Yorke, and Henrie the Sixt.
23281748K. Edwards seed true heire to
Englands crowne.
Exit. 24911749Enter Edward and Richard, and Hastings with a 24931751Edw. Thus far from
Belgia haue we pa
st the
25001752And marcht from
Raunspur hauen vnto
soft the gates are
I like not this.
25021754Rich. Sound vp the drum and call them to the wals.
25111755Enter the Lord Maire of Yorke vpon the wals. 25131756Mair. My Lords we had notice of your comming,
25141757And thats the cau
se we
stand vpon our garde,
shut the gates for to pre
serue the towne.
25161759Henry now is king, and we are
sworne to him.
25171760Edw. Why my Lord Maire, if
Henry be your king,
25181761Edward I am
sure at lea
st, is Duke of
25191762Mair. Truth my Lord, we know you for no le
25211763Edw I craue nothing but my Dukedome.
25231764Rich. But when the
Fox hath gotten in his head,
25241765Heele quicklie make the bodie follow after.
25251766Hast. Why my Lord Maire, what
stand you vpon points
25261767Open the gates, we are king
Henries friends.
25271768Mair. Saie you
so, then Ile open them pre
25291770Ri. By my faith, a wi
stout captain &
soone per
25301771The Maire opens the dore, and brings the 25351773Edw. So my Lord Maire, the
se gates mu
st not be
25361774But in the time of warre, giue me the keies:
25371775What, feare not man for
Edward will defend
25381776the towne and you, de
spight of all your foes.
25411777Enter sir Iohn Mountgommery with How