Not Peer Reviewed
Henry VI, Part 3 (Folio 1, 1623)
399Enter Rutland, and his Tutor.
401Ah Tutor, looke where bloody Clifford comes.
402Enter Clifford.
404As for the Brat of this accursed Duke,
406Tutor. And I, my Lord, will beare him company.
407Clifford. Souldiers, away with him.
410Clifford. How now? is he dead alreadie?
411Or is it feare, that makes him close his eyes?
412Ile open them.
413 Rutland. So looks the pent-vp Lyon o're the Wretch,
414That trembles vnder his deuouring Pawes:
417Ah gentle Clifford, kill me with thy Sword,
418And not with such a cruell threatning Looke.
421Be thou reueng'd on men, and let me liue.
424Where thy words should enter.
425Rutland. Then let my Fathers blood open it againe,
426He is a man, and Clifford cope with him.
427 Clifford. Had I thy Brethren here, their liues and thine
429No, if I digg'd vp thy fore-fathers Graues,
430And hung their rotten Coffins vp in Chaynes,
433Is as a furie to torment my Soule:
434And till I root out their accursed Line,
435And leaue not one aliue, I liue in Hell.
437Rutland. Oh let me pray, before I take my death:
442Clifford. Thy Father hath.
443Rutland. But 'twas ere I was borne.
447Ah, let me liue in Prison all my dayes,
451fore dye.
453Clifford. Plantagenet, I come Plantagenet:
454And this thy Sonnes blood cleauing to my Blade,
455Shall rust vpon my Weapon, till thy blood