457370Alarmes, Enter the Duke of Yorke solus. 458371Yorke Ah
Yorke, po
st to thy ca
saue thy life,
459372The goale is lo
st thou hou
se of
se happie chance is it for thee and thine,
461374That heauen abridgde my daies and cals me hence,
463375But God knowes what chance hath betide my
464376But this I know they haue demeand them
465377Like men borne to renowne by life or death:
466378Three times this daie came
Richard to my
467379And cried courage Father: Vi
ctorie or death,
468380And twi
so oft came
Edward to my view,
469381With purple Faulchen painted to the hilts,
470382In bloud of tho
se whom he had
480383Oh harke,
I heare the drums? No waie to
484384No waie to
saue my life? And heere
I staie:
385And heere my life mu
st end.
485386Enter the Queene, Clifford, Northumberland, Come
Yorke, and Henrie the Sixt.
487388Come bloudie
Clifford, rough
488389I dare your quenchle
sse furie to more bloud:
489390This is the But, and this abides your
490391Northum. Yeeld to our mercies proud
491392Clif. I, to
such mercie as his ruthfull arme
492393With downe right paiment lent vnto my father,
Phaeton hath tumbled from his carre,
494395And made an euening at the noone tide pricke.
495396York. My a
shes like the
Phoenix maie bring forth
496397A bird that will reuenge it on you all,
497398And in that hope I ca
st mine eies to heauen,
498399Skorning what ere you can a
ct me with:
staie you Lords? what, multitudes and feare?
500401Clif. So cowards
fight when they can
flie no longer:
501402So Doues doe pecke the Rauens pier
sing tallents:
502403So de
sperate theeues all hopele
sse of their liues,
503404Breath out inue
ctiues gain
st the o
504405York. Oh
Clifford, yet bethinke thee once againe,
505406And in thy minde orerun my former time:
507407And bite thy toung that
st him with cowardi
se verie looke hath made thee quake ere this.
509409Clif. I will not bandie with thee word for word,
510410But buckle with thee blowes twi
se two for one.
511411Queene. Hold valiant
Clifford for a thou
sand cau
512412I would prolong the traitors life a while.
513413Wrath makes him death,
speake thou
514414Nor. Hold
Clifford, doe not honour him
so much,
515415To pricke thy
finger though to wound his hart:
516416What valure were it when a curre doth grin,
517417For one to thru
st his hand betweene his teeth,
518418When he might
spurne him with his foote awaie?
The Tragedie of Richard D. of
519419Tis warres pri
se to take all aduantages,
520420And ten to one, is no impeach in warres.
521422Cliff. I, I,
striues the Woodcocke with the gin.
523423North. So doth the cunnie
struggle with the net.
525424York. So triumphs theeues vpon their conquered
526425Bootie: So true men yeeld by robbers ouermatcht.
527426North. What will your grace haue done with him?
529427Queen. Braue warriors
Clifford &
Northumberland 530428Come make him
stand vpon this molehill here,
531429That aimde at mountaines with out
stretched arme,
532430And parted but the
shaddow with his hand.
534431Was it you that reuelde in our Parlement,
535432And made a prechment of your high de
536433Where are your me
sse of
sonnes to backe you now?
537434The wanton
Edward, and the lu
538435Or where is that valiant
Crookbackt prodegie?
539436Dickey your boy, that with his grumbling voice,
540437Was wont to cheare his Dad in mutinies?
541438Or among
st the re
st, where is your darling
Yorke? I dipt this napkin in the bloud,
543440That valiant
Clifford with his rapiers point,
544441Made i
ssue from the bo
some of thy boy.
545442And if thine eies can water for his death,
546443I giue thee this to drie thy cheeks withall.
547444Alas poore
Yorke: But that I hate thee much,
548445I should lament thy mi
549446I prethee greeue to make me merrie
554447Stamp, raue and fret, that I maie
sing and dance.
550448What: hath thy
fierie hart
so parcht thine entrailes,
551449That not a teare can fall for
Rutlands death?
Yorke, and Henrie the Sixt.
555450Thou would
st be feede I
see to make me
556451Yorke cannot
speake, vnle
sse he weare a crowne.
557452A crowne for
Yorke? and Lords bow low to him.
558453So: hold you his hands, whil
st I doe
set it on.
559454I, now lookes he like a king?
560455This is he that tooke king
Henries chaire,
561456And this is he was his adopted aire.
562457But how is it that great
563458Is crownd
soone, and broke his holie oath,
564459As I bethinke me you
should not be king,
565460Till our
Henry had
shooke hands with death,
566461And will you impale your head with
Henries glorie,
567462And rob his temples of the Diadem
568463Now in his life again
st your holie oath?
569464Oh, tis a fault too too vnpardonable.
ff with the crowne, and with the crowne his head,
571466And whil
st we breath, take time to doe him dead.
572467Clif. Thats my o
ffice for my fathers death.
573468Queen. Yet
stay: & lets here the Ori
sons he makes.
575469York. She wolfe of
France, but wor
se than Wolues of
se tongue more poi
son'd than the Adders tooth:
578472How ill be
seeming is it in thy
579473To triumph like an
Amazonian trull
580474Vpon his woes, whom Fortune captiuates?
581475But that thy face is vi
sard like, vnchanging,
582476Made impudent by v
se of euill deeds:
583477I would a
ssaie, proud Queene to make thee blu
584478To tell thee of whence thou art, from whom deriu'de,
shame enough to
shame thee, wert thou not
B2 Thy
The Tragedie of Richard D. of
587481Thy father beares the type of king of
588482Of both the
Sissiles and
589483Yet not
so wealthie as an Engli
sh Yeoman.
590484Hath that poore Monarch taught thee to in
591485It needes not, or it bootes thee not proud Queene,
sse the Adage mu
st be veri
: 593487That beggers mounted, run their hor
se to death.
594488Tis beautie, that oft makes women proud,
595489But God he wots thy
share thereof is
596490Tis gouernment, that makes them mo
st admirde,
597491The contrarie doth make thee wondred at.
598492Tis vertue that makes them
seeme deuine,
599493The want thereof makes thee abhominable.
600494Thou art as oppo
site to euerie good,
601495As the
Antipodes are vnto vs,
602496Or as the
south to the Septentrion.
603497Oh Tygers hart wrapt in a womans hide?
604498Hovv could
st thou draine the life bloud of the childe,
605499To bid the father wipe his eies withall,
606500And yet be
seene to beare a womans face?
607501Women are milde, pittifull, and
608502Thou indurate,
sterne, rough, remorcele
609503Bids thou me rage? why novv thou ha
st thy vvill
st haue me weepe? vvhy
so thou ha
st thy vvi
611505For raging windes blowes vp a
storme of teares,
612506And when the rage alaies the raine begins.
se teares are my
Rutlands ob
614508And euerie drop begs vengeance as it fals,
615509On thee fell
Clifford, and the fal
se French woman.
616510North. Be
shrevv me but his pa
ssions moue me
617511As hardlie can I checke mine eies from teares.
Yorke, and Henrie the Sixt.
618512York. That face of his the hungrie Cannibals
620513Could not haue tucht, would not haue
staind with bloud
621514But you are more inhumaine, more inexorable,
622515O ten times more then Tygers of
623516See ruthle
Queene a haple
sse fathers teares.
624517This cloth thou dipts in bloud of my
sweet boy,
625518And loe with teares I wa
sh the bloud awaie.
626519Keepe thou the napkin and go boa
st of that,
627520And if thou tell the heauie
storie well,
628521Vpon my
soule the hearers will
sheed teares,
629522I, euen my foes will
sheed fa
st falling teares,
saie, alas, it was a pitteous deed.
631524Here, take the crowne, and with the crowne my cur
632525And in thy need
such comfort come to thee,
633526As now
I reape at thy tvvo cruell hands.
Clifford, take me from the world,
soule to heauen, my bloud vpon your heads.
636529North. Had he bin
slaughterman of all my kin,
637530I could not chu
se but weepe with him to
638531How inlie anger gripes his hart.
639532Quee. What weeping ripe, my Lorde
Northumber- 640534Thinke but vpon the wrong he did vs all,
641535And that will quicklie drie your melting tears.
642536Clif. Thears for my oath thears for my fathers death.
644537Queene. And thears to right our gentle harted kind.
645538York. Open thy gates of mercie gratious God,
flies foorth to meet with thee.
647540Queene. O
ff with his head and
set it on
Yorke Gates,
Yorke maie ouerlooke the towne of
B3 Enter
The Tragedie of Richard D. of