Not Peer Reviewed
Henry VI, Part 3 (Folio 1, 1623)
The third Part of Henry the Sixt.167
2276K.Edw. Yea, Brother of Clarence,
2277Art thou here too?
2280Of thee thy selfe, and all thy Complices,
2281Edward will alwayes beare himselfe as King:
2282Though Fortunes mallice ouerthrow my State,
2283My minde exceedes the compasse of her Wheele.
2284 Warw. Then for his minde, be Edward Englands King,
2285Takes off his Crowne.
2287And be true King indeede: thou but the shadow.
2289See that forthwith Duke Edward be conuey'd
2290Vnto my Brother Arch-Bishop of Yorke:
2291When I haue fought with Pembrooke, and his fellowes,
2292Ile follow you, and tell what answer
2293Lewis and the Lady Bona send to him.
2294Now for a-while farewell good Duke of Yorke.
2295They leade him out forcibly.
2298Oxf. What now remaines my Lords for vs to do,
2299But march to London with our Soldiers?
2301To free King Henry from imprisonment,
2303Enter Riuers, and Lady Gray.
2305Gray. Why Brother Riuers, are you yet to learne
2306What late misfortune is befalne King Edward?
2308Against Warwicke?
2312Either betrayd by falshood of his Guard,
2313Or by his Foe surpriz'd at vnawares:
2314And as I further haue to vnderstand,
2315Is new committed to the Bishop of Yorke,
2316Fell Warwickes Brother, and by that our Foe.
2318Yet gracious Madam, beare it as you may,
2319Warwicke may loose, that now hath wonne the day.
2321And I the rather waine me from dispaire
2323This is it that makes me bridle passion,
2325I, I, for this I draw in many a teare,
2328King Edwards Fruite, true heyre to th' English Crowne.
2329Riu. But Madam,
2330Where is Warwicke then become?
2331 Gray. I am inform'd that he comes towards London,
2332To set the Crowne once more on Henries head,
2334But to preuent the Tyrants violence,
2335(For trust not him that hath once broken Faith)
2336Ile hence forthwith vnto the Sanctuary,
2341Enter Richard, Lord Hastings, and Sir William
2344Leaue off to wonder why I drew you hither,
2345Into this cheefest Thicket of the Parke.
2348He hath good vsage, and great liberty,
2349And often but attended with weake guard,
2351I haue aduertis'd him by secret meanes,
2352That if about this houre he make this way,
2353Vnder the colour of his vsuall game,
2355To set him free from his Captiuitie.
2356Enter King Edward, and a Huntsman
2357with him.
2358Huntsman. This way my Lord,
2359For this way lies the Game.
2360King Edw. Nay this way man,
2367Hast. To Lyn my Lord,
2368And shipt from thence to Flanders.
2373Wilt thou go along?
2375Rich. Come then away, lets ha no more adoo.
2377Sheeld thee from Warwickes frowne,
2379Flourish. Enter King Henry the sixt, Clarence, Warwicke,
2380Somerset, young Henry, Oxford, Mountague,
2381and Lieutenant.
2382K.Hen. M. Lieutenant, now that God and Friends
2384And turn'd my captiue state to libertie,
2385My feare to hope, my sorrowes vnto ioyes,
2386At our enlargement what are thy due Fees?
2388But, if an humble prayer may preuaile,
2389I then craue pardon of your Maiestie.
2394Conceiue; when after many moody Thoughts,
2396They quite forget their losse of Libertie.
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