Not Peer Reviewed
Henry VI, Part 3 (Folio 1, 1623)
2600Flourish. Enter the King, Warwicke, Mountague,
2601Clarence, Oxford, and Somerset.
2603With hastie Germanes, and blunt Hollanders,
2604Hath pass'd in safetie through the Narrow Seas,
2605And with his troupes doth march amaine to London,
2606And many giddie people flock to him.
2607King. Let's leuie men, and beat him backe againe.
2611Not mutinous in peace, yet bold in Warre,
2614The Knights and Gentlemen, to come with thee.
2615Thou Brother Mountague, in Buckingham,
2617Men well enclin'd to heare what thou command'st.
2618And thou, braue Oxford, wondrous well belou'd,
2620My Soueraigne, with the louing Citizens,
2621Like to his Iland, gyrt in with the Ocean,
2622Or modest Dyan, circled with her Nymphs,
2623Shall rest in London, till we come to him:
2624Faire Lords take leaue, and stand not to reply.
2625Farewell my Soueraigne.
2628King. Well-minded Clarence, be thou fortunate.
2631King. Sweet Oxford, and my louing Mountague,
2632And all at once, once more a happy farewell.
2634 Exeunt.
2637Me thinkes, the Power that Edward hath in field,
2638Should not be able to encounter mine.
2640 King. That's not my feare, my meed hath got me fame:
2641I haue not stopt mine eares to their demands,
2643My pittie hath beene balme to heale their wounds,
2645My mercie dry'd their water-flowing teares.
2646I haue not been desirous of their wealth,
2648Nor forward of reuenge, though they much err'd.
2649Then why should they loue Edward more then me?
2650No Exeter, these Graces challenge Grace:
q2 And
168The third Part of Henry the Sixt.
2651And when the Lyon fawnes vpon the Lambe,
2652The Lambe will neuer cease to follow him.
2653 Shout within, A Lancaster, A Lancaster.
2654 Exet. Hearke, hearke, my Lord, what Shouts are
2656Enter Edward and his Souldiers.
2658And once againe proclaime vs King of England.
2662Hence with him to the Tower, let him not speake.
2663 Exit with King Henry.
2664And Lords, towards Couentry bend we our course,
2665Where peremptorie Warwicke now remaines:
2667Cold biting Winter marres our hop'd-for Hay.
2668Rich. Away betimes, before his forces ioyne,
2669And take the great-growne Traytor vnawares:
2670Braue Warriors, march amaine towards Couentry.
2671 Exeunt.