Not Peer Reviewed
Henry VI, Part 3 (Folio 1, 1623)
168The third Part of Henry the Sixt.
2651And when the Lyon fawnes vpon the Lambe,
2652The Lambe will neuer cease to follow him.
2653 Shout within, A Lancaster, A Lancaster.
2654 Exet. Hearke, hearke, my Lord, what Shouts are
2656Enter Edward and his Souldiers.
2658And once againe proclaime vs King of England.
2662Hence with him to the Tower, let him not speake.
2663 Exit with King Henry.
2664And Lords, towards Couentry bend we our course,
2665Where peremptorie Warwicke now remaines:
2667Cold biting Winter marres our hop'd-for Hay.
2668Rich. Away betimes, before his forces ioyne,
2669And take the great-growne Traytor vnawares:
2670Braue Warriors, march amaine towards Couentry.
2671 Exeunt.
2672Enter Warwicke, the Maior of Couentry, two
2673Messengers, and others vpon the Walls.
2675How farre hence is thy Lord, mine honest fellow?
2678Where is the Post that came from Mountague?
2680Enter Someruile.
2682And by thy guesse, how nigh is Clarence now?
2683Someru. At Southam I did leaue him with his forces,
2685War. Then Clarence is at hand, I heare his Drumme.
2686Someru. It is not his, my Lord, here Southam lyes:
2687The Drum your Honor heares, marcheth from Warwicke.
2690March. Flourish. Enter Edward, Richard,
2691and Souldiers.
2696That we could heare no newes of his repayre.
2697Edw. Now Warwicke, wilt thou ope the Citie Gates,
2698Speake gentle words, and humbly bend thy Knee,
2699Call Edward King, and at his hands begge Mercy,
2701War. Nay rather, wilt thou draw thy forces hence,
2703Call Warwicke Patron, and be penitent,
2707War. Is not a Dukedome, Sir, a goodly gift?
2708Rich. I, by my faith, for a poore Earle to giue,
2712Edw. Why then 'tis mine, if but by Warwickes gift.
2714And Weakeling, Warwicke takes his gift againe,
2715And Henry is my King, Warwicke his Subiect.
2717And gallant Warwicke, doe but answer this,
2718What is the Body, when the Head is off?
2722You left poore Henry at the Bishops Pallace,
2723And tenne to one you'le meet him in the Tower.
2725Rich. Come Warwicke,
2726Take the time, kneele downe, kneele downe:
2729And with the other, fling it at thy face,
2732Haue Winde and Tyde thy friend,
2733This Hand, fast wound about thy coale-black hayre,
2734Shall, whiles thy Head is warme, and new cut off,
2735Write in the dust this Sentence with thy blood,
2736Wind-changing Warwicke now can change no more.
2737Enter Oxford, with Drumme and Colours.
2740Rich. The Gates are open, let vs enter too.
2742Stand we in good array: for they no doubt
2743Will issue out againe, and bid vs battaile;
2744If not, the Citie being but of small defence,
2745Wee'le quickly rowze the Traitors in the same.
2746War. Oh welcome Oxford, for we want thy helpe.
2747Enter Mountague, with Drumme and Colours.
2750Euen with the dearest blood your bodies beare.
2753Enter Somerset, with Drumme and Colours.
2757And thou shalt be the third, if this Sword hold.
2758Enter Clarence, with Drumme and Colours.
2760Of force enough to bid his Brother Battaile:
2761With whom, in vpright zeale to right, preuailes
2762More then the nature of a Brothers Loue.
2763Come Clarence, come: thou wilt, if Warwicke call.
2764 Clar. Father of Warwick, know you what this meanes?
2765Looke here, I throw my infamie at thee:
2766I will not ruinate my Fathers House,
2767Who gaue his blood to lyme the stones together,
2770To bend the fatall Instruments of Warre