so am I for Rosalind.
Ros. And so am I for no woman.
2510Phe. If this be so, why blame you me to loue you?
Sil. If this be so, why blame you me to loue you?
Orl. If this be so, why blame you me to loue you?
Ros. Why do you speake too, Why blame you mee
to loue you.
2515Orl. To her, that is not heere, nor doth not heare.
Ros. Pray you no more of this, 'tis like the howling
of Irish Wolues against the Moone : I will helpe you
if I can : I would loue you if I could : To morrow meet
me altogether : I wil marrie you, if euer I marrie Wo-
2520man, and Ile be married to morrow : I will satisfie you,
if euer I satisfi'd man, and you shall bee married to mor-
row. I wil content you, if what pleases you contents
you, and you shal be married to morrow : As you loue
Rosalind meet, as you loue Phebe meet, and as I loue no
2525woman, Ile meet : so fare you wel: I haue left you com-
Sil. Ile not faile, if I liue.
Phe. Nor I.
Orl. Nor I. Exeunt.

2530Scœna Tertia.

Enter Clowne and Audrey.
Clo. To morrow is the ioyfull day Audrey, to morow
will we be married.
Aud. I do desire it with all my heart: and I hope it is
2535no dishonest desire, to desire to be a woman of y^e world?
Heere come two of the banish'd Dukes Pages.
Enter two Pages.
1. Pa. Wel met honest Gentleman.
Clo. By my troth well met : come, sit, sit, and a song.
25402. Pa. We are for you, sit i'th middle.
1. Pa. Shal we clap into't roundly, without hauking,
or spitting, or saying we are hoarse, which are the onely
prologues to a bad voice.
2. Pa. I faith, y'faith, and both in a tune like two
2545gipsies on a horse.

It was a Louer, and his lasse,
With a hey, and a ho, and a hey nonino,
That o're the greene corne feild did passe,
2550 In the spring time, the onely pretty rang time.
When Birds do sing, hey ding a ding, ding.
Sweet Louers loue the spring,

And therefore take the present time.
With a hey, & a ho, and a hey nonino,
2555For loue is crowned with the prime.
In spring time, &c.

Betweene the acres of the Rie,
With a hey, and a ho, & a hey nonino:
These prettie Country folks would lie.
2560 In spring time, &c.

This Carroll they began that houre,
With a hey and a ho, & a hey nonino:
How that a life was but a Flower,
In spring time, &c.

2565Clo. Truly yong Gentlemen, though there vvas no
great matter in the dittie, yet y^e note was very vntunable
1 Pa. you are deceiu'd Sir, we kept time, we lost not
our time.
Clo. By my troth yes: I count it but time lost to heare
2570such a foolish song. God buy you, and God mend your
voices. Come Audrie. Exeunt.

Scena Quarta.

Enter Duke Senior, Amyens, Iaques, Orlan-
do, Oliuer, Celia.
2575Du.Sen. Dost thou beleeue Orlando, that the boy
Can do all this that he hath promised?
Orl. I sometimes do beleeue, and somtimes do not,
As those that feare they hope, and know they feare.
Enter Rosalinde, Siluius, & Phebe.
2580Ros. Patience once more, whiles our cōpact is vrg'd:
You say, if I bring in your Rosalinde,
You wil bestow her on Orlando heere?
Du.Se. That would I, had I kingdoms to giue with hir.
Ros. And you say you wil haue her, when I bring hir?
2585Orl. That would I, were I of all kingdomes King.
Ros. You say, you'l marrie me, if I be willing.
Phe. That will I, should I die the houre after.
Ros. But if you do refuse to marrie me,
You'l giue your selfe to this most faithfull Shepheard.
2590Phe. So is the bargaine.
Ros. You say that you'l haue Phebe if she will.
Sil. Though to haue her and death, were both one