Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

Enter king Edward, the Queene and Clarence, and
Gloster, and Montague and Hastings, and
Penbrooke, with souldiers.
Edw. Brothers of Clarence and of Glocester,
What thinke you of our marriage with the ladie Gray?
D3. Cla-
The Tragedie of Richard D. of
Cla. My Lord, we thinke as Warvvike and Levves
2035That are so slacke in iudgement, that theile take
No offence at this suddaine marriage.
Edw. Suppose they doe, they are but Levves and
Warvvike, and I am your king and Warvvikes,
2040And will be obaied.
Glo. And shall, because our king but yet such
Sudden marriages seldome proueth well.
Edw. Yea brother Richard are you against vs too?
Glo. Not I my Lord, no, God forefend that I should
2045Once gaine saie your highnesse pleasure,
I, & twere a pittie to sunder them that yoake so wel togi- (ther.
Edw. Setting your skornes and your dislikes aside,
2050Shew me some reasons why the Ladie Gray,
Maie not be my loue and Englands Queene?
Speake freelie Clarence, Gloster,
Montague and Hastings.
Cla. My Lord then this is my opinion,
2055That Warwike beeing dishonored in his embassage,
Doth seeke reuenge to quite his iniuries.
Glo. And Levves in regard of his sisters wrongs,
Doth ioine with Warwike to supplant your state.
2060Edw. Suppose that Lewis and Warwike be appeasd,
By such meanes as I can best deuise.
Mont. But yet to haue ioind with France in this
Alliance, would more haue strengthened this our
Common wealth, gainst forraine stormes,
Then anie home bred marriage.
2065Hast. Let England be true within it selfe,
We need not France not any alliance with them.
Cla. For this one speech the Lord Hastings wel deserues,
Yorke, and Henrie the Sixt.
To haue the daughter and heire of the Lord Hungerford.
2075Edw. And what then? It was our will it should be so?
Cla. I, and for such a thing too the Lord Scales
Did well deserue at your hands, to haue the
Daughter of the Lord Bonfield, and left your
Brothers to go seeke elsewhere, but in
Your madnes, you burie your brotherhood.
2085Edw. Alasse poore Clarence, is it for a wife,
That thou art mal-content,
Why man be of good cheere, I will prouide thee one.
2090Cla. Naie you plaide the broker so ill for yourselfe,
That you shall giue me leaue to make my
Choise as I thinke good, and to that intent,
I shortlie meane to leaue you.
Edw. Leaue me or tarrie I am full resolu'd.
Edward will not be tied to his brothers wils.
Queen. My Lords doe me but right and you must
2095Confesse, before it pleasd his highnesse to aduance
My state to title of a Queene,
That I was not ignoble in my birth.
Edw. Forbeare my loue to fawne vpon their frownes,
2105For thee they must obay, naie shall obaie,
And if they looke for fauour at my hands.
Mont. My Lord, heere is the messenger returnd from (France.
Enter a Messenger.
Edw. Now sirra, What letters or what newes?
2115Mes. No letters my Lord, and such newes as without
your highnesse speciall pardon I dare not relate.
Edw. We pardon thee, and as neere as thou canst
2120Tell me, What said Lewis to our letters?
Mes. At my departure these were his verie words.
D4 Go
Yorke, and Henrie the Sixt.
Go tell false Edward thy supposed king,
That Lewis of France is sending ouer Maskers,
To reuill it with him and his new bride.
2125Edw. Is Lewis so braue, belike he thinkes me Henry.
But what said Lady Bona to these wrongs?
Mes. Tel him quoth she, in hope heele proue a widdow-
er shortly, Ile weare the willow garland for his sake.
2130Edw. She had the wrong, indeed she could saie
Little lesse. But what saide Henries Queene, for as
I heare, she was then in place?
Mes. Tell him quoth shee my mourning weeds be
2135Doone, and I am readie to put armour on.
Edw. Then belike she meanes to plaie the Amazon.
But what said Warwike to these iniuries?
Mes. He more incensed then the rest my Lord,
Tell him quoth he, that he hath done me wrong,
2140And therefore Ile vncrowne him er't be long.
Ed. Ha, Durst the traytor breath out such proude words?
But I will arme me to preuent the worst.
2145But what is Warwike friendes with Margaret?
Mes. I my good Lord, theare so linkt in friendship,
That young Prince Edward marries Warwikes daughter.
Cla. The elder, belike Clarence shall haue the
2155Yonger. All you that loue me and Warwike
Follow me. Exit Clarence and Summerset.
2160Edw. Clarence and Summerset fled to Warwike.
What saie you brother Richard, will you stand to vs?
Glo. I my Lord, in despight of all that shall
Withstand you For why hath Nature
Made me halt downe right, but that I
Should be valiant and stand to it, for if
The Tragedie of Richard D. of
2185I would, I cannot runne awaie.
Edw. Penbrooke, go raise an armie presentlie,
Pitch vp my tent, for in the field this night
I meane to rest, and on the morrow morne,
Ile march to meet proud Warwike ere he land
2190Those stragling troopes which he hath got in France.
But ere I goe Montague and Hastings,
You of all the rest are neerest allied
2170In bloud to Warwike, therefore tell me, if
You fauour him more then me or not:
Speake truelie, for I had rather haue you open
Enemies, then hollow friends.
Monta. So God helpe Montague as he proues true.
Hast. And Hastings as hee fauours Edwards cause.
2180Edw. It shall suffice, come then lets march awaie. Exeunt Omnes.