Not Peer Reviewed
Henry VI, Part 3 (Folio 1, 1623)
The third Part of Henry the Sixt.155
991As thou didd'st kill our tender Brother Rutland,
993 King. Haue done with words (my Lords) and heare
994me speake.
996King. I prythee giue no limits to my Tongue,
997I am a King, and priuiledg'd to speake.
998 Clif. My Liege, the wound that bred this meeting here,
999Cannot be cur'd by Words, therefore be still.
1001By him that made vs all, I am resolu'd,
1002That Cliffords Manhood, lyes vpon his tongue.
1006War. If thou deny, their Blood vpon thy head,
1007For Yorke in iustice put's his Armour on.
1009There is no wrong, but euery thing is right.
1011For well I vvot, thou hast thy Mothers tongue.
1012Qu. But thou art neyther like thy Sire nor Damme,
1013But like a foule mishapen Stygmaticke,
1014Mark'd by the Destinies to be auoided,
1015As venome Toades, or Lizards dreadfull stings.
1017Whose Father beares the Title of a King,
1018(As if a Channell should be call'd the Sea)
1019Sham'st thou not, knowing whence thou art extraught,
1023Helen of Greece was fayrer farre then thou,
1024Although thy Husband may be Menelaus;
1025And ne're was Agamemnons Brother wrong'd
1026By that false Woman, as this King by thee.
1027His Father reuel'd in the heart of France,
1028And tam'd the King, and made the Dolphin stoope:
1029And had he match'd according to his State,
1030He might haue kept that glory to this day.
1031But when he tooke a begger to his bed,
1032And grac'd thy poore Sire with his Bridall day,
1034That washt his Fathers fortunes forth of France,
1035And heap'd sedition on his Crowne at home:
1036For what hath broach'd this tumult but thy Pride?
1038And we in pitty of the Gentle King,
1039Had slipt our Claime, vntill another Age.
1041And that thy Summer bred vs no increase,
1045Wee'l neuer leaue, till we haue hewne thee downe,
1046Or bath'd thy growing, with our heated bloods.
1048Not willing any longer Conference,
1050Sound Trumpets, let our bloody Colours waue,
1052Qu. Stay Edward.
1055 Exeunt omnes.
1056Alarum. Excursions. Enter Warwicke.
1058I lay me downe a little while to breath:
1059For strokes receiu'd, and many blowes repaid,
1062Enter Edward running.
1064For this world frownes, and Edwards Sunne is clowded.
1065 War. How now my Lord, what happe? what hope of
1067Enter Clarence.
1069Our rankes are broke, and ruine followes vs.
1073Enter Richard.
1075Thy Brothers blood the thirsty earth hath drunk,
1076Broach'd with the Steely point of Cliffords Launce:
1077And in the very pangs of death, he cryde,
1078Like to a dismall Clangor heard from farre,
1079Warwicke, reuenge; Brother, reuenge my death.
1080So vnderneath the belly of their Steeds,
1082The Noble Gentleman gaue vp the ghost.
1083War. Then let the earth be drunken with our blood:
1086Wayling our losses, whiles the Foe doth Rage,
1087And looke vpon, as if the Tragedie
1089Heere on my knee, I vow to God aboue,
1091Till either death hath clos'd these eyes of mine,
1092Or Fortune giuen me measure of Reuenge.
1093Ed. Oh Warwicke, I do bend my knee with thine,
1094And in this vow do chaine my soule to thine:
1095And ere my knee rise from the Earths cold face,
1096I throw my hands, mine eyes, my heart to thee,
1097Thou setter vp, and plucker downe of Kings:
1099That to my Foes this body must be prey,
1100Yet that thy brazen gates of heauen may ope,
1102Now Lords, take leaue vntill we meete againe,
1103Where ere it be, in heauen, or in earth.
1104Rich. Brother,
1105Giue me thy hand, and gentle Warwicke,
1106Let me imbrace thee in my weary armes:
1107I that did neuer weepe, now melt with wo,
1109War. Away, away:
1110Once more sweet Lords farwell.
1111Cla. Yet let vs altogether to our Troopes,
1113And call them Pillars that will stand to vs:
1115As Victors weare at the Olympian Games.
1116This may plant courage in their quailing breasts,
1117For yet is hope of Life and Victory:
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