Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editors: Andrew Griffin, Helen Ostovich
Not Peer Reviewed

All's Well That Ends Well (Folio 1, 1623)

All's Well that Ends Well 237
La I pray you sir, are you a Courtier?
865Clo O Lord sir theres a simple putting off: more,
more, a hundred of them.
La Sir I am a poore freind of yours, that loues you.
Clo O Lord sir, thicke, thicke, spare not me.
La I thinke sir, you can eate none of this homely
Clo O Lord sir; nay put me too't, I warrant you.
La You were lately whipt sir as I thinke.
Clo O Lord sir, spare not me.
La Doe you crie O Lord sir at your whipping, and
875spare not me? Indeed your O Lord sir, is very sequent
to your whipping: you would answere very well to a
whipping if you were but bound too't.
Clo I nere had worse lucke in my life in my O Lord
sir: I see things may serue long, but not serue euer.
880La I play the noble huswife with the time, to enter-
taine it so merrily with a foole.
Clo O Lord sir, why there't serues well agen.
La And end sir to your businesse: giue Hellenthis,
And vrge her to a present answer backe,
885Commend me to my kinsmen, and my sonne,
This is not much.
Clo Not much commendation to them.
La Not much imployement for you, you vnder-
stand me.
890Clo Most fruitfully, I am there, before my legges.
La Hast you agen. Exeunt

Enter Count, Lafew, and Parolles

Ol. Laf They say miracles are past, and we haue our
Philosophicall persons, to make moderne and familiar
895things supernaturall and causelesse. Hence is it, that we
make trifles of terrours, ensconcing our selues into see-
ming knowledge, when we should submit our selues to
an vnknowne feare.
Par Why 'tis the rarest argument of wonder, that
900hath shot out in our latter times.
Ros And so 'tis.
Ol. Laf To be relinquisht of the Artists.
Par So I say both of Galen and Paracelsus
Ol. Laf Of all the learned and authenticke fellowes.
905Par Right so I say.
Ol. Laf That gaue him out incureable.
Par Why there 'tis, so say I too.
Ol. Laf Not to be help'd.
Par Right, as 'twere a man assur'd of a------
910Ol. Laf Vncertaine life, and sure death.
Par Iust, you say well: so would I haue said.
Ol. Laf I may truly say, it is a noueltie to the world.
Par It is indeede if you will haue it in shewing, you
shall reade it in what do ye call there.
915Ol. Laf A shewing of a heauenly effect in an earth-
ly Actor.
Par That's it, I would haue said, the verie same.
Ol. Laf Why your Dolphin is not lustier: fore mee
I speake in respect---
920Par Nay 'tis strange, 'tis very straunge, that is the
breefe and the tedious of it, and he's of a most facineri-
ous spirit, that will not acknowledge it to be the---
Ol.Laf Very hand of heauen.
Par I, so I say.
925Ol.Laf In a most weake---
Par And debile minister great power, great tran-
cendence, which should indeede giue vs a further vse to
be made, then alone the recou'ry of the king, as to bee
Old Laf Generally thankfull.

930Enter King, Hellen, and attendants
Par I would haue said it, you say well: heere comes
the King.
Ol. Laf Lustique, as the Dutchman saies: Ile like a
maide the Better whil'st I haue a tooth in my head: why
935he's able to leade her a Carranto.
Par Mor du vinager is not this Helen
Ol. Laf Fore God I thinke so.
King Goe call before mee all the Lords in Court,
Sit my preseruer by thy patients side,
940And with this healthfull hand whose banisht sence
Thou hast repeal'd, a second time receyue
The confirmation of my promis'd guift,
Which but attends thy naming.

Enter 3 or 4 Lords
945Faire Maide send forth thine eye, this youthfull parcell
Of Noble Batchellors, stand at my bestowing,
Ore whom both Soueraigne power, and fathers voice
I haue to vse; thy franke election make,
Thou hast power to choose, and they none to forsake.
950Hel To each of you, one faire and vertuous Mistris;
Fall when loue please, marry to each but one.
Old Laf I'de giue bay curtall, and his furniture
My mouth no more were broken then these boyes,
And writ as little beard.
955King Peruse them well:
Not one of those, but had a Noble father.
She addresses her to a Lord
Hel Gentlemen, heauen hath through me, restor'd
the king to health.
960All We vnderstand it, and thanke heauen for you.
Hel I am a simple Maide, and therein wealthiest
That I protest, I simply am a Maide:
Please it your Maiestie, I haue done already:
The blushes in my cheekes thus whisper mee,
965We blush that thou shouldst choose, but be refused;
Let the white death sit on thy cheeke for euer,
Wee'l nere come there againe.
King Make choise and see,
Who shuns thy loue, shuns all his loue in mee.
970Hel Now Dian from thy Altar do I fly,
And to imperiall loue, that God most high
Do my sighes streame: Sir, wil you heare my suite?
1. Lo And grant it.
Hel Thankes sir, all the rest is mute.
975Ol. Laf I had rather be in this choise, then throw
Ames-ace for my life.
Hel The honor sir that flames in your faire eyes,
Before I speake too threatningly replies:
Loue make your fortunes twentie times aboue
980Her that so vvishes, and her humble loue.
2. Lo No better if you please.
Hel My wish receiue,
Which great loue grant, and so I take my leaue.
Ol. Laf Do all they denie her? And they were sons
985of mine, I'de haue them whip'd, or I would send them
to'th Turke to make Eunuches of.
Hel Be not afraid that I your hand should take,
Ile neuer do you wrong for your owne sake:
Blessing vpon your vowes, and in your bed
990Finde fairer fortune, if you euer wed.
Old Laf These boyes are boyes of Ice, they'le none