Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editors: Andrew Griffin, Helen Ostovich
Not Peer Reviewed

All's Well That Ends Well (Folio 1, 1623)

All's Well that Ends Well 247
a measure of his owne iudgements, wherein so curiously
2140he had set this counterfeit.
Cap. E We will not meddle with him till he come;
for his presence must be the whip of the other.
Cap. G In the meane time, what heare you of these
2145Cap. E I heare there is an ouerture of peace.
Cap. G Nay, I assure you a peace concluded.
Cap. E What will Count Rossilliondo then? Will he
trauaile higher, or returne againe into France?
Cap. G I perceiue by this demand, you are not alto-
2150gether of his councell.
Cap. E Let it be forbid sir, so should I bee a great
deale of his act.
Cap. G Sir, his wife some two months since fledde
from his house, her pretence is a pilgrimage to Saint Ia-
2155ques le grand; which holy vndertaking, with most au-
stere sanctimonie she accomplisht: and there residing,
the tendernesse of her Nature, became as a prey to her
greefe: in fine, made a groane of her last breath, & now
she sings in heauen.
2160Cap. E How is this iustified?
Cap. G The stronger part of it by her owne Letters,
which makes her storie true, euen to the poynt of her
death: her death it selfe, which could not be her office
to say, is come: was faithfully confirm'd by the Rector
2165of the place.
Cap. E Hath the Count all this intelligence?
Cap. G I, and the particular confirmations, point
from point, to the full arming of the veritie.
Cap. E I am heartily sorrie that hee'l bee gladde of
Cap. G How mightily sometimes, we make vs com-
forts of our losses.
Cap. E And how mightily some other times, wee
drowne our gaine in teares, the great dignitie that his
2175valour hath here acquir'd for him, shall at home be en-
countred with a shame as ample.
Cap. G The webbe of our life, is of a mingled yarne,
good and ill together: our vertues would bee proud, if
our faults whipt them not, and our crimes would dis-
2180paire if they were not cherish'd by our vertues.

Enter a Messenger
How now? Where's your master?
Ser He met the Duke in the street sir, of whom hee
hath taken a solemne leaue: his Lordshippe will next
2185morning for France. The Duke hath offered him Let-
ters of commendations to the King.
Cap. E They shall bee no more then needfull there,
if they were more then they can commend.

Enter Count Rossillion
2190Ber They cannot be too sweete for the Kings tart-
nesse, heere's his Lordship now. How now my Lord,
i'st not after midnight?
Ber I haue to night dispatch'd sixteene businesses, a
moneths length a peece, by an abstract of successe: I
2195haue congied with the Duke, done my adieu with his
neerest; buried a wife, mourn'd for her, writ to my La-
die mother, I am returning, entertain'd my Conuoy, &
betweene these maine parcels of dispatch, affected ma-
ny nicer needs: the last was the greatest, but that I haue
2200not ended yet.
Cap. E If the businesse bee of any difficulty, and this
morning your departure hence, it requires hast of your
Ber I meane the businesse is not ended, as fearing
2205to heare of it hereafter: but shall we haue this dialogue
betweene the Foole and the Soldiour. Come, bring
forth this counterfet module, ha's deceiu'd mee, like a
double-meaning Prophesier.
Cap. E. Bring him forth, ha's sate i'th stockes all night
2210poore gallant knaue.
Ber No matter, his heeles haue deseru'd it, in vsur-
ping his spurres so long. How does he carry himselfe?
Cap.E. I haue told your Lordship alreadie: The
stockes carrie him. But to answer you as you would be
2215vnderstood, hee weepes like a wench that had shed her
milke, he hath confest himselfe to Morgan whom hee
supposes to be a Friar, frō the time of his remembrance
to this very instant disaster of his setting i'th stockes:
and what thinke you he hath confest?
2220Ber Nothing of me, ha's a?
Cap. E His confession is taken, and it shall bee read
to his face, if your Lordshippe be in't, as I beleeue you
are, you must haue the patience to heare it.

Enter Parolles with his Interpreter
2225Ber A plague vpon him, muffeld; he can say nothing
of me: hush, hush.
Cap. G Hoodman comes: Portotartarossa
Inter He calles for the tortures, what will you say
without em.
2230Par I will confesse what I know without constraint,
If ye pinch me like a Pasty, I can say no more.
Int Bosko Chimurcho
Cap Boblibindo chicurmurco
Int You are a mercifull Generall: Our Generall
2235bids you answer to what I shall aske you out of a Note.
Par And truly, as I hope to liue.
Int First demand of him, how many horse the Duke
is strong. What say you to that?
Par Fiue or sixe thousand, but very weake and vn-
2240seruiceable: the troopes are all scattered, and the Com-
manders verie poore rogues, vpon my reputation and
credit, and as I hope to liue.
Int Shall I set downe your answer so?
Par Do, Ile take the Sacrament on't, how & which
2245way you will: all's one to him.
Ber What a past-sauing slaue is this?
Cap. G Y'are deceiu'd my Lord, this is Mounsieur
Parrollesthe gallant militarist, that was his owne phrase
that had the whole theoricke of warre in the knot of his
2250scarfe, and the practise in the chape of his dagger.
Cap. E I will neuer trust a man againe, for keeping
his sword cleane, nor beleeue he can haue euerie thing
in him, by wearing his apparrell neatly.
Int Well, that's set downe.
2255Par Fiue or six thousand horse I sed, I will say true,
or thereabouts set downe, for Ile speake truth.
Cap. G He's very neere the truth in this.
Ber But I con him no thankes for't in the nature he
deliuers it.
2260Par Poore rogues, I pray you say.
Int Well, that's set downe.
Par I humbly thanke you sir, a truth's a truth, the
Rogues are maruailous poore.
Interp Demaund of him of what strength they are a
2265foot. What say you to that?
Par By my troth sir, if I were to liue this present
houre, I will tell true. Let me see, Spurioa hundred &