Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry VI, Part 3 (Folio 1, 1623)

164The third Part of Henry the Sixt.
Now Brother King farewell, and sit you fast,
For I will hence to Warwickes other Daughter,
That though I want a Kingdome, yet in Marriage
I may not proue inferior to your selfe.
2155You that loue me, and Warwicke, follow me.
Exit Clarence, and Somerset followes.
Rich. Not I:
My thoughts ayme at a further matter:
I stay not for the loue of Edward, but the Crowne.
2160King. Clarence and Somerset both gone to Warwicke?
Yet am I arm'd against the worst can happen:
And haste is needfull in this desp'rate case.
Pembrooke and Stafford, you in our behalfe
Goe leuie men, and make prepare for Warre;
2165They are alreadie, or quickly will be landed:
My selfe in person will straight follow you.
Exeunt Pembrooke and Stafford.
But ere I goe, Hastings and Mountague
Resolue my doubt: you twaine, of all the rest,
2170Are neere to Warwicke, by bloud, and by allyance:
Tell me, if you loue Warwicke more then me;
If it be so, then both depart to him:
I rather wish you foes, then hollow friends.
But if you minde to hold your true obedience,
2175Giue me assurance with some friendly Vow,
That I may neuer haue you in suspect.
Mount. So God helpe Mountague, as hee proues
Hast. And Hastings, as hee fauours Edwards cause.
2180King. Now, Brother Richard, will you stand by vs?
Rich. I, in despight of all that shall withstand you.
King. Why so: then am I sure of Victorie.
Now therefore let vs hence, and lose no howre,
Till wee meet Warwicke, with his forreine powre.
2185 Exeunt.

Enter Warwicke and Oxford in England,
with French Souldiors.

Warw. Trust me, my Lord, all hitherto goes well,
The common people by numbers swarme to vs.
2190Enter Clarence and Somerset.
But see where Somerset and Clarence comes:
Speake suddenly, my Lords, are wee all friends?
Clar. Feare not that, my Lord.
Warw. Then gentle Clarence, welcome vnto Warwicke,
2195And welcome Somerset: I hold it cowardize,
To rest mistrustfull, where a Noble Heart
Hath pawn'd an open Hand, in signe of Loue;
Else might I thinke, that Clarence, Edwards Brother,
Were but a fained friend to our proceedings:
2200But welcome sweet Clarence, my Daughter shall be thine.
And now, what rests? but in Nights Couerture,
Thy Brother being carelessely encamp'd,
His Souldiors lurking in the Towne about,
And but attended by a simple Guard,
2205Wee may surprize and take him at our pleasure,
Our Scouts haue found the aduenture very easie:
That as Vlysses, and stout Diomede,
With sleight and manhood stole to Rhesus Tents,
And brought from thence the Thracian fatall Steeds;
2210So wee, well couer'd with the Nights black Mantle,
At vnawares may beat downe Edwards Guard,
And seize himselfe: I say not, slaughter him,
For I intend but onely to surprize him.
You that will follow me to this attempt,

2215Applaud the Name of Henry, with your Leader.
They all cry, Henry.
Why then, let's on our way in silent sort,
For Warwicke and his friends, God and Saint George.

2220Enter three Watchmen to guard the Kings Tent.

1. Watch. Come on my Masters, each man take his stand,
The King by this, is set him downe to sleepe.
2. Watch. What, will he not to Bed?
1. Watch. Why, no: for he hath made a solemne Vow,
2225Neuer to lye and take his naturall Rest,
Till Warwicke, or himselfe, be quite supprest.
2. Watch. To morrow then belike shall be the day,
If Warwicke be so neere as men report.
3. Watch. But say, I pray, what Noble man is that,
2230That with the King here resteth in his Tent?
1. Watch. 'Tis the Lord Hastings, the Kings chiefest
3. Watch. O, is it so? but why commands the King,
That his chiefe followers lodge in Townes about him,
2235While he himselfe keepes in the cold field?
2. Watch. 'Tis the more honour, because more dange-
3. Watch. I, but giue me worship, and quietnesse,
I like it better then a dangerous honor.
2240If Warwicke knew in what estate he stands,
'Tis to be doubted he would waken him.
1. Watch. Vnlesse our Halberds did shut vp his pas-
2. Watch. I: wherefore else guard we his Royall Tent,
2245But to defend his Person from Night-foes?

Enter Warwicke, Clarence, Oxford, Somerset,
and French Souldiors, silent all.

Warw. This is his Tent, and see where stand his Guard:
Courage my Masters: Honor now, or neuer:
2250But follow me, and Edward shall be ours.
1. Watch. Who goes there?
2. Watch. Stay, or thou dyest.
Warwicke and the rest cry all, Warwicke, Warwicke,
and set vpon the Guard, who flye, crying, Arme, Arme,
2255 Warwicke and the rest following them.

The Drumme playing, and Trumpet sounding.
Enter Warwicke, Somerset, and the rest, bringing the King
out in his Gowne, sitting in a Chaire: Richard
and Hastings flyes ouer the Stage.
2260Som. What are they that flye there?
Warw. Richard and Hastings: let them goe, heere is
the Duke.
K.Edw. The Duke?
Why Warwicke, when wee parted,
2265Thou call'dst me King.
Warw. I, but the case is alter'd,
When you disgrac'd me in my Embassade,
Then I degraded you from being King,
And come now to create you Duke of Yorke.
2270Alas, how should you gouerne any Kingdome,
That know not how to vse Embassadors,
Nor how to be contented with one Wife,
Nor how to vse your Brothers Brotherly,
Nor how to studie for the Peoples Welfare,
2275Nor how to shrowd your selfe from Enemies?
K.Edw. Yea,