Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry VI, Part 3 (Folio 1, 1623)

168The third Part of Henry the Sixt.
But Warwicke, after God, thou set'st me free,
And chiefely therefore, I thanke God, and thee,
He was the Author, thou the Instrument.
2400Therefore that I may conquer Fortunes spight,
By liuing low, where Fortune cannot hurt me,
And that the people of this blessed Land
May not be punisht with my thwarting starres,
Warwicke, although my Head still weare the Crowne,
2405I here resigne my Gouernment to thee,
For thou art fortunate in all thy deeds.
Warw. Your Grace hath still beene fam'd for vertuous,
And now may seeme as wise as vertuous,
By spying and auoiding Fortunes malice,
2410For few men rightly temper with the Starres:
Yet in this one thing let me blame your Grace,
For chusing me, when Clarence is in place.
Clar. No Warwicke, thou art worthy of the sway,
To whom the Heau'ns in thy Natiuitie,
2415Adiudg'd an Oliue Branch, and Lawrell Crowne,
As likely to be blest in Peace and Warre:
And therefore I yeeld thee my free consent.
Warw. And I chuse Clarence onely for Protector.
King. Warwick and Clarence, giue me both your Hands:
2420Now ioyne your Hands, & with your Hands your Hearts,
That no dissention hinder Gouernment:
I make you both Protectors of this Land,
While I my selfe will lead a priuate Life,
And in deuotion spend my latter dayes,
2425To sinnes rebuke, and my Creators prayse.
Warw. What answeres Clarence to his Soueraignes
Clar. That he consents, if Warwicke yeeld consent,
For on thy fortune I repose my selfe.
2430Warw. Why then, though loth, yet must I be content:
Wee'le yoake together, like a double shadow
To Henries Body, and supply his place;
I meane, in bearing weight of Gouernment,
While he enioyes the Honor, and his ease.
2435And Clarence, now then it is more then needfull,
Forthwith that Edward be pronounc'd a Traytor,
And all his Lands and Goods confiscate.
Clar. What else? and that Succession be determined.
Warw. I, therein Clarence shall not want his part.
2440King. But with the first, of all your chiefe affaires,
Let me entreat (for I command no more)
That Margaret your Queene, and my Sonne Edward,
Be sent for, to returne from France with speed:
For till I see them here, by doubtfull feare,
2445My ioy of libertie is halfe eclips'd.
Clar. It shall bee done, my Soueraigne, with all
King. My Lord of Somerset, what Youth is that,
Of whom you seeme to haue so tender care?
2450 Somers. My Liege, it is young Henry, Earle of Rich-
King. Come hither, Englands Hope:
Layes his Hand on his Head.
If secret Powers suggest but truth
2455To my diuining thoughts,
This prettie Lad will proue our Countries blisse.
His Lookes are full of peacefull Maiestie,
His Head by nature fram'd to weare a Crowne,
His Hand to wield a Scepter, and himselfe
2460Likely in time to blesse a Regall Throne:
Make much of him, my Lords; for this is hee
Must helpe you more, then you are hurt by mee.

Enter a Poste.

Warw. What newes, my friend?
2465Poste. That Edward is escaped from your Brother,
And fled (as hee heares since) to Burgundie.
Warw. Vnsauorie newes: but how made he escape?
Poste. He was conuey'd by Richard, Duke of Gloster,
And the Lord Hastings, who attended him
2470In secret ambush, on the Forrest side,
And from the Bishops Huntsmen rescu'd him:
For Hunting was his dayly Exercise.
Warw. My Brother was too carelesse of his charge.
But let vs hence, my Soueraigne, to prouide
2475A salue for any sore, that may betide. Exeunt.

Manet Somerset, Richmond, and Oxford.

Som. My Lord, I like not of this flight of Edwards:
For doubtlesse, Burgundie will yeeld him helpe,
And we shall haue more Warres befor't be long.
2480As Henries late presaging Prophecie
Did glad my heart, with hope of this young Richmond:
So doth my heart mis-giue me, in these Conflicts,
What may befall him, to his harme and ours.
Therefore, Lord Oxford, to preuent the worst,
2485Forthwith wee'le send him hence to Brittanie,
Till stormes be past of Ciuill Enmitie.
Oxf. I: for if Edward re-possesse the Crowne,
'Tis like that Richmond, with the rest, shall downe.
Som. It shall be so: he shall to Brittanie.
2490Come therefore, let's about it speedily. Exeunt.

Flourish. Enter Edward, Richard, Hastings,
and Souldiers.

Edw. Now Brother Richard, Lord Hastings, and the rest,
Yet thus farre Fortune maketh vs amends,
2495And sayes, that once more I shall enterchange
My wained state, for Henries Regall Crowne.
Well haue we pass'd, and now re-pass'd the Seas,
And brought desired helpe from Burgundie.
What then remaines, we being thus arriu'd
2500From Rauenspurre Hauen, before the Gates of Yorke,
But that we enter, as into our Dukedome?
Rich. The Gates made fast?
Brother, I like not this.
For many men that stumble at the Threshold,
2505Are well fore-told, that danger lurkes within.
Edw. Tush man, aboadments must not now affright vs:
By faire or foule meanes we must enter in,
For hither will our friends repaire to vs.
Hast. My Liege, Ile knocke once more, to summon
Enter on the Walls, the Maior of Yorke,
and his Brethren.
Maior. My Lords,
We were fore-warned of your comming,
2515And shut the Gates, for safetie of our selues;
For now we owe allegeance vnto Henry.
Edw. But, Master Maior, if Henry be your King,
Yet Edward, at the least, is Duke of Yorke.
Maior. True, my good Lord, I know you for no
Edw. Why, and I challenge nothing but my Dukedome,
As being well content with that alone.
Rich. But