Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

The first part of the contention of the two famous
VVill. No tis Dutch.
Nicke. No tis outtalian, I know it well inough.
Say. Kent, in the Commentaries Caesar wrote,
2695Termde it the ciuel'st place of all this land,
Then noble Country-men, heare me but speake,
I sold not France, I lost not Normandie.
2725Cade. But wherefore doest thou shake thy head so?
Say. It is the palsie and not feare that makes me.
Cade. Nay thou nodst thy head, as who say, thou wilt be euen
with me, if thou getst away, but ile make the sure inough, now I
haue thee. Go take him to the standerd in Cheapeside and chop of
his head, and then go to milende-greene, to sir Iames Cromer his
sonne in law, and cut off his head too, and bring them to me vpon
two poles presently. (Away with him.
Exet one or two, with the Lord Say.
There shall not a noble man weare a head on his shoulders,
But he shall paie me tribute for it.
Nor there shal not a mayd be married, but he shal fee to me for her.
2755Maydenhead or else, ile haue it my selfe,
2755.1Marry I will that married men shall hold of me in capitie,
And that their wiues shalbe as free as hart can thinke, or toong can
2756.1Enter Robin. (tell.
Robin. O Captaine, London bridge is afire.
Cade. Runne to Billingsgate, and fetche pitch and flaxe and
squench it.
2756.5Enter Dicke and a Sargiant.
Sargiant. Iustice, iustice, I pray you sir, let me haue iustice of this
fellow here.
Cade. Why what has he done?
Sarg. Alasse sir he has rauisht my wife.
2756.10Dicke. Why my Lord he would haue rested me,
And I went and and entred my Action in his wiues paper house.
Cade. Dicke follow thy sute in her common place,
You horson villaine, you are a Sargiant youle,
Take any man by the throate for twelue pence,
2756.15And rest a man when hees at dinner,
And haue him to prison ere the meate be out of his mouth.
Go Dicke take him hence, cut out his toong for cogging,