Not Peer Reviewed
Henry VI, Part 3 (Folio 1, 1623)
154The third Part of Henry the Sixt.
863Enter a Messenger.
864War. How now? what newes?
869 Exeunt Omnes.
870Flourish. Enter the King, the Queene, Clifford, Northum-
871and Yong Prince, with Drumme and
873 Qu. Welcome my Lord, to this braue town of Yorke,
874Yonders the head of that Arch-enemy,
876Doth not the obiect cheere your heart, my Lord.
877 K. I, as the rockes cheare them that feare their wrack,
879With-hold reuenge (deere God) 'tis not my fault,
880Nor wittingly haue I infring'd my Vow.
881Clif. My gracious Liege, this too much lenity
883To whom do Lyons cast their gentle Lookes?
886Not his that spoyles her yong before her face.
888Not he that sets his foot vpon her backe.
890And Doues will pecke in safegard of their Brood.
891Ambitious Yorke, did leuell at thy Crowne,
892Thou smiling, while he knit his angry browes.
893He but a Duke, would haue his Sonne a King,
897Which argued thee a most vnlouing Father.
898Vnreasonable Creatures feed their young,
899And though mans face be fearefull to their eyes,
900Yet in protection of their tender ones,
903Make warre with him that climb'd vnto their nest,
904Offering their owne liues in their yongs defence?
906Were it not pitty that this goodly Boy
907Should loose his Birth-right by his Fathers fault,
908And long heereafter say vnto his childe,
909What my great Grandfather, and Grandsire got,
910My carelesse Father fondly gaue away.
911Ah, what a shame were this? Looke on the Boy,
912And let his manly face, which promiseth
914To hold thine owne, and leaue thine owne with him.
916Inferring arguments of mighty force:
919And happy alwayes was it for that Sonne,
920Whose Father for his hoording went to hell:
921Ile leaue my Sonne my Vertuous deeds behinde,
922And would my Father had left me no more:
924As brings a thousand fold more care to keepe,
927How it doth greeue me that thy head is heere.
929And this soft courage makes your Followers faint:
932Edward, kneele downe.
934And learne this Lesson; Draw thy Sword in right.
935Prin. My gracious Father, by your Kingly leaue,
936Ile draw it as Apparant to the Crowne,
937And in that quarrell, vse it to the death.
939Enter a Messenger.
941For with a Band of thirty thousand men,
942Comes Warwicke backing of the Duke of Yorke,
943And in the Townes as they do march along,
944Proclaimes him King, and many flye to him,
945Darraigne your battell, for they are at hand.
948Qu. I good my Lord, and leaue vs to our Fortune.
953Vnsheath your Sword, good Father: Cry S. George.
954March. Enter Edward, Warwicke, Richard, Clarence,
955Norfolke, Mountague, and Soldiers.
956 Edw. Now periur'd Henry, wilt thou kneel for grace?
957And set thy Diadem vpon my head?
958Or bide the mortall Fortune of the field.
960Becomes it thee to be thus bold in termes,
961Before thy Soueraigne, and thy lawfull King?
963I was adopted Heire by his consent.
964Cla. Since when, his Oath is broke: for as I heare,
965You that are King, though he do weare the Crowne,
966Haue caus'd him by new Act of Parliament,
967To blot out me, and put his owne Sonne in.
973 Rich. 'Twas you that kill'd yong Rutland, was it not?
977Wilt thou yeeld the Crowne?
979When you and I, met at S. Albons last,
980Your legges did better seruice then your hands.
985Rich. Northumberland, I hold thee reuerently,
987The execution of my big-swolne heart
988Vpon that Clifford, that cruell Child-killer.