The Tragedie of Richard D. of
298249Makes hir in furie thus forget hir
299250Reuenged maie
shee be on that accur
sed Duke.
305251Come co
sen of
staie thou here,
Clifford and tho
se Northern Lords be gone
253I feare towards
Wakefield, to di
sturbe the Duke.
306254Enter Edward, and Richard, and Montague. 309255Edw. Brother and co
Montague, giue mee leaue to
311257Rich. Nay, I can better plaie the Orator.
312258Mont. But I haue rea
strong and forceable.
313259Enter the Duke of Yorke. 314260York. Howe nowe
sonnes what at a iarre among
st your
316262Rich. No father, but a
sweete contention, about that
318263which concernes your
selfe and vs, The crowne of Eng
- 320265York. The crowne boy, why
Henries yet aliue,
321266And I haue
sworne that he
shall raigne in quiet till
328268Edw. But I would breake an hundred othes to raigne
332270Rich. And if it plea
se your grace to giue me leaue,
shew your grace the waie to
saue your oath,
272And di
sse king
Henrie from the crowne.
334273Yorke I prethe
Dicke let me heare thy deui
335274Rich. Then thus my Lord. An oath is of no moment