1213Clow. Truely Shepheard, in re
ct of it
selfe, it is a
1214good life; but in re
ct that it is a
shepheards life, it is
1215naught. In re
ct that it is
solitary, I like it verie well:
1216but in re
ct that it is priuate, it is a very vild life. Now
1217in re
ct it is in the
fields, it plea
seth mee well: but in
ct it is not in the Court, it is tedious. As it is a
1219life (looke you) it
fits my humor well: but as there is no
1220more plentie in it, it goes much again
st my
1221Has't any Philo
sophie in thee
? 1222Cor. No more, but that I know the more one
1223the wor
se at ea
se he is: and that hee that wants money,
1224meanes, and content, is without three good frends. That
1225the propertie of raine is to wet, and
fire to burne: That
1226pood pa
sture makes fat
sheepe: and that a great cau
se of
1227the night, is lacke of the Sunne: That hee that hath lear
- 1228ned no wit by Nature, nor Art, may complaine of good
1229breeding, or comes of a very dull kindred.
1230Clo. Such a one is a naturall Philo
1231Was't euer in Court, Shepheard?
1233Clo. Then thou art damn'd.
1235Clo. Truly thou art damn'd, like an ill roa
sted Egge,
1237Cor. For not being at Court? your rea
1238Clo. Why, if thou neuer was't at Court, thou neuer
st good manners: if thou neuer
st good maners,
1240then thy manners mu
st be wicked, and wickednes is
sinne is damnation: Thou art in a parlous
- 1243Cor. Not a whit
Touchstone, tho
se that are good ma
- 1244ners at the Court, are as ridiculous in the Countrey, as
1245the behauiour of the Countrie is mo
st mockeable at the
1246Court. You told me, you
salute not at the Court, but
1247you ki
sse your hands; that courte
sie would be vncleanlie
1248if Courtiers were
1249Clo. In
stance, brie
fly: come, in
1250Cor. Why we are
still handling our Ewes, and their
1251Fels you know are grea
1252Clo. Why do not your Courtiers hands
sweate? and
1253is not the grea
se of a Mutton, as whole
some as the
1254of a man? Shallow,
shallow: A better in
stance I
1256Cor. Be
sides, our hands are hard.
1257Clo. Your lips wil feele them the
sooner. Shallow a
- 1258gen: a more
sounder in
stance, come.
1259Cor. And they are often tarr'd ouer, with the
1260of our
sheepe: and would you haue vs ki
sse Tarre? The
1261Courtiers hands are perfum'd with Ciuet.
1262Clo. Mo
st shallow man: Thou wormes meate in re
- 1263spe
ct of a good peece of
sh indeed: learne of the wi
1264and perpend: Ciuet is of a ba
ser birth then Tarre, the
1265verie vncleanly
fluxe of a Cat. Mend the in
stance Shep
- 1267Cor. You haue too Courtly a wit, for me, Ile re
1268Clo. Wilt thou re
st damn'd? God helpe thee
1269man: God make inci
sion in thee, thou art raw.
1270Cor. Sir, I am a true Labourer, I earne that I eate: get
1271that I weare; owe no man hate, enuie no mans happi
- 1272ne
sse: glad of other mens good content with my harme:
1273and the greate
st of my pride, is to
see my Ewes graze, &
1275Clo. That is another
sinne in you, to bring the
1276Ewes and the Rammes together, and to o
ffer to get your
1277liuing, by the copulation of Cattle, to be bawd to a Bel
- 1278weather, and to betray a
shee-Lambe of a tweluemonth
1279to a crooked-pated olde Cuckoldly Ramme, out of all
sonable match. If thou bee'
st not damn'd for this, the
1281diuell him
selfe will haue no
shepherds, I cannot
see el
1282how thou
st scape.
1283Cor. Heere comes yong
Mr Ganimed, my new Mi
1286Ros.From the east to westerne Inde,
1287 no iewel is like Rosalinde,
1288Hir worth being mounted on the winde,
1289 through all the world beares Rosalinde.
1290All the pictures fairest Linde,
1291 are but blacke to Rosalinde:
1292Let no face bee kept in mind,
1293 but the faire of Rosalinde.
1294Clo. Ile rime you
so, eight yeares together; dinners,
suppers, and
sleeping hours excepted: it is the right
1296Butter-womens ranke to Market.
1299If a Hart doe lacke a Hinde,
1300 Let him seeke out Rosalinde:
1301If the Cat will after kinde,
1302 so be sure will Rosalinde:
1303Wintred garments must be linde,
1304 so must slender Rosalinde:
1305They that reap must sheafe and binde,
1306 then to cart with Rosalinde.
1307Sweetest nut, hath sowrest rinde,
1308 such a nut is Rosalinde.
1309He that sweetest rose will finde,
1310 must finde Loues pricke,
& Rosalinde.
1311This is the verie fal
se gallop of Ver
ses, why doe you in
- 1312fe
ct your
selfe with them?
1313Ros. Peace you dull foole, I found them on a tree.
1314Clo. Truely the tree yeelds bad fruite.
1315Ros. Ile gra
ffe it with you, and then I
shall gra
ffe it
1316with a Medler: then it will be the earlie
st fruit i'th coun
- 1317try: for you'l be rotten ere you bee halfe ripe, and that's
1318the right vertue of the Medler.
1319Clo. You haue
said: but whether wi
sely or no, let the
1321Enter Celia with a writing. 1322Ros. Peace, here comes my
sister reading,
stand a
1323Cel. Why should this Desert bee,
1324 for it is vnpeopled?
Noe: 1325Tonges Ile hang on euerie tree,
1326 that shall ciuill sayings shoe.
how briefe the Life of man 1328 runs his erring pilgrimage,
1329That the stretching of a span,
1330 buckles in his summe of age.
1331Some of violated vowes,
1332 twixt the soules of friend,
and friend: 1333But vpon the fairest bowes,
1334 or at euerie sentence end;
1335Will I Rosalinda write,
1336 teaching all that reade,
to know 1337The quintessence of euerie sprite,
1338 heauen would in little show.
1339Therefore heauen Nature charg'd,
1340 that one bodie shonld be fill'd 1341With all Graces wide enlarg'd,
1342 nature presently distill'd