Not Peer Reviewed
Henry VI, Part 3 (Folio 1, 1623)
162The third Part of Henry the Sixt.
1892Where hauing nothing, nothing can he lose.
1893And as for you your selfe (our quondam Queene)
1894You haue a Father able to maintaine you,
1895And better 'twere, you troubled him, then France.
1897Proud setter vp, and puller downe of Kings,
1898I will not hence, till with my Talke and Teares
1899(Both full of Truth) I make King Lewis behold
1901 Post blowing a horne Within.
1904Enter the Poste.
1907Sent from your Brother Marquesse Montague.
1910From whom, I know not.
1911They all reade their Letters.
1913Smiles at her newes, while Warwicke frownes at his.
1915netled. I hope, all's for the best.
1916Lew. Warwicke, what are thy Newes?
1917And yours, faire Queene.
1920Lew. What? has your King married the Lady Grey?
1921And now to sooth your Forgery, and his,
1922Sends me a Paper to perswade me Patience?
1923Is this th' Alliance that he seekes with France?
1926This proueth Edwards Loue, and Warwickes honesty.
1928And by the hope I haue of heauenly blisse,
1929That I am cleere from this misdeed of Edwards;
1930No more my King, for he dishonors me,
1932Did I forget, that by the House of Yorke
1933My Father came vntimely to his death?
1935Did I impale him with the Regall Crowne?
1936Did I put Henry from his Natiue Right?
1937And am I guerdon'd at the last, with Shame?
1939And to repaire my Honor lost for him,
1940I heere renounce him, and returne to Henry.
1941My Noble Queene, let former grudges passe,
1942And henceforth, I am thy true Seruitour:
1943I will reuenge his wrong to Lady Bona,
1944And replant Henry in his former state.
1945Mar. Warwicke,
1946These words haue turn'd my Hate, to Loue,
1947And I forgiue, and quite forget old faults,
1948And ioy that thou becom'st King Henries Friend.
1949War. So much his Friend, I, his vnfained Friend,
1952Ile vndertake to Land them on our Coast,
1953And force the Tyrant from his seat by Warre.
1955And as for Clarence, as my Letters tell me,
1956Hee's very likely now to fall from him,
1957For matching more for wanton Lust, then Honor,
1964War. And mine faire Lady Bona, ioynes with yours.
1965Lew. And mine, with hers, and thine, and Margarets.
1967You shall haue ayde.
1968Mar. Let me giue humble thankes for all, at once.
1972To reuell it with him, and his new Bride.
1975I weare the Willow Garland for his sake.
1977And I am ready to put Armor on.
1978 War. Tell him from me, that he hath done me wrong,
1979And therefore Ile vn-Crowne him, er't be long.
1980There's thy reward, be gone. Exit Post.
1981Lew. But Warwicke,
1986Yet ere thou go, but answer me one doubt:
1987What Pledge haue we of thy firme Loyalty?
1989That if our Queene, and this young Prince agree,
1990Ile ioyne mine eldest daughter, and my Ioy,
1991To him forthwith, in holy Wedlocke bands.
1992 Mar. Yes, I agree, and thanke you for your Motion.
1993Sonne Edward, she is Faire and Vertuous,
1994Therefore delay not, giue thy hand to Warwicke,
1995And with thy hand, thy faith irreuocable,
1996That onely Warwickes daughter shall be thine.
1998And heere to pledge my Vow, I giue my hand.
1999 He giues his hand to Warw.
2001And thou Lord Bourbon, our High Admirall
2002Shall waft them ouer with our Royall Fleete.
2003I long till Edward fall by Warres mischance,
2004For mocking Marriage with a Dame of France.
2007But I returne his sworne and mortall Foe:
2008Matter of Marriage was the charge he gaue me,
2012I was the Cheefe that rais'd him to the Crowne,
2013And Ile be Cheefe to bring him downe againe:
2014Not that I pitty Henries misery,
2016Enter Richard, Clarence, Somerset, and
2018 Rich. Now tell me Brother Clarence, what thinke you
2019Of this new Marriage with the Lady Gray?
2020Hath not our Brother made a worthy choice?
2021Cla. Alas, you know, tis farre from hence to France,