Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

First part of the Con-
tention betwixt the two famous Houses of Yorke
and Lancaster, with the death of the good
Duke Humphrey:
And the banishment and death of the Duke of
Suffolke, and the Tragicall end of the proud Cardinall
of VVinchester, vvith the notable Rebellion
of Iacke Cade:
And the Duke of Yorkes first claime unto the
Printed by Thomas Creed, for Thomas Millington,
and are to be sold at his shop vnder Saint Peters
Church in Cornwall.
I 5 9 4.
Houses of Yorke & Lancaster, with the death of
the good Duke Humphrey.
Enter at one doore, King Henry the sixt, and Humphrey Duke of
Gloster, the Duke of Sommerset, the Duke of Buckingham, Car-
4.1 dinall Bewford, and others.
5Enter at the other doore, the Duke of Yorke, and the Marquesse of
Suffolke, and Queene Margaret, and the Earle of Salisbury and
6.1 Warwicke.
AS by your high imperiall Maiesties command,
I had in charge at my depart for France,
10As Procurator for your excellence,
To marry Princes Margaret for your grace,
So in the auncient famous Citie Towres,
In presence of the Kings of France & Cyssile,
The Dukes of Orleance, Calabar, Brittaine, and Alonson.
15Seuen Earles, twelue Barons, and then the reuerend Bishops,
I did performe my taske and was espousde,
And now, most humbly on my bended knees,
In sight of England and her royall Peeres,
Deliuer vp my title in the Queene,
20Vnto your gratious excellence, that are the substance
Of that great shadow I did represent:
The happiest gift that euer Marquesse gaue,
The fairest Queene that euer King possest.
King. Suffolke arise.
25Welcome Queene Margaret to English Henries Court,
The greatest shew of kindnesse yet we can bestow,
26.1Is this kinde kisse: Oh gracious God of heauen,
Lend me a heart repleat with thankfulnesse,
For in this beautious face thou hast bestowde
A world of pleasures to my perplexed soule.
Queene. Th'excessiue loue I beare vnto your grace,
Forbids me to be lauish of my tongue,
Least I should speake more then beseemes a woman:
Let this suffice, my blisse is in your liking,
35And nothing can make poore Margaret miserable,
Vnlesse the frowne of mightie Englands King.
Kin. Her lookes did wound, but now her speech doth pierce,
40Louely Queene Margaret sit down by my side:
And vnckle Gloster, and you Lordly Peeres,
43.1With one voice welcome my beloued Queene.
All. Long liue Queene Margaret, Englands happinesse.
45Queene. We thanke you all.
45.1 Sound Trumpets.
Suffolke. My Lord Protector, so it please your grace,
Here are the Articles confirmde of peace,
Betweene our Soueraigne and the French King Charles,
Till terme of eighteene months be full expirde.
50Humphrey. Imprimis, It is agreed betweene the French King
Charles, and William de la Poule, Marquesse of Suffolke, Embas-
sador for Henry King of England, that the said Henry shal wed
and espouse the Ladie Margaret, daughter to Raynard King of
Naples, Cyssels, and Ierusalem, and crowne her Queene of Eng-
55 land, ere the 30 of the next month.
Item. It is further agreed betwene them, that the Dutches of An-
ioy and of Maine, shall be released and deliuered ouer to the
57.1 King her fa.
Duke Humphrey lets it fall.
Kin How now vnkle, whats the matter that you stay so sodenly.
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
Humph. Pardon my Lord, a sodain qualme came ouer my hart,
Which dimmes mine eyes that I can reade no more.
Vnckle of Winchester, I pray you reade on.
Cardinall. Item, It is further agreed betweene them, that the
Duches of Anioy and of Mayne, shall be released and deliue-
65 red ouer to the King her father, & she sent ouer of the King
of Englands owne proper cost and charges without dowry.
King. They please vs well, Lord Marquesse kneele downe, We
here create thee first Duke of Suffolke, & girt thee with the
70 sword. Cosin of Yorke, We here discharge your grace from
being Regent in the parts of France, till terme of 18. months
be full expirde.
Thankes vnckle VVinchester, Gloster, Yorke, and Buckingham, So-
75merset, Salsbury and VVarwicke.
We thanke you all for this great fauour done,
In entertainment to my Princely Queene,
Come let vs in, and with all speed prouide
To see her Coronation be performde.
80Exet King, Queene, and Suffolke, and Duke
Humphrey staies all the rest.
Humphrey. Braue Peeres of England, Pillars of the state,
To you Duke Humphrey must vnfold his griefe,
85What did my brother Henry toyle himselfe,
And waste his subiects for to conquere France?
90And did my brother Bedford spend his time
To keepe in awe that stout vnruly Realme?
95And haue not I and mine vnckle Bewford here,
Done all we could to keepe that land in peace?
And is all our labours then spent in vaine,
102.1For Suffolke he, the new made Duke that rules the roast,
Hath giuen away for our King Henries Queene,
The Dutches of Anioy and Mayne vnto her father.
Ah Lords, fatall is this marriage canselling our states,
Reuersing Monuments of conquered France,
110Vndoing all, as none had nere bene done.
Card. Why how now cosin Gloster, what needs this?
A3 As
The first part of the contention of the two famous
145As if our King were bound vnto your will,
145.1And might not do his will without your leaue,
Proud Protector, enuy in thine eyes I see,
The big swolne venome of thy hatefull heart,
That dares presume gainst that thy Soueraigne likes.
Humphr. Nay my Lord tis not my words that troubles you,
But my presence, proud Prelate as thou art:
148.1But ile begone, and giue thee leaue to speake.
Farewell my Lords, and say when I am gone,
I prophesied France would be lost ere long.
153.1 Exet Duke Humphrey.
Card. There goes our Protector in a rage,
155My Lords you know he is my great enemy,
155.1And though he be Protector of the land,
And thereby couers his deceitfull thoughts,
For well you see, if he but walke the streets,
165The common people swarme about him straight,
Crying Iesus blesse your royall exellence,
With God preserue the good Duke Humphrey.
170And many things besides that are not knowne,
Which time will bring to light in smooth Duke Humphrey.
But I will after him, and if I can
Ile laie a plot to heaue him from his seate.
178.1 Exet Cardinall.
Buck. But let vs watch this haughtie Cardinall,
181.1Cosen of Somerset be rulde by me,
Weele watch Duke Humphrey and the Cardinall too,
And put them from the marke they faine would hit.
Somerset. Thanks cosin Buckingham, ioyne thou with me,
175And both of vs with the Duke of Suffolke,
Weele quickly heaue Duke Humphrey from his seate.
176.1Buck. Content, Come then let vs about it straight,
185For either thou or I will be Protector.
Exet Buckingham and Somerset.
Salsb. Pride went before, Ambition follows after.
Whilst these do seeke their owne preferments thus,
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
190My Lords let vs seeke for our Countries good,
Oft haue I seene this haughtie Cardinall
Sweare, and forsweare himselfe, and braue it out,
More like a Ruffin then a man of Church.
Cosin Yorke, the victories thou hast wonne,
In Ireland, Normandie, and in France,
Hath wonne thee immortall praise in England.
And thou braue VVarwicke, my thrice valiant sonne,
Thy simple plainnesse and thy house-keeping,
200Hath wonne thee credit amongst the common sort,
200.1The reuerence of mine age, and Neuels name,
Is of no litle force if I command,
Then let vs ioyne all three in one for this,
That good Duke Humphrey may his state possesse,
211.1But wherefore weepes Warwicke my noble sonne.
VVarw. For griefe that all is lost that VVarwick won.
Sonnes. Anioy and Maine, both giuen away at once,
Why VVarwick did win them, & must that then which we wonne
211.5 with our swords, be giuen away with wordes.
Yorke. As I haue read, our Kinges of England were woont to
haue large dowries with their wiues, but our King Henry
giues away his owne.
Sals. Come sonnes away and looke vnto the maine.
VVar. Vnto the Maine, Oh father Maine is lost,
Which VVarwicke by maine force did win from France,
Maine chance father you meant, but I meant Maine,
Which I will win from France, or else be slaine.
225Exet Salsbury and Warwicke.
Yorke. Anioy and Maine, both giuen vnto the French,
Cold newes for me, for I had hope of France,
250Euen as I haue of fertill England.
A day will come when Yorke shall claime his owne,
And therefore I will take the Neuels parts,
And make a show of loue to proud Duke Humphrey:
And vvhen I spie aduantage, claime the Crovvne,
255For thats the golden marke I seeke to hit:
The first part of the contention of the two famous
Nor shall proud Lancaster vsurpe my right,
Nor hold the scepter in his childish fist,
Nor vveare the Diademe vpon his head,
Whose church-like humours fits not for a Crovvne:
260Then Yorke be still a vvhile till time do serue,
Watch thou, and vvake vvhen others be asleepe,
To prie into the secrets of the state,
Till Henry surfeiting in ioyes of loue,
With his nevv bride, and Englands dear bought queene,
265And Humphrey vvith the Peeres be falne at iarres,
Then vvill I raise aloft the milke-vvhite Rose,
With vvhose svveete smell the aire shall be perfumde,
And in my Standard beare the Armes of Yorke,
To graffle vvith the House of Lancaster:
270And force perforce, ile make him yeeld the Crovvne,
Whose bookish rule hath puld faire England dovvne.
Exet Yorke.
Enter Duke Humphrey, and Dame Ellanor,
273.1Cobham his vvife
Elnor. Why droopes my Lord like ouer ripened corne,
275Hanging the head at Cearies plentious loade,
280What seest thou Duke Humphrey King Henries Crovvne?
Reach at it, and if thine arme be too short,
285Mine shall lengthen it. Art not thou a Prince,
285.1Vnckle to the King, and his Protector?
Then vvhat shouldst thou lacke that might content thy minde.
Humph. My louely Nell, far be it from my heart,
To thinke of Treasons gainst my soueraigne Lord,
295But I vvas troubled vvith a dreame to night,
295.1And God I pray, it do betide no ill.
Elnor. What drempt my Lord. Good Humphrey tell it me,
296.1And ile interpret it, and vvhen thats done,
Ile tell thee then, vvhat I did dreame to night.
Humphrey. This night vvhen I vvas laid in bed, I dreampt that
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
This my staffe mine Office badge in Court,
300Was broke in two, and on the ends were plac'd,
The heads of the Cardinall of VVinchester,
And VVilliam de la Poule first Duke of Suffolke.
Elnor. Tush my Lord, this signifies nought but this,
That he that breakes a sticke of Glosters groue,
Shall for th'offence, make forfeit of his head.
But now my Lord, Ile tell you what I dreampt,
310Me thought I was in the Cathedrall Church
At Westminster, and seated in the chaire
Where Kings and Queenes are crownde, and at my feete
Henry and Margaret with a Crowne of gold
Stood readie to set it on my Princely head.
315Humphrey. Fie Nell. Ambitious woman as thou art,
Art thou not second woman in this land,
And the Protectors wife belou'd of him,
And wilt thou still be hammering treason thus,
Away I say, and let me heare no more.
325Elnor How now my Lord. What angry with your Nell,
For telling but her dreame. The next I haue
Ile keepe to my selfe, and not be rated thus.
Humphrey. Nay Nell, Ile giue no credit to a dreame,
329.1But I would haue thee to thinke on no such things.
330Enters a Messenger.
Messenger.And it please your grace, the King and Queene to
morrow morning will ride a hawking to Saint Albones,
and craues your company along with them.
Humphrey. With all my heart, I will attend his grace:
334.1Come Nell, thou wilt go with vs vs I am sure.
Exet Humphrey.
335Elnor. Ile come after you, for I cannot go before,
But ere it be long, Ile go before them all,
Despight of all that seeke to crosse me thus,
Who is within there?
B Enter
The first part of the contention of the two famous
Enter sir Iohn Hum.
344.1What sir Iohn Hum, what newes with you?
345Sir Iohn. Iesus preserue your Maiestie.
Elnor. My Maiestie. Why man I am but grace.
Ser Iohn. I, but by the grace of God & Hums aduise,
Your graces state shall be aduanst ere long.
Elnor. What hast thou conferd with Margery Iordaine, the
350 cunning Witch of Ely, with Roger Bullingbrooke and the
rest, and will they vndertake to do me good?
Sir Iohn. I haue Madame, and they haue promised me to raise
a Spirite from depth of vnder grounde, that shall tell your
355 grace all questions you demaund.
Elnor. Thanks good sir Iohn. Some two daies hence I gesse
357.1Will fit our time, then see that they be here:
For now the King is ryding to Saint Albones,
358.1And all the Dukes and Earles along with him,
When they be gone, then safely they may come,
And on the backside of my Orchard heere,
There cast their Spelles in silence of the night,
358.5And so resolue vs of the thing we wish,
360Till when, drinke that for my sake, And so farwell.
Exet Elnor.
Sir Iohn. Now sir Iohn Hum, No words but mum.
365Seale vp your lips, for you must silent be,
These gifts ere long will make me mightie rich,
The Duches she thinks now that all is well,
But I haue gold comes from another place,
From one that hyred me to set her on,
375To plot these Treasons gainst the King and Peeres,
And that is the mightie Duke of Suffolke.
For he it is, but I must not say so,
That by my meanes must worke the Duches fall,
381.1Who now by Cuniurations thinkes to rise.
But whist sir Iohn, no more of that I trow,
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
383.1For feare you lose your head before you goe.
Enter two Petitioners, and Peter the
385Armourers man.
1. Peti. Come sirs let vs linger here abouts a while,
Vntill my Lord Protector come this way,
That we may show his grace our seuerall causes.
2. Peti. I pray God saue the good Duke Humphries life,
390For but for him a many were vndone,
390.1That cannot get no succour in the Court,
But see where he comes with the Queene.
Enter the Duke of Suffolke with the Queene, and they
391.1take him for Duke Humphrey, and giues
him their writings.
1. Peti. Oh we are vndone, this is the Duke of Suffolke.
Queene. Now good-fellowes, whom would you speak withall?
2. Peti. If it please your Maiestie, with my Lord Protectors
Queene. Are your sutes to his grace. Let vs see them first,
400Looke on them my Lord of Suffolke.
Suffolke. A complaint against the Cardinals man,
401.1What hath he done?
2. Peti. Marry my Lord, he hath stole away my wife,
And th'are gone togither, and I know not where to finde them.
Suffolke. Hath he stole thy wife, thats some iniury indeed.
405But what say you?
410Peter Thump. Marry sir I come to tel you that my maister said,
that the Duke of Yorke was true heire vnto the Crowne, and
that the King was an vsurer.
412.1Queene. An vsurper thou wouldst say.
Peter. I forsooth an vsurper.
Queene. Didst thou say the King was an vsurper?
415Peter. No forsooth, I saide my maister saide so, th'other day
B2 when
The first part of the contention of the two famous
415.1when we were scowring the Duke of Yorks Armour in our
Suffolke. I marry this is something like,
Whose within there?
Enter one or two.
Sirra take in this fellow and keepe him close,
420And send out a Purseuant for his maister straight,
Weele here more of this before the King.
Exet with the Armourers man.
421.1Now sir what yours? Let me see it,
Whats here?
A complaint against the Duke of Suffolke for enclosing the com-
406.1 mons of long Melford.
How now sir knaue.
1. Peti. I beseech your grace to pardon me, me, I am but a
Messenger for the whole town-ship.
409.1He teares the papers.
Suffolke. So now show your petitions to Duke Humphrey.
Villaines get you gone and come not neare the Court,
Dare these pesants write against me thus.
Exet Petitioners.
Queene. My Lord of Suffolke, you may see by this,
The Commons loues vnto that haughtie Duke,
That seekes to him more then to King Henry:
433.1Whose eyes are alwaies poring on his booke,
And nere regards the honour of his name,
But still must be protected like a childe,
435And gouerned by that ambitious Duke,
435.1That scarse will moue his cap nor speake to vs,
And his proud wife, high minded Elanor,
That ruffles it with such a troupe of Ladies,
465As strangers in the Court takes her for the Queene.
470The other day she vanted to her maides,
That the very traine of her worst gowne,
Was worth more wealth then all my fathers lands,
472.1Can any griefe of minde be like to this.
I tell
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
I tell thee Poull, when thou didst runne at Tilt,
And stolst away our Ladaies hearts in France,
I thought King Henry had bene like to thee,
439.1Or else thou hadst not brought me out of France.
Suffolke. Madame content your selfe a litle while,
As I was cause of your comming to England,
So will I in England worke your full content:
And as for proud Duke Humphrey and his wife,
475I haue set lime-twigs that will intangle them,
475.1As that your grace ere long shall vnderstand.
But staie Madame, here comes the King.
Enter King Henry, and the Duke of Yorke and the Duke of So-
merset on both sides of the King, whispering with him, and en-
490 ter Duke Humphrey, Dame Elnor, the Duke of Buckingham,
490.1 the Earle of Salsbury, the Earle of Warwicke, and the Cardinall
of VVinchester
King. My Lords I care not who be Regent in France, or York,
or Somerset, alls wonne to me.
Yorke. My Lord, if Yorke haue ill demeande himselfe,
Let Somerset enioy his place and go to France.
495Somerset. Then whom your grace thinke worthie, let him go,
And there be made the Regent ouer the French.
VVarwicke. VVhom soeuer you account worthie,
Yorke is the vvorthiest.
Cardinall. Pease VVarwicke. Giue thy betters leaue to speake.
500VVar. The Cardinals not my better in the field.
Buc. All in this place are thy betters farre.
VVar. And Warwicke may liue to be the best of all.
502.1Queene. My Lord in mine opinion, it vvere best that Somerset
vvere Regent ouer France.
Humphrey. Madame onr King is old inough himselfe,
To giue his ansvvere vvithout your consent.
Queene. If he be old inough, vvhat needs your grace
To be Protector ouer him so long.
B3 Humphrey
The first part of the contention of the two famous
510Humphrey. Madame I am but Protector ouer the land,
And when it please his grace, I will resigne my charge.
Suffolke. Resigne it then, for since that thou wast King,
As who is King but thee. The common state
Doth as we see, all wholly go to wracke,
And Millions of treasure hath bene spent,
And as for the Regentship of France,
I say Somerset is more worthie then Yorke.
560Yorke. Ile tell thee Suffolke why I am not worthie,
Because I cannot flatter as thou canst.
War. And yet the worthie deeds that York hath done,
Should make him worthie to be honoured here.
570Suffolke. Peace headstrong VVarwicke.
VVar. Image of pride, wherefore should I peace?
Suffolke. Because here is a man accusde of Treason,
Pray God the Duke of Yorke do cleare himselfe.
574.1Ho, bring hither the Armourer and his man.
Enter the Armourer and his man.
If it please your grace, this fellow here, hath accused his maister of
580 high Treason, And his words were these.
That the Duke of Yorke was lawfull heire vnto the Crowne, and
that your grace was an vsurper.
Yorke. I beseech your grace let him haue what punishment the
592.1 the law will afford, for his villany.
King. Come hether fellow, didst thou speake these words?
Armour. Ant shall please your Maiestie, I neuer said any such
585matter, God is my vvitnesse, I am falsly accused by this villain (here.
Peter. Tis no matter for that, you did say so.
Yorke. I beseech your grace, let him haue the lavv.
Armour. Alasse my Lord, hang me if euer I spake the vvords,
595 my accuser is my prentise, & vvhen I did correct him for his
fault the other day, he did vovv vpon his knees that he vvould
be euen vvith me, I haue good vvitnesse of this, and therefore
I beseech your Maiestie do not cast avvay an honest man for
a villaines accusation.
600King. Vnckle Gloster, vvhat do you thinke of this?
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
Humphrey. The lavv my Lord is this by case, it rests suspitious,
That a day of combat be appointed,
605And there to trie each others right or vvrong,
605.1Which shall be on the thirtith of this month,
With Eben staues, and Standbags combatting
In Smythfield, before your Royall Maiestie.
Exet Humphrey.
Armour. And I accept the Combat vvillingly.
610Peter. Alasse my Lord, I am not able to fight.
Suffolke. You must either fight sirra or else be hangde:
615Go take them hence againe to prison. Exet vvith them.
530The Queene lets fall her gloue, and hits the Duches of
530.1Gloster, a boxe on the eare.
Queene. Giue me my gloue. Why Minion can you not see?
529.1She strikes her.
I cry you mercy Madame, I did mistake,
531.1I did not thinke it had bene you.
Elnor. Did you not proud French-vvoman,
Could I come neare your daintie vissage vvith my nayles,
Ide set my ten commandments in your face.
535King. Be patient gentle Aunt.
535.1It vvas against her vvill.
Elnor. Against her vvill. Good King sheele dandle thee,
If thou vvilt alvvaies thus be rulde by her.
But let it rest. As sure as I do liue,
She shall not strike dame Elnor vnreuengde.
540Exet Elnor.
540.1King. Beleeue me my loue, thou vvart much to blame,
I vvould not for a thousand pounds of gold,
My noble vnckle had bene here in place.
Enter Duke Humphrey.
546.1But see vvhere he comes, I am glad he met her not.
Vnckle Gloster, vvhat ansvvere makes your grace
600.1Concerning our Regent for the Realme of France,
Whom thinks your grace is meetest for to send.
The first part of the contention of the two famous
Humphrey. My gratious Lord, then this is my resolue,
601.1For that these words the Armourer should speake,
Doth breed suspition on the part of Yorke,
Let Somerset be Regent ouer the French,
Till trials made, and Yorke may cleare himselfe.
604.1King. Then be it so my Lord of Somerset.
We make your grace Regent ouer the French,
And to defend our rights gainst forraine foes,
And so do good vnto the Realme of France.
604.5Make hast my Lord, tis time that you were gone,
The time of Truse I thinke is full expirde.
Somerset. I humbly thanke your royall Maiestie,
608.1And take my leaue to poste with speed to France.
Exet Somerset.
King. Come vnckle Gloster, now lets haue our horse,
617.1For we will to Saint Albones presently,
Madame your Hawke they say, is swift of flight,
And we will trie how she will flie to day. Exet omnes.
Enter Elnor, with sir Iohn Hum, Koger Bullenbrooke a Coniurer,
619.1and Margery Iourdaine a Witch.
Elnor. Here sir Iohn, take this scrole of paper here,
Wherein is writ the questions you shall aske,
And I will stand vpon this Tower here,
619.5And here the spirit what it saies to you,
And to my questions, write the answeres downe.
She goes vp to the Tower.
632.1Sir Iohn. Now sirs begin and cast your spels about,
And charme the fiendes for to obey your wils,
And tell Dame Elnor of the thing she askes.
Witch. Then Roger Bullinbrooke about thy taske,
And frame a Cirkle here vpon the earth,
630Whilst I thereon all prostrate on my face,
643.1Do talke and whisper with the diuels be low,
And coniure them for to obey my will.
She lies downe vpon her face.
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
Bullenbrooke makes a Cirkle.
Bullen. Darke Night, dread Night, the silence of the Night,
Wherein the Furies maske in hellish troupes,
Send vp I charge you from Sosetus lake,
650The spirit Askalon to come to me,
650.1To pierce the bowels of this Centricke earth,
And hither come in twinkling of an eye,
Askalon, Assenda, Assenda.
645It thunders and lightens, and then the spirit
riseth vp.
Spirit. Now Bullenbrooke what wouldst thou haue me do?
655Bullen. First of the King, what shall become of him?
Spirit. The Duke yet liues that Henry shall depose,
But him out liue, and dye a violent death.
Bullen. What fate awayt the Duke of Suffolke.
660Spirit. By water shall he die and take his ende.
Bullen. What shall betide the Duke of Somerset?
Spirit. Let him shun Castles, safer shall he be vpon the sandie
plaines, then where Castles mounted stand.
665Now question me no more, for I must hence againe.
He sinkes downe againe.
Bullen. Then downe I say, vnto the damned poule
666.1Where Pluto in his firie Waggon sits.
Ryding amidst the singde and parched smoakes,
The Rode of Dytas by the Riuer Stykes,
There howle and burne for euer in those flames,
666.5Rise Iordaine rise, and staie thy charming Spels.
Sonnes, we are betraide.
Enter the Duke of Yorke, and the Duke of
670Buckingham, and others.
Yorke. Come sirs, laie hands on them,and bind them sure,
This time was well watcht. What Madame are you there?
675This will be great credit for your husband,
That your are plotting Treasons thus with Cuniurers,
676.1The King shall haue notice of this thing.
Exet Elnor aboue.
Buc. See here my Lord what the diuell hath writ.
Yorke. Giue it me my Lord, Ile show it to the King.
C Go
The first part of the contention of the two famous
Go sirs, see them fast lockt in prison.
684.1Exet with them.
Bucking. My Lord, I pray you let me go post vnto the King,
Vnto S. Albones, to tell this newes.
Yorke. Content. Away then, about it straight.
709.1Buck. Farewell my Lord.
Exet Buckingham.
710Yorke. Whose within there?
Enter one.
711.1One. My Lord.
Yorke. Sirrha, go will the Earles of Salsbury and Warwicke, to
sup with me to night. Exet Yorke.
713.1One. I will my Lord.
715Enter the King and Queene with her Hawke on her fist,
and Duke Humphrey and Suffolke, and the Cardi-
716.1nall, as if they came from hawking.
Queene. My Lord, how did your grace like this last flight?
But as I cast her off the winde did rise,
720And twas ten to one, old Ione had not gone out.
King. How wonderfull the Lords workes are on earth,
721.1Euen in these silly creatures of his hands,
Vnckle Gloster, how hie your Hawke did sore?
722.1And on a sodaine soust the Partridge downe.
725Suffolke. No maruell if it please your Maiestie
My Lord Protectors Hawke done towre so well,
He knowes his maister loues to be aloft.
Humphrey. Faith my Lord, it is but a base minde
730That can sore no higher then a Falkons pitch.
Card. I thought your grace would be aboue the cloudes.
Humph. I my Lord Cardinall, were it not good
Your grace could fllie to heauen.
Card. Thy heauen is on earth, thy words and thoughts beat on
a Crowne, proude Protector dangerous Peere, to smooth it thus
with King and common-wealth.
740Humphrey. How now my Lord, why this is more then needs,
Church-men so hote. Good vnckle can you doate.
745Suffolke. Why not Hauing so good a quarrell & so bad a cause.
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
Humphrey. As how, my Lord?
Suffolke. As you, my Lord. And it like your Lordly
Lords Protectorship.
750Humphrey. Why Suffolke, England knowes thy insolence.
Queene. And thy ambition Gloster.
King. Cease gentle Queene, and whet not on these furious
Lordes to wrath, for blessed are the peace-makers on
755Card. Let me be blessed for the peace I make,
Against this proud Protector with my sword.
Humphrey. Faith holy vnckle, I would it were come to that,
Cardinall. Euen when thou darest.
758.1Humphrey. Dare. I tell thee Priest, Plantagenets could neuer
brooke the dare.
Card. I am Plantagenet as well as thou, and sonne to Iohn of
758.5Humph. In Bastardie.
Cardin. I scorne thy words.
Humph. Make vp no factious numbers, but euen in thine own
person meete me at the East end of the groue.
763.1Card. Heres my hand, I will.
King. Why how now Lords?
765Card. Faith Cousin Gloster, had not your man cast off so soone,
we had had more sport to day, Come with thy swoord
and buckler.
775Humphrey. Faith Priest, Ile shaue your Crowne.
Cardinall. Protector, protect thy selfe well.
King. The wind growes high, so doth your chollour Lords.
Enter one crying, A miracle, a miracle.
How now, now sirrha, what miracle is it?
790One. And it please your grace, there is a man that came blinde
to S. Albones, and hath receiued his sight at his shrine.
King. Goe fetch him hither, that wee may glorifie the Lord
with him.
795Enter the Maior of Saint Albones and his brethren with
Musicke, bearing the man that had bene blind,
796.1betweene two in a chaire.
King. Thou happie man, giue God eternall praise,
The first part of the contention of the two famous
800For he it is, that thus hath helped thee.
Humphrey. Where wast thou borne?
Poore man. At Barwicke sir, in the North.
813.1Humph. At Barwicke, and come thus far for helpe.
Poore man. I sir, it was told me in my sleepe,
That sweet saint Albones, should giue me my sight againe.
830Humphrey. What art thou lame too?
Poore man. I indeed sir, God helpe me.
Humphrey. How cam'st thou lame?
Poore man. With falling off on a plum-tree.
Humph. Wart thou blind & wold clime plumtrees?
Poore man. Neuer but once sir in all my life,
My wife did long for plums.
805Humph. But tell me, wart thou borne blinde?
Poore man. I truly sir.
Woman. I indeed sir, he was borne blinde.
Humphrey. What art thou his mother?
VVoman. His wife sir.
810Humphrey. Hadst thou bene his mother,
Thou couldst haue better told.
Why let me see, I thinke thou canst not see yet.
Poore man. Yes truly maister, as cleare as day.
850Humphrey. Saist thou so. What colours his cloake?
Poore man. Why red maister, as red as blood.
852.1Humphrey. And his cloake?
Poore man. Why thats greene.
Humphrey. And what colours his hose?
Poore man. Yellow maister, yellow as gold.
Humphrey. And what colours my gowne?
855Poore man. Blacke sir, as blacke as Ieat.
King. Then belike he knowes what colour Ieat is on.
Suffolke. And yet I thinke Ieat did he neuer see.
Humph. But cloakes and gownes ere this day many a
But tell me sirrha, whats my name? (one.
Poore man. Alasse maister I know not.
Humphrey. Whats his name?
865Poore man. I know not.
Humphrey. Nor his?
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
866.1Poore man. No truly sir.
Humphrey Nor his name?
Poore man No indeed maister.
Humphrey Whats thine owne name?
Poore man. Sander, and it please you maister.
870Humphrey. Then Sander sit there, the lyingest knaue in Chri-
stendom. If thou hadst bene born blind, thou mightest as well haue
knowne all our names, as thus to name the seuerall colours we doo
875weare. Sight may distinguish of colours, but sodeinly to nominate
them all, it is impossible. My Lords, saint Albones here hath done a
Miracle, and would you not thinke his cunning to be great, that
880could restore this Cripple to his legs againe.
Poore man. Oh maister I would you could.
Humphrey. My Maisters of saint Albones,
Haue you not Beadles in your Towne,
And things called whippes?
885Mayor. Yes my Lord, if it please your grace.
Humph. Then send for one presently.
Mayor. Sirrha, go fetch the Beadle hither straight.
Exet one.
Humph. Now fetch me a stoole hither by and by.
890Now sirrha, If you meane to saue your selfe from whipping,
Leape me ouer this stoole and runne away.
Enter Beadle.
Poore man. Alasse maister I am not able to stand alone,
You go about to torture me in vaine.
895Humph. Well sir, we must haue you finde your legges.
Sirrha Beadle, whip him till he leape ouer that same stoole.
Beadle. I will my Lord, come on sirrha, off with your doublet
900Poore man. Alas maister what shall I do, I am not able to stand.
After the Beadle hath hit him one girke, he leapes ouer
the stoole and runnes away, and they run after him,
crying, A miracle, a miracle.
Hump. A miracle, a miracle, let him be taken againe, & whipt
910through euery Market Towne til he comes at Barwicke where he
910.1was borne.
Mayor. It shall be done my Lord. Exet Mayor.
C3 Suffolke
The first part of the contention of the two famous
Suffolke. My Lord Protector hath done wonders to day,
He hath made the blinde to see, and halt to go.
Humph. I but you did greater wonders, when you made whole
915 Dukedomes flie in a day.
915.1Witnesse France.
King. Haue done I say, and let me here no more of that.
Enter the Duke of Buckingham.
What newes brings Duke Humprey of Buckingham?
Buck. Ill newes for some my Lord, and this it is,
That proud dame Elnor our Protectors wife,
Hath plotted Treasons gainst the King and Peeres,
By vvichcrafts, sorceries, and cuniurings,
925Who by such meanes did raise a spirit vp,
To tell her what hap should betide the state,
927.1But ere they had finisht their diuellish drift,
By Yorke and my selfe they were all surprisde,
And heres the answere the diuel did make to them.
King. First of the King, what shall become of him?
938.1Reads. The Duke yet liues, that Henry shal depose,
Yet him out liue, and die a violent death.
Gods will be done in all.
What fate awaits the Duke of Suffolke?
938.5By water shall he die and take his end.
Suffolke. By water must the Duke of Suffolke die?
It must be so, or else the diuel doth lie.
King. Let Somerset shun Castles,
For safer shall he be vpon the sandie plaines,
938.10Then where Castles mounted stand.
930Card. Heres good stuffe, how novv my Lord Protector
This newes I thinke hath turnde your weapons point,
I am in doubt youle scarsly keepe your promise.
Humphrey. Forbeare ambitious Prelate to vrge my griefe,
And pardon me my gratious Soueraigne,
For here I svveare vnto your Maiestie,
943.1That I am guiltlesse of these hainous crimes
Which my ambitious vvife hath falsly done,
945And for she vvould betraie her soueraigne Lord,
I here renounce her from my bed and boord,
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
950And leaue her open for the lavv to iudge,
Vnlesse she cleare her selfe of this foule deed.
King. Come my Lords this night vveele lodge in S. Albones,
And to morrovv vve vvill ride to London,
And trie the vtmost of these Treasons forth,
955Come vnckle Gloster along vvith vs,
My mind doth tell me thou art innocent.
Exet omnes.
Enter the Duke of Yorke, and the Earles of
959.1Salsbury and VVarwicke.
960Yorke. My Lords our simple supper ended, thus,
Let me reueale vnto your honours here,
The right and title of the house of Yorke,
To Englands Crovvne by liniall desent.
VVar. Then Yorke begin, and if thy claime be good,
The Neuils are thy subiects to command.
Yorke. Then thus my Lords.
Edward the third had seuen sonnes,
970The first vvas Edvvard the blacke Prince,
970.1Prince of Wales.
The second vvas Edmund of Langly,
971.1Duke of Yorke.
The third vvas Lyonell Duke of Clarence.
The fourth vvas Iohn of Gaunt,
973.1The Duke of Lancaster.
The fifth vvas Roger Mortemor, Earle of March.
975The sixt vvas sir Thomas of Woodstocke.
William of Winsore vvas the seuenth and last.
Novv, Edvvard the blacke Prince he died before his father, and left
behinde him Richard, that aftervvards vvas King, Crovvnde by
the name of Richard the second, and he died vvithout an heire.
1005Edmund of Langly Duke of Yorke died, and left behind him tvvo
1005.1daughters, Anne and Elinor.
Lyonell Duke of Clarence died, and left behinde Alice, Anne,
and Elinor, that vvas after married to my father, and by her I
1010claime the Crovvne, as the true heire to Lyonell Duke
The first part of the contention of the two famous
1015of Clarence, the third sonne to Edward the third. Now sir. In the
980time of Richards raigne, Henry of Bullingbrooke, sonne and heire
to Iohn of Gaunt, the Duke of Lancaster fourth sonne to Edward
the third, he claimde the Crowne, deposde the Merthfull King, and
985as both you know, in Pomphret Castle harmelesse Richard was
shamefully murthered, and so by Richards death came the house of
Lancaster vnto the Crowne.
1000Sals. Sauing your tale my Lord, as I haue heard, in the raigne
of Bullenbrooke, the Duke of Yorke did claime the Crowne, and
but for Owin Glendor, had bene King.
1002.1Yorke. True. But so it fortuned then, by meanes of that mon-
strous rebel Glendor, the noble Duke of York was done to death,
and so euer since the heires of Iohn of Gaunt haue possessed the
Crowne. But if the issue of the elder should sucseed before the is-
1002.5sue of the yonger, then am I lawfull heire vnto the kingdome.
VVarwicke. What plaine proceedings can be more plaine, hee
claimes it from Lyonel Duke of Clarence, the third sonne to Ed-
ward the third, and Henry from Iohn of Gaunt the fourth sonne.
1020So that till Lyonels issue failes, his should not raigne. It failes not
yet, but florisheth in thee & in thy sons, braue slips of such a stock.
Then noble father, kneele we both togither, and in this priuate
place, be we the first to honor him with birthright to the Crown.
Both. Long liue Richard Englands royall King.
Yorke. I thanke you both. But Lords I am not your King vntil
1030this sword be sheathed euen in the hart blood of the house of Lan-
1032.1VVar. Then Yorke aduise thy selfe and take thy time,
Claime thou the Crowne, and set thy standard vp,
And in the same aduance the milke-white Rose,
And then to gard it, will I rouse the Beare,
1032.5Inuiron'd with ten thousand Ragged-staues
To aide and helpe thee for to win thy right,
Maugre the proudest Lord of Henries blood,
That dares deny the right and claime of Yorke,
1045For why my minde presageth I shall liue
To see the noble Duke of Yorke to be a King.
Yorke. Thanks noble Warwicke, and Yorke doth hope to see,
The Earle of Warwicke liue, to be the greatest man in England,
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
but the King. Come lets goe.
1050Exet omnes.
Enter King Henry, and the Queene, Duke Humphrey, the Duke of
Suffolke, and the Duke of Buckingham, the Cardinall, and Dame
1052.1 Elnor Cobham, led with the Officers, and then enter to them the
Duke of Yorke, and the Earles of Salsbury and VVarwicke.
King. Stand foorth Dame Elnor Cobham Duches of Gloster,
and here the sentence pronounced against thee for these Treasons,
that thou hast committed gainst vs, our States and Peeres.
First for thy hainous crimes, thou shalt two daies in London do
penance barefoote in the streetes, with a white sheete about thy
1065bodie, and a waxe Taper burning in thy hand. That done, thou
shalt be banished for euer into the Ile of Man, there to ende thy
1066.1wretched daies, and this is our sentence erreuocable. Away with
Elnor. Euen to my death, for I haue liued too long.
Exet some with Elnor.
1066.5King. Greeue not noble vnckle, but be thou glad,
In that these Treasons thus are come to light,
Least God had pourde his vengeance on thy head,
For her offences that thou heldst so deare.
Humph. Oh gratious Henry, giue me leaue awhile,
To leaue your grace, and to depart away,
For sorrowes teares hath gripte my aged heart,
1075And makes the fountaines of mine eyes to swell,
1075.1And therefore good my Lord, let me depart.
King. With all my hart good vnkle, when you please,
Yet ere thou goest, Humphrey resigne thy staffe,
For Henry will be no more protected,
The Lord shall be my guide both for my land and me.
Humph. My staffe, I noble Henry, my life and all,
My staffe, I yeeld as willing to be thine,
As erst thy noble father made it mine,
1090And euen as willing at thy feete I leaue it,
As others would ambitiously receiue it,
And long hereafter when I am dead and gone,
D May
The first part of the contention of the two famous
May honourable peace attend thy throne.
King. Vnkle Gloster, stand vp and go in peace,
No lesse beloued of vs, then when
Thou weart Protector ouer my land. Exet Gloster.
Queene. Take vp the staffe, for here it ought to stand,
1100Where should it be, but in King Henries hand?
Yorke. Please it your Maiestie, this is the day
That was appointed for the combating
Betweene the Armourer and his man, my Lord,
And they are readie when your grace doth please.
1110King. Then call them forth, that they may trie their rightes.
1115 Enter at one doore the Armourer and his neighbours, drinking
to him so much that he is drunken, and he enters with a drum
before him, and his staffe with a sand-bag fastened to it, and
at the other doore, his man with a drum and sand-bagge, and
Prentises drinking to him.
11201. Neighbor. Here neighbor Hornor, I drink to you in a cup of
And feare not neighbor, you shall do well inough. (Sacke.
2. Neigh. And here neighbor, heres a cup of Charneco.
11253. Neigh. Heres a pot of good double beere, neighbor drinke
And be merry, and feare not your man.
Armourer. Let it come, yfaith ile pledge you all,
And a figge for Peter.
1. Prentise. Here Peter I drinke to thee, and be not affeard.
1129.12. Pren. Here Peter, heres a pinte of Claret-wine for thee.
3. Pren. And heres a quart for me, and be merry Peter,
And feare not thy maister, fight for credit of the Prentises.
Peter. I thanke you all, but ile drinke no more,
1135Here Robin, and if I die, here I giue thee my hammer,
And Will, thou shalt haue my aperne, and here Tom,
Take all the mony that I haue.
O Lord blesse me, I pray God, for I am neuer able to deale with
my maister, he hath learnt so much fence alreadie.
1140Salb. Come leaue your drinking, and fall to blowes.
Sirrha, whats thy name?
Pettr. Peter forsooth.
Salbury. Peter, what more?
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
Peter. Thumpe.
1145Salsbury. Thumpe, then see that thou thumpe thy maister.
1145.1Armour. Heres to thee neighbour, fill all the pots again, for be-
fore we fight, looke you, I will tell you my minde, for I am come
hither as it were of my mans instigation, to proue my selfe an ho-
nest man, and Peter a knaue, and so haue at you Peter with down
1150right blowes, as Beuys of South-hampton fell vpon Askapart.
1150.1Peter. Law you now, I told you hees in his fence alreadie.
1155Alarmes, and Peter hits him on the head and fels him.
Armou. Hold Peter, I confesse, Treason, treason. He dies.
1160Peter. O God I giue thee praise. He kneeles downe.
1160.1Pren. Ho well done Peter. God saue the King.
King. Go take hence that Traitor from our sight,
For by his death we do perceiue his guilt,
And God in iustice hath reuealde to vs,
1165The truth and innocence of this poore fellow,
Which he had thought to haue murthered wrongfully.
Come fellow, follow vs for thy reward. Exet omnis.
Enter Duke Humphrey and his men, in
1170mourning cloakes.
1175Humph. Sirrha, whats a clocke?
Seruing. Almost ten my Lord.
Humph. Then is that wofull houre hard at hand,
That my poore Lady should come by this way,
In shamefull penance wandring in the streetes,
Sweete Nell, ill can thy noble minde abrooke,
The abiect people gazing on thy face,
With enuious lookes laughing at thy shame,
That earst did follow thy proud Chariot wheeles,
1185When thou didst ride in tryumph through the streetes.
Enter Dame Elnor Cobham bare-foote, and a white sheete about
her, with a waxe candle in her hand, and verses written on
1190 her backe and pind on, and accompanied with the Sheriffes
1190.1 of London, and Sir Iohn Standly, and Officers, with billes and
Seruing. My gratious Lord, see where my Lady comes,
Please it your grace, weele take her from the Sheriffes?
D2 Humphrey
The first part of the contention of the two famous
Humph. I charge you for your liues stir not a foote,
1193.1Nor offer once to draw a weapon here,
But let them do their office as they should.
1195Elnor. Come you my Lord to see my open shame?
Ah Gloster, now thou doest penance too,
See how the giddie people looke at thee,
Shaking their heads, and pointing at thee heere,
Go get thee gone, and hide thee from their sights,
1200And in thy pent vp studie rue my shame,
And ban thine enemies. Ah mine and thine.
Hum. Ah Nell, sweet Nell, forget this extreme grief,
1202.1And beare it patiently to ease thy heart.
Elnor. Ah Gloster teach me to forget my selfe,
For whilst I thinke I am thy wedded wife,
Then thought of this, doth kill my wofull heart.
1210The ruthlesse flints do cut my tender feete,
And when I start the cruell people laugh,
And bids me be aduised how I tread,
1212.1And thus with burning Tapor in my hand,
Malde vp in shame with papers on my backe,
Ah, Gloster, can I endure this and liue.
Sometime ile say I am Duke Humphreys wife,
And he a Prince, Protector of the land,
1220But so he rulde, and such a Prince he was,
As he stood by, whilst I his forelorne Duches
Was led with shame, and made a laughing stocke,
To euery idle rascald follower.
1240Humphrey. My louely Nell, what wouldst thou haue me do?
1240.1Should I attempt to rescue thee from hence,
I should incurre the danger of the law,
And thy disgrace would not be shadowed so.
Elnor. Be thou milde, and stir not at my disgrace,
1225Vntill the axe of death hang ouer thy head,
As shortly sure it will. For Suffolke he,
The new made Duke, that may do all in all
With her that loues him so, and hates vs all,
And impious Yorke and Bewford that false Priest,
1230Haue all lymde bushes to betraie thy wings,
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
And flie thou how thou can they will intangle thee.
Enter a Herald of Armes.
Herald. I summon your Grace, vnto his highnesse Parlament
holden at saint Edmunds-Bury, the first of the next month.
Humphrey. A Parlament and our consent neuer craude
1250Therein before. This is sodeine.
1250.1Well, we will be there.
Exet. Herald.
Maister Sheriffe, I pray proceede no further against my
Lady, then the course of law extendes.
Sheriffe. Please it your grace, my office here doth end,
And I must deliuer her to sir Iohn Standly,
1255To be conducted into the Ile of Man.
Humphrey. Must you sir Iohn conduct my Lady?
Standly. I my gratious Lord, for so it is decreede,
And I am so commanded by the King.
Humph. I pray you sir Iohn, vse her neare the worse,
1260In that I intreat you to vse her well.
The world may smile againe and I may liue,
1261.1To do you fauour if you do it her,
And so sir Iohn farewell.
Elnor. What gone my Lord, and bid not me farwell.
1265Humph. Witnesse my bleeding heart, I cannot stay to speake.
Exet Humphrey and his men.
Elnor. Then is he gone, is noble Closter gone,
And doth Duke Humphrey now forsake me too?
1268.1Then let me haste from out faire Englands boundes,
Come Standly come, and let vs haste away.
1285Standly. Madam lets go vnto some house hereby,
Where you may shift your selfe before we go.
Elnor. Ah good sir Iohn, my shame cannot be hid,
Nor put away with casting off my sheete:
But come let vs go, maister Sheriffe farewell,
1291.1Thou hast but done thy office as thou shoulst.
Exet omnes.
Enter to the Parlament.
Enter two Heralds before, then the Duke of Buckingham, and the
D3 Duke
The first part of the contention of the two famous
Duke of Suffolke, and then the Duke of Yorke, and the Cardi-
1294.1 nall of VVinchester, and then the King and the Queene, and then
the Earle of Salisbury, and the Earle of VVarwicke.
1295King. I wonder our vnkle Gloster staies so long.
Queene. Can you not see, or will you not perceiue,
How that ambitious Duke doth vse himselfe?
The time hath bene, but now that time is past,
That none so humble as Duke Humphrey was:
But now let one meete him euen in the morne,
When euery one will giue the time of day,
And he will neither moue nor speake to vs.
1309.1See you not how the Commons follow him
In troupes, crying, God saue the good Duke Humphrey,
And with long life, Iesus preserue his grace,
Honouring him as if he were their King.
Gloster is no litle man in England,
And if he list to stir commotions,
Tys likely that the people will follow him.
1330My Lord, if you imagine there is no such thing,
1330.1Then let it passe, and call it a womans feare.
My Lord of Suffolke, Buckingham, and Yorke,
Disproue my Alligations if you can,
1335And by your speeches, if you can reproue me,
1335.1I will subscribe and say, I wrong'd the Duke.
Suffol. Well hath your grace foreseen into that Duke,
And if I had bene licenst first to speake,
I thinke I should haue told your graces tale.
Smooth runs the brooke whereas the streame is deepest.
1350No, no, my soueraigne, Gloster is a man
Vnsounded yet, and full of deepe deceit.
Enter the Duke of Somerset.
King. Welcome Lord Somerset, what newes from France?
1380Somer. Cold newes my Lord, and this it is,
That all your holds and Townes within those Territores
1381.1Is ouercome my Lord, all is lost.
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
King. Cold newes indeed Lord Somerset,
But Gods will be done.
Yorke. Cold newes for me, for I had hope of France,
1385Euen as I haue of fertill England.
1390Enter Duke Humphrey.
Hum. Pardon my liege, that I haue staid so long.
Suffol. Nay, Gloster know, that thou art come too soone,
Vnlesse thou proue more loyall then thou art,
1395We do arrest thee on high treason here.
Humph. Why Suffolkes Duke thou shalt not see me blush
Nor change my countenance for thine arrest,
Whereof am I guiltie, who are my accusers?
York. Tis thought my lord, your grace tooke bribes from France,
And stopt the soldiers of their paie,
1405By which his Maiestie hath lost all France.
Humph. Is it but thought so, and who are they that thinke so?
1410So God helpe me, as I haue watcht the night
Euer intending good for England still,
That penie that euer I tooke from France,
Be brought against me at the iudgement day.
I neuer robd the soldiers of their paie,
1415Many a pound of mine owne propper cost
Haue I sent ouer for the soldiers wants,
Because I would not racke the needie Commons.
Car. In your Protectorship you did deuise
Strange torments for offendors, by which meanes
England hath bene defamde by tyrannie.
Hum. Why tis wel knowne that whilst I was protector
1425Pitie was all the fault that was in me,
A murtherer or foule felonous theefe,
That robs and murthers silly passengers,
I tortord aboue the rate of common law.
Suffolk. Tush my Lord, these be things of no account,
But greater matters are laid vnto your charge,
I do arrest thee on high treason here,
And commit thee to my good Lord Cardinall,
Vntill such time as thou canst cleare thy selfe.
King. Good vnkle obey to his arrest,
I haue
The first part of the contention of the two famous
1440I haue no doubt but thou shalt cleare thy selfe,
My conscience tels me thou art innocent.
Hump. Ah gratious Henry these daies are dangerous,
And would my death might end these miseries,
And staie their moodes for good King Henries sake,
But I am made the Prologue to their plaie,
And thousands more must follow after me,
That dreads not yet their liues destruction.
Suffolkes hatefull tongue blabs his harts malice,
1455Bewfords firie eyes showes his enuious minde,
Buckinghams proud lookes bewraies his cruel thoughts,
And dogged Yorke that leuels at the Moone
Whose ouerweening arme I haue held backe.
1465All you haue ioynd to betraie me thus:
And you my gratious Lady and soueraigne mistresse,
Causelesse haue laid complaints vpon my head,
I shall not want false witnesses inough,
That so amongst you, you may haue my life.
1470The Prouerbe no doubt will be well performde,
A staffe is quickly found to beate a dog.
Suffolke. Doth he not twit our soueraigne Lady here,
1480As if that she with ignomious wrong,
Had sobornde or hired some to sweare against his life.
Queene. I but I can giue the loser leaue to speake.
Humph. Far truer spoke then ment, I loose indeed,
Beshrovv the vvinners hearts, they plaie me false.
Buck. Hele vvrest the sence and keep vs here all day,
My Lord of Winchester, see him sent avvay.
Car. Who's vvithin there? Take in Duke Humphrey,
1488.1And see him garded sure vvithin my house.
Humph. O! thus King Henry casts avvay his crouch,
1490Before his legs can beare his bodie vp,
And puts his vvatchfull shepheard from his side,
Whilst vvolues stand snarring vvho shall bite him first.
Farvvell my soueraigne, long maist thou enioy,
Thy fathers happie daies free from annoy.
1494.1Exet Humphrey, vvith the Cardinals men.
1495King. My Lords what to your vvisdoms shall seem best,
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
Do and vndo as if our selfe were here.
Queen. What wil your highnesse leaue the Parlament?
King. I Margaret. My heart is kild with griefe,
Where I may sit and sigh in endlesse mone,
For who's a Traitor, Gloster he is none.
1523.1Exet King, Salsbury, and VVarwicke.
Queene. Then sit we downe againe my Lord Cardinall,
1524.1Suffolke, Buckingham, Yorke, and Somerset.
Let vs consult of proud Duke Humphries fall.
1535In mine opinion it were good he dide,
For safetie of our King and Common-wealth.
1540Suffolke. And so thinke I Madame, for as you know,
1540.1If our King Henry had shooke hands with death,
Duke Humphrey then would looke to be our King:
And it may be by pollicie he workes,
To bring to passe the thing which now we doubt,
The Foxe barkes not when he would steale the Lambe,
But if we take him ere he do the deed,
We should not question if that he should liue.
No. Let him die, in that he is a Foxe,
Least that in liuing he offend vs more.
1575Car. Then let him die before the Commons know,
For feare that they do rise in Armes for him.
1576.1Yorke. Then do it sodainly my Lords.
1580Suffol. Let that be my Lord Cardinals charge & mine.
1580.1Car. Agreed, for hee's already kept within my house.
Enter a Messenger.
1584.1Queene. How now sirrha, what newes?
1585Messen. Madame I bring you newes from Ireland,
The wilde Onele my Lords, is vp in Armes,
1586.1With troupes of Irish Kernes that vncontrold,
Doth plant themselues within the English pale.
Queene. What redresse shal we haue for this my Lords?
Yorke. Twere very good that my Lord of Somerset
That fortunate Champion were sent ouer,
1594.1And burnes and spoiles the Country as they goe.
E To
The first part of the contention of the two famous
To keepe in awe the stubborne Irishmen,
1595He did so much good when he was in France.
Somer. Had Yorke bene there with all his far fetcht
Pollices, he might haue lost as much as I.
1600Yorke. I, for Yorke would haue lost his life before
That France should haue reuolted from Englands rule.
1601.1Somer. I so thou might'st, and yet haue gouernd worse then I.
1610York. What worse then nought, then a shame take all.
Somer. Shame on thy selfe, that wisheth shame.
Queene. Somerset forbeare, good Yorke be patient,
And do thou take in hand to crosse the seas,
With troupes of Armed men to quell the pride
Of those ambitious Irish that rebell.
1620Yorke. Well Madame sith your grace is so content,
Let me haue some bands of chosen soldiers,
1624.1And Yorke shall trie his fortune against those kernes.
Queene. Yorke thou shalt. My Lord of Buckingham,
Let it be your charge to muster vp such souldiers
1633.1As shall suffise him in these needfull warres.
1635Buck. Madame I will, and leauie such a band
1635.1As soone shall ouercome those Irish Rebels,
But Yorke, where shall those soldiers staie for thee?
Yorke. At Bristow, I wil expect them ten daies hence.
Buc. Then thither shall they come, and so farewell.
1635.5Exet Buckingham.
Yorke. Adieu my Lord of Buckingham.
Queene. Suffolke remember what you haue to do.
1627.1And you Lord Cardinall concerning Duke Humphrey,
Twere good that you did see to it in time,
Come let vs go, that it may be performde.
Exet omnis, Manit Yorke.
York. Now York bethink thy self and rowse thee vp,
1637.1Take time whilst it is offered thee so faire,
Least when thou wouldst, thou canst it not attaine,
Twas men I lackt, and now they giue them me,
And now whilst I am busie in Ireland,
I haue seduste a headstrong Kentishman,
Iohn Cade of Ashford,
H ouses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
1665Vnder the title of Iohn Mortemer,
1680To raise commotion, and by that meanes
1680.1I shall perceiue how the common people
Do affect the claime and house of Yorke,
1685Then if he haue successe in his affaires,
From Ireland then comes Yorke againe,
To reape the haruest which that coystrill sowed,
Now if he should be taken and condemd,
Heele nere confesse that I did set him on,
1683.1And therefore ere I go ile send him word,
To put in practise and to gather head,
That so soone as I am gone he may begin
To rise in Armes with troupes of country swaines,
1683.5To helpe him to performe this enterprise.
And then Duke Humphrey, he well made away,
1688.1None then can stop the light to Englands Crowne,
But Yorke can tame and headlong pull them downe
Exet Yorke.
1690 Then the Curtaines being drawne, Duke Humphrey is discouered
in his bed, and two men lying on his brest and smothering him
1691.1in his bed. And then enter the Duke of Suffolke to them.
Suffolk. How now sirs, what haue you dispatcht him?
One. I my Lord, hees dead I warrant you.
Suffolke. Then see the cloathes laid smooth about him still,
1702.1That when the King comes, he may perceiue
No other, but that he dide of his owne accord
2. All things is hansome now my Lord.
1705Suffolke. Then draw the Curtaines againe and get you gone,
1700And you shall haue your firme reward anon.
1705.1Exet murtherers.
Then enter the King and Queene, the Duke of Buckingham, and
the Duke of Somerset, and the Cardinall.
King. My Lord of Suffolke go call our vnkle Gloster,
1710Tell him this day we will that he do cleare himselfe.
Suffolke. I will my Lord. Exet Suffolke.
King. And good my Lords proceed no further against our vnkle (Gloster,
The first part of the contention of the two famous
1715Then by iust proofe you can affirme,
1715.1For as the sucking childe or harmlesse lambe,
So is he innocent of treason to our state.
Enter Suffolke.
How now Suffolke, where's our vnkle?
1725Suffolke. Dead in his bed, my Lord Gloster is dead.
The King falles in a sound.
1730Queen. Ay-me, the King is dead: help, help, my Lords.
Suffolke. Comfort my Lord, gratious Henry comfort.
Kin. What doth my Lord of Suffolk bid me comfort?
1740Came he euen now to sing a Rauens note,
And thinkes he that the cherping of a Wren,
By crying comfort through a hollow voice,
Can satisfie my griefes, or ease my heart:
Thou balefull messenger out of my sight,
For euen in thine eye-bals murther sits,
Yet do not goe. Come Basaliske
And kill the silly gazer with thy lookes.
Queene. Why do you rate my Lord of Suffolke thus,
As if that he had causde Duke Humphreys death?
The Duke and I too, you know were enemies,
1760And you had best say that I did murther him.
King. Ah woe is me, for wretched Glosters death.
Queene. Be woe for me more wretched then he was,
What doest thou turne away and hide thy face?
1775I am no loathsome leoper looke on me,
Was I for this nigh wrackt vpon the sea,
And thrise by aukward winds driuen back from Englands bounds,
1785What might it bode, but that well foretelling
Winds, said, seeke not a scorpions neast.
Enter the Earles of Warwicke and Salisbury.
War. My Lord, the Commons like an angrie hiue of bees,
1827.1Run vp and downe, caring not whom they sting,
1825For good Duke Humphreys death, whom they report
To be murthered by Suffolke and the Cardinall here.
King. That he is dead good Warwick, is too true,
But how he died God knowes, not Henry.
War. Enter his priuie chamber my Lord and view the bodie.
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
Good father staie you with the rude multitude, till I returne.
1836.1Salb. I will sonne. Exet Salbury.
VVarwicke drawes the curtaines and showes Duke
1849.1Humphrey in his bed.
King. Ah vnkle Gloster, heauen receiue thy soule.
1855Farewell poore Henries ioy, now thou art gone.
VVar. Now by his soule that tooke our shape vpon him,
To free vs from his fathers dreadfull curse,
1860I am resolu'd that violent hands were laid,
Vpon the life of this thrise famous Duke.
Suffolk. A dreadfull oth sworne with a solemne toong,
What instance giues Lord Warwicke for these words?
1865VVar. Oft haue I seene a timely parted ghost,
Of ashie semblance, pale and bloodlesse,
But loe the blood is setled in his face,
More better coloured then when he liu'd,
His well proportioned beard made rough and sterne,
His fingers spred abroad as one that graspt for life,
Yet was by strength surprisde, the least of these are probable,
It cannot chuse but he was murthered.
Queene. Suffolke and the Cardinall had him in charge,
1885And they I trust sir, are no murtherers.
VVar. I, but twas well knowne they were not his friends,
And tis well seene he found some enemies.
1890Card. But haue you no greater proofes then these?
VVar. Who sees a hefer dead and bleeding fresh,
And sees hard-by a butcher with an axe,
But will suspect twas he that made the slaughter?
1895Who findes the partridge in the puttocks neast,
But will imagine how the bird came there,
Although the kyte soare with vnbloodie beake?
Euen so suspitious is this Tragidie.
1900Queene. Are you the kyte Bewford, where's your talants?
Is Suffolke the butcher, where's his knife?
Suffolke. I weare no knife to slaughter sleeping men,
But heres a vengefull sword rusted with case,
That shall be scoured in his rankorous heart,
That slanders me with murthers crimson badge,
The first part of the contention of the two famous
1905Say if thou dare, proud Lord of Warwickshire,
That I am guiltie in Duke Humphreys death.
1906.1Exet Cardinall.
VVar. What dares not Warwicke, if false Suffolke dare him?
Queene. He dares not calme his contumelious spirit,
1910Nor cease to be an arrogant controwler,
Though Suffolk dare him twentie hundreth times.
VVar. Madame be still, with reuerence may I say it,
That euery word you speake in his defence,
Is slaunder to your royall Maiestie.
1915Suffolke. Blunt witted Lord, ignoble in thy words,
If euer Lady wrongd her Lord so much,
Thy mother tooke vnto her blamefull bed,
Some sterne vntutred churle, and noble stocke
Was graft with crabtree slip, whose frute thou art,
1920And neuer of the Neuels noble race.
VVar. But that the guilt of murther bucklers thee,
And I should rob the deaths man of his fee,
Quitting thee thereby of ten thousand shames,
And that my soueraignes presence makes me mute,
1925I would false murtherous coward on thy knees
Make thee craue pardon for thy passed speech,
And say it was thy mother that thou meants,
That thou thy selfe was borne in bastardie,
And after all this fearefull homage done,
1930Giue thee thy hire and send thy soule to hell,
Pernitious blood-sucker of sleeping men.
Suffol. Thou shouldst be waking whilst I shead thy blood,
If from this presence thou dare go with me.
VVar. Away euen now, or I will drag thee hence.
Warwicke puls him out.
Exet Warwicke and Suffolke, and then all the Commons
within, cries, downe with Suffolke, downe with Suffolk.
1944.1 And then enter againe, the Duke of Suffolke and VVar-
1945 wicke, with their weapons drawne.
King. Why how now Lords?
1950Suf. The Traitorous Warwicke with the men of Berry,
Set all vpon me mightie soueraigne i
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
The Commons againe cries, downe with Suffolke downe
1952.1 with Suffolke. And then enter from them, the Earle of
1955Salb. My Lord, the Commons sends you word by me,
That vnlesse false Suffolke here be done to death,
Or banished faire Englands Territories,
That they will erre from your highnesse person,
1960They say by him the good Duke Humphrey died,
They say by him they feare the ruine of the realme.
1961.1And therefore if you loue your subiects weale,
They wish you to banish him from foorth the land.
Suf. Indeed tis like the Commons rude vnpolisht hinds
1985Would send such message to their soueraigne,
But you my Lord were glad to be imployd,
To trie how quaint an Orator you were,
But all the honour Salsbury hath got,
Is, that he was the Lord Embassador
1990Sent from a sort of Tinkers to the King.
The Commons cries, an answere from the King,
my Lord of Salsbury.
King. Good Salsbury go backe againe to them,
Tell them we thanke them all for their louing care,
1995And had I not bene cited thus by their meanes,
My selfe had done it. Therefore here I sweare,
If Suffolke be found to breathe in any place,
Where I haue rule, but three daies more, he dies.
2002.1Exet Salisbury.
Queene. Oh Henry, reuerse the doome of gentle Suffolkes ba-
King. Vngentle Queene to call him gentle Suffolke,
2005Speake not for him, for in England he shall not rest,
If I say, I may relent, but if I sweare, it is erreuocable.
Come good Warwicke and go thou in with me,
For I haue great matters to impart to thee.
2013.1Exet King and VVarwicke, Manet Queene
and Suffolke.
Queene. Hell fire and vengeance go along with you,
Theres two of you, the diuell make the third,
The first part of the contention of the two famous
Fie womanish man, canst thou not curse thy enemies?
Suffolke. A plague vpon them, wherefore should I curse them?
2025Could curses kill as do the Mandrakes groanes,
I would inuent as many bitter termes
Deliuered strongly through my fixed teeth,
With twise so many signes of deadly hate,
2030As leaue fast enuy in her loathsome caue,
My toong should stumble in mine earnest words,
Mine eyes should sparkle like the beaten flint,
My haire be fixt on end, as one distraught,
And euery ioynt should seeme to curse and ban,
2035And now me-thinks my burthened hart would breake,
Should I not curse them. Poison be their drinke,
Gall worse then gall, the daintiest thing they taste.
Their sweetest shade a groue of sypris trees.
2040Their softest tuch as smart as lyzards stings.
Their musicke frightfull, like the serpents hys.
And boding scrike-oules make the consort full.
All the foule terrors in darke seated hell.
Queene. Inough sweete Suffolke, thou torments thy (selfe.
Suffolke. You bad me ban, and will you bid me sease?
Now by this ground that I am banisht from,
Well could I curse away a winters night,
And standing naked on a mountaine top,
Where byting cold would neuer let grasse grow,
And thinke it but a minute spent in sport.
Queene. No more. Sweete Suffolke hie thee hence to France,
2054.1Or liue where thou wilt vvithin this vvorldes globe,
Ile haue an Irish that shall finde thee out,
And long thou shalt not staie, but ile haue thee repelde,
2065Or venture to be banished my selfe.
Oh let this kisse be printed in thy hand,
2069.1That when thou seest it, thou maist thinke on me.
Avvay, I say, that I may feele my griefe,
For it is nothing vvhilst thou standest here.
Suffolke. Thus is poore Suffolke ten times banished,
Once by the King, but three times thrise by thee.
Enter Vawse.
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
Queene. Hovv novv, vvhither goes Vavvse so fast?
2085Vawse. To signifie vnto his Maiestie,
That Cardinall Bevvford is at point of death,
Sometimes he raues and cries as he vvere madde,
2090Sometimes he cals vpon Duke Humphries Ghost,
And vvhispers to his pillovv as to him,
And sometime he calles to speake vnto the King,
And I am going to certifie vnto his grace,
2095That euen novv he cald aloude for him.
Queene. Go then good Vavvse and certifie the King.
2096.1Exet Vawse.
Oh vvhat is vvorldly pompe, all men must die,
2097.1And vvoe am I for Bevvfords heauie ende,
2100But vvhy mourne I for him, vvhilst thou art here?
Svveete Suffolke hie thee hence to France,
For if the King do come, thou sure must die.
2105Suff. And if I go I cannot liue: but here to die,
What vvere it else, but like a pleasant slumber
In thy lap?
Here could I, could I, breath my soule into the aire,
As milde and gentle as the nevv borne babe,
2110That dies vvith mothers dugge betvveene his lips,
Where from thy sight I should be raging madde,
And call for thee to close mine eyes,
Or vvith thy lips to stop my dying soule,
2115That I might breathe it so into thy bodie,
And then it liu'd in svveete Elyziam,
By thee to die, vvere but to die in ieast,
From thee to die, vvere torment more then death,
O let me staie, befall, vvhat may befall.
2120Queen. Oh mightst thou staie vvith safetie of thy life,
Then shouldst thou staie, but heauens deny it,
And therefore go, but hope ere long to be repelde.
Suff. I goe.
Queene. And take my heart vvith thee.
2124.1She kisseth him.
Suff. A ievvell lockt into the vvofulst caske,
That euer yet containde a thing of vvoorth,
The first part of the contention of the two famous
Thus like a splitted barke so sunder we.
2130This way fall I to death. Exet Suffolke.
Queene. This way for me. Exet Queene.
Enter King and Salsbury, and then the Curtaines be drawne, and
the Cardinall is discouered in his bed, rauing and staring as if he
2133.1 were madde.
Car. Oh death, if thou wilt let me liue but one whole yeare,
Ile giue thee as much gold as will purchase such another Iland.
King. Oh see my Lord of Salsbury how he is troubled,
2140Lord Cardinall, remember Christ must saue thy soule.
Car. Why died he not in his bed?
2143.1What would you haue me to do then?
Can I make men liue whether they will or no?
Sirra, go fetch me the strong poison which the Pothicary sent me.
Oh see where duke Humphreys ghoast doth stand,
And stares me in the face. Looke, looke, coame downe his haire,
2149.1So now hees gone againe: Oh, oh, oh.
Sal. See how the panges of death doth gripe his heart.
King. Lord Cardinall, if thou diest assured of heauenly blisse,
Hold vp thy hand and make some signe to vs.
2162.1 The Cardinall dies.
Oh see he dies, and makes no signe at all.
2163.1Oh God forgiue his soule.
Salb. So bad an ende did neuer none behold,
2164.1But as his death, so was his life in all.
2165King. Forbeare to iudge, good Salsbury forbeare,
For God will iudge vs all.
Go take him hence, and see his funerals be performde.
Exet omnes.
Alarmes within, and the chambers be discharged, like as it
2168.1 were a fight at sea. And then enter the Captaine of the ship
and the Maister, and the Maisters Mate, & the Duke of Suf-
2169.1 folke disguised, and others with him, and Water Whick-
Cap. Bring forward these prisoners that scorn'd to yeeld,
2177.1Vnlade their goods with speed and sincke their ship,
Here Maister, this prisoner I giue to you.
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
This other, the Maisters Mate shall haue,
And Water Whickmore thou shalt haue this man,
2183.1And let them paie their ransomes ere they passe.
Suffolke. Water! He starteth.
2200Water. How now, what doest feare me?
Thou shalt haue better cause anon.
Suf. It is thy name affrights me, not thy selfe.
I do remember well, a cunning Wyssard told me,
That by Water I should die:
2205Yet let not that make thee bloudie minded.
Thy name being rightly sounded,
2206.1Is Gualter, not Water.
VVater. Gualter or Water, als one to me,
2207.1I am the man must bring thee to thy death.
Suf. I am a Gentleman looke on my Ring,
Ransome me at what thou wilt, it shalbe paid.
VVater. I lost mine eye in boording of the ship,
2195And therefore ere I marchantlike sell blood for gold,
Then cast me headlong downe into the sea.
2. Priso. But what shall our ransomes be?
2185Mai. A hundreth pounds a piece, either paie that or die.
2. Priso. Then saue our liues, it shall be paid.
2186.1VVater. Come sirrha, thy life shall be the ransome
I will haue.
Suff. Staie villaine, thy prisoner is a Prince,
The Duke of Suffolke, William de la Poull.
2215Cap. The Duke of Suffolke folded vp in rags.
Suf. I sir, but these rags are no part of the Duke,
2216.1Ioue sometime went disguisde, and why not I?
Cap. I but Ioue was neuer slaine as thou shalt be.
2217.1Suf. Base Iadie groome, King Henries blood
The honourable blood of Lancaster,
2220Cannot be shead by such a lowly swaine,
I am sent Ambassador for the Queene to France,
I charge thee waffe me crosse the channell safe.
Cap. Ile waffe thee to thy death, go Water take him hence,
And on our long boates side, chop off his head.
Suf. Thou darste not for thine owne.
The first part of the contention of the two famous
Cap. Yes Poull.
2238.1 Suffolke. Poull.
Cap. I Poull, puddle kennell, sinke and durt,
Ile stop that yawning mouth of thine,
Those lips of thine that so oft haue kist the
2243.1Queene, shall sweepe the ground, and thou that
Smildste at good Duke Humphreys death,
2244.1Shalt liue no longer to infect the earth.
Suffolke. This villain being but Captain of a Pinnais,
2275Threatens more plagues then mightie Abradas,
The great Masadonian Pyrate,
2280Thy words addes fury and not remorse in me.
2280.1Cap. I but my deeds shall staie thy fury soone.
Suffolke. Hast not thou waited at my Trencher,
When we haue feasted with Queene Margret?
Hast not thou kist thy hand and held my stirrope?
And barehead plodded by my footecloth Mule,
And thought thee happie when I smilde on thee?
This hand hath writ in thy defence,
Then shall I charme thee, hold thy lauish toong.
Cap. Away with him Water, I say, and off with his hed.
1. Priso. Good my Lord, intreat him mildly for your life.
2288.1Suffolke. First let this necke stoupe to the axes edge,
Before this knee do bow to any,
Saue to the God of heauen and to my King:
Suffolkes imperiall toong cannot pleade
To such a Iadie groome.
2288.5Water. Come, come, why do we let him speake,
I long to haue his head for raunsome of mine eye.
Suffolk. A Swordar and bandeto slaue,
Murthered sweete Tully.
2305Brutus bastard-hand stabde Iulius Caesar,
And Suffolke dies by Pyrates on the seas.
Exet Suffolke, and VVater.
Cap. Off with his head, and send it to the Queene,
2313.1And ransomelesse this prisoner shall go free,
To see it safe deliuered vnto her.
Come lets goe. Exet omnes.
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
Enter two of the Rebels with long staues.
2320George. Come away Nick, and put a long staffe in thy pike, and
prouide thy selfe, for I Can tell thee, they haue bene vp this two
Nicke. Then they had more need to go to bed now,
2322.1But sirrha George whats the matter?
George. Why sirrha, Iack Cade the Diar of Ashford here,
He meanes to turne this land, and set a new nap on it.
Nick. I marry he had need so, for tis growne threedbare,
Twas neuer merry world with vs, since these gentle men came vp.
George. I warrant thee, thou shalt neuer see a Lord weare a lea-
ther aperne now a-daies.
2332.1Nick. But sirrha, who comes more beside Iacke Cade?
2340George. Why theres Dicke the Butcher, and Robin the Sadler,
and Will that came a wooing to our Nan last Sunday, and Harry
and Tom, and Gregory that should haue your Parnill, and a great
sort more is come from Rochester, and from Maydstone, and Can-
2347.1terbury, and all the Townes here abouts, and we must all be Lords
or squires, assoone as Iacke Cade is King.
Nicke. Harke, harke, I here the Drum, they be comming.
2350Enter Iacke Cade, Dicke Butcher, Robin, VVill, Tom,
Harry and the rest, with long staues.
2351.1Cade. Proclaime silence.
All. Silence.
Cade. I Iohn Cade so named for my valiancie.
Dicke. Or rather for stealing of a Cade of Sprats.
Cade. My father was a Mortemer.
2360Nicke. He was an honest man and a good Brick-laier.
Cade. My mother came of the Brases.
VVill. She was a Pedlers daughter indeed, and sold many lases.
Robin. And now being not able to occupie her furd packe,
She washeth buckes vp and downe the country.
Cade. Therefore I am honourably borne.
Harry. I for the field is honourable, for he was borne
2370Vnder a hedge, for his father had no house but the Cage.
Cade. I am able to endure much.
2375George. Thats true, I know he can endure any thing,
For I haue seene him whipt two market daies togither.
F3 Cade.
The first part of the contention of the two famous
Cade. I feare neither sword nor fire
VVill. He need not feare the sword, for his coate is of proofe.
2380Dicke. But mee thinkes he should feare the fire, being so often
burnt in the hand, for stealing of sheepe.
Cade. Therefore be braue, for your Captain is braue, and vowes
reformation: you shall haue seuen half-penny loaues for a penny,
and the three hoopt pot, shall haue ten hoopes, and it shall be felo-
2385ny to drinke small beere, and if I be king, as king I will be.
All. God saue your maiestie.
2390Cade. I thanke you good people, you shall all eate and drinke of
my score, and go all in my liuerie, and weele haue no writing, but
2391.1the score & the Tally, and there shalbe no lawes but such as comes
from my mouth.
Dicke. We shall haue sore lawes then, for he was thrust into the
mouth the other day.
2391.5George. I and stinking law too, for his breath stinks so, that one
cannot abide it.
Enter VVill with the Clarke of Chattam.
2402.1Will. Oh Captaine a pryze.
Cade. Whose that Will?
VVill. The Clarke of Chattam, he can write and reade and cast
account, I tooke him setting of boyes coppies, and hee has a booke
in his pocket with red letters.
Cade. Sonnes, hees a coniurer bring him hither.
Now sir, whats your name?
Clarke. Emanuell sir, and it shall please you.
Dicke. It will go hard with you, I can tell you,
For they vse to write that oth top of letters.
Cade. And what do you vse to write your name?
2420Or do you as auncient forefathers haue done,
Vse the score and the Tally?
Clarke. Nay, true sir, I praise God I haue bene so well brought
vp, that I can write mine owne name.
Cade. Oh hes confest, go hang him with his penny-inckhorne
about his necke. Exet one with the Clarke.
Enter Tom.
Tom. Captaine. Newes, newes, sir Humphrey Stafford and his
brother are comming with the kings power, and mean to kil vs all.
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
Cade. Let them come, hees but a knight is he?
Tom. No, no, hees but a knight.
Cade. Why then to equall him, ile make my selfe knight.
Kneele downe Iohn Mortemer,
2439.1Rise vp sir Iohn Mortemer.
Is there any more of them that be Knights?
Tom. I his brother.
He Knights Dicke Butcher.
2439.5Cade. Then kneele downe Dicke Butcher,
Rise vp sir Dicke Butcher.
Now sound vp the Drumme.
2440Enter sir Humphrey Stafford and his brother, with
Drumme and souldiers.
Cade. As for these silken coated slaues I passe not a pinne,
Tis to you good people that I speake.
2449.1Stafford. Why country-men, what meane you thus in troopes,
To follow this rebellious Traitor Cade?
Why his father was but a Brick-laier.
Cade. Well, and Adam was a Gardner, what then?
2454.1But I come of the Mortemers.
Stafford. I, the Duke of Yorke hath taught you that.
2475Cade. The Duke of York, nay, I learnt it my selfe,
For looke you, Roger Mortemer the Earle of March,
Married the Duke of Clarence daughter.
Stafford. Well, thats true: But what then?
Cade. And by her he had two children at a birth.
2460Stafford. Thats false.
Cade. I, but I say, tis true.
2461.1All. Why then tis true.
Cade. And one of them was stolne away by a begger-woman,
And that was my father, and I am his sonne,
Deny it and you can.
Nicke. Nay looke you, I know twas true,
For his father built a chimney in my fathers house,
And the brickes are aliue at this day to testifie.
Cade. But doest thou heare Stafford, tell the King, that for his
fathers sake, in whose time boyes plaide at spanne-counter with
Frenche Crownes, I am content that hee shall be King as long
The first part of the contention of the two famous
as he liues Marry alwaies prouided, ile be Protector ouer him.
Stafford. O monstrous simplicitie.
2480Cade. And tell him, weele haue the Lorde Sayes head, and the
Duke of Somersets, for deliuering vp the Dukedomes of Anioy
and Mayne, and selling the Townes in France, by which meanes
England hath bene maimde euer since, and gone as it were with a
2483.1crouch, but that my puissance held it vp. And besides, they can
speake French, and therefore they are traitors.
2486.1Stafford. As how I prethie?
Cade. Why the French men are our enemies be they not?
2490And then can hee that speakes with the tongue of an enemy be a
good subiect?
Answere me to that.
2492.1Stafford. Well sirrha, wilt thou yeeld thy selfe vnto the Kings
mercy, and he will pardon thee and these, their outrages and rebel-
lious deeds?
Cade. Nay, bid the King come to me and he will, and then ile
2492.5pardon him, or otherwaies ile haue his Crowne tell him, ere it be
Stafford. Go Herald, proclaime in all the Kings Townes,
That those that will forsake the Rebell Cade,
Shall haue free pardon from his Maiestie.
Exet Stafford and his men.
Cade. Come sirs, saint George for vs and Kent.
2502.1 Exet omnes.
Alarums to the battaile, and sir Humphrey Stafford
and his brother is slaine. Then enter Iacke
2512.1Cade againe and the rest.
2515Cade. Sir Dicke Butcher, thou hast fought to day most valianly,
And knockt them down as if thou hadst bin in thy slaughter house.
And thus I will reward thee. The Lent shall be as long againe as
it was. Thou shalt haue licence to kil for foure score & one a week.
Drumme strike vp, for now weele march to London, for to mor-
row I meane to sit in the Kings seate at Westminster.
2529.1Exet omnes.
2530Enter the King reading of a Letter, and the Queene, with
the Duke of Suffolkes head, and the Lord Say,
with others.
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
2532.1King. Sir Humphrey Stafford and his brother is slaine,
And the Rebels march amaine to London,
Go back to them, and tell them thus from me.
2545Ile come and parley with their generall.
Reade. Yet staie, ile reade the Letter one againe.
Lord Say, Iacke Cade hath solemnely vowde to haue thy head.
Say. I, but I hope your highnesse shall haue his.
King. How now Madam, still lamenting and mourning for Suf
folkes death, I feare my loue, if I had bene dead, thou wouldst not
haue mournde so much for me.
Queene. No my loue, I should not mourne, but die for thee.
2560Enter a Messenger.
Messen. Oh flie my Lord, the Rebels are entered
Southwarke, and haue almost wonne the Bridge,
Calling your grace an vsurper,
2566.1And that monstrous Rebell Cade, hath sworne
To Crowne himselfe King in Westminster,
2575Therefore flie my Lord, and poste to Killingworth.
2575.1King. Go bid Buckingham and Clifford, gather
An Army vp, and meete with the Rebels.
2580Come Madame, let vs haste to Killingworth.
Come on Lord Say, go thou along with vs,
2579.1For feare the Rebell Cade do finde thee out.
Say. My innocence my Lord shall pleade for me.
And therfore with your highnesse leaue, ile staie behind.
2583.1King. Euen as thou wilt my Lord Say.
Come Madame, let vs go.
Exet omnes.
Enter the Lord Skayles vpon the Tower
2598.1walles walking.
Enter three or foure Citizens below.
2600Lord Scayles. How now, is Iacke Cade slaine?
I. Citizen. No my Lord, nor likely to be slaine,
For they haue wonne the bridge,
Killing all those that withstand them.
The Lord Mayor craueth ayde of your honor from the Tower,
2605To defend the Citie from the Rebels.
Lord Scayles. Such aide as I can spare, you shall command,
G But
The first part of the contention of the two famous
But I am troubled here with them my selfe,
The Rebels haue attempted to win the Tower,
But get you to Smythfield and gather head,
2610And thither I will send you Mathew Goffe,
Fight for your King, your Country, and your liues,
And so farewell, for I must hence againe.
2612.1Exet omnes.
Enter Iacke Cade and the rest and strikes his sword
vpon London stone.
2615Cade. Now is Mortemer Lord of this Citie,
And now sitting vpon London stone, We command,
That the first yeare of our raigne,
The pissing Cundit run nothing but red wine.
2620And now hence forward, it shall be treason
For any that calles me any othervvise then
2621.1Lord Mortemer.
Enter a souldier.
Sould. Iacke Cade, Iacke Cade.
Cade. Sounes, knocke him dovvne. (They kill him.
Dicke. My Lord, theirs an Army gathered togither
Into Smythfield.
Cade. Come then, lets go fight with them,
2630But first go on and set London bridge a fire,
And if you can, burne dovvne the Tovver too.
Come lets avvay. Exet omnes.
Alarmes, and then Mathew Goffe is slaine, and all the
rest vvith him. Then enter Iacke Cade a-
2634.1gain, and his company.
2635Cade. So, sirs novv go some and pull dovvn the Sauoy,
Others to the Innes of the Court, dovvne vvith them all.
Dicke. I haue a sute vnto your Lordship.
Cade. Be it a Lordship Dicke, and thou shalt haue it
For that vvord.
2640Dicke. That vve may go burne all the Records,
And that all vvriting may be put dovvne,
And nothing vsde but the score and the Tally.
Cade. Dicke it shall be so, and henceforvvard all things shall be
2651.1in common, and in Cheapeside shall my palphrey go to grasse.
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
Why ist not a miserable thing, that of the skin of an innocent lamb
should parchment be made, & then with a litle blotting ouer with
inke, a man should vndo himselfe.
2651.5 Some saies tis the bees that sting, but I say, tis their waxe, for I
am sure I neuer seald to any thing but once, and I was neuer mine
owne man since.
Nicke. But when shall we take vp those commodities
Which you told vs of.
2651.10Cade. Marry he that will lustily stand to it,
Shall go with me, and take vp these commodities following:
Item, a gowne, a kirtle, a petticoate, and a smocke.
Enter George.
2657.1George. My Lord, a prize, a prize, heres the Lord Say,
Which sold the Townes in France.
Cade. Come hither thou Say, thou George, thou buckrum lord,
What answere canst thou make vnto my mightinesse,
For deliuering vp the townes in France to Mounsier bus mine cue,
the Dolphin of France?
And more then so, thou hast most traitorously erected a grammer
schoole, to infect the youth of the realme, and against the Kings
2670Crowne and dignitie, thou hast built vp a paper-mill, nay it wil be
said to thy face, that thou kepst men in thy house that daily reades
of bookes with red letters, and talkes of a Nowne and a Verbe, and
such abhominable words as no Christian eare is able to endure it.
And besides all that, thou hast appointed certaine Iustises of peace
2675in euery shire to hang honest men that steale for their liuing, and
because they could not reade, thou hast hung them vp: Onely for
which cause they were most worthy to liue. Thou ridest on a foot-
2680cloth doest thou not?
Say. Yes, what of that?
Cade. Marry I say, thou oughtest not to let thy horse weare a
cloake, when an honester man then thy selfe, goes in his hose and
Say. You men of Kent.
All. Kent, what of Kent?
Say. Nothing but bona, terra.
2690Cade. Bonum terum, sounds whats that?
2690.1Dicke. He speakes French.
G2 VVill
The first part of the contention of the two famous
VVill. No tis Dutch.
Nicke. No tis outtalian, I know it well inough.
Say. Kent, in the Commentaries Caesar wrote,
2695Termde it the ciuel'st place of all this land,
Then noble Country-men, heare me but speake,
I sold not France, I lost not Normandie.
2725Cade. But wherefore doest thou shake thy head so?
Say. It is the palsie and not feare that makes me.
Cade. Nay thou nodst thy head, as who say, thou wilt be euen
with me, if thou getst away, but ile make the sure inough, now I
haue thee. Go take him to the standerd in Cheapeside and chop of
his head, and then go to milende-greene, to sir Iames Cromer his
sonne in law, and cut off his head too, and bring them to me vpon
two poles presently. (Away with him.
Exet one or two, with the Lord Say.
There shall not a noble man weare a head on his shoulders,
But he shall paie me tribute for it.
Nor there shal not a mayd be married, but he shal fee to me for her.
2755Maydenhead or else, ile haue it my selfe,
2755.1Marry I will that married men shall hold of me in capitie,
And that their wiues shalbe as free as hart can thinke, or toong can
2756.1Enter Robin. (tell.
Robin. O Captaine, London bridge is afire.
Cade. Runne to Billingsgate, and fetche pitch and flaxe and
squench it.
2756.5Enter Dicke and a Sargiant.
Sargiant. Iustice, iustice, I pray you sir, let me haue iustice of this
fellow here.
Cade. Why what has he done?
Sarg. Alasse sir he has rauisht my wife.
2756.10Dicke. Why my Lord he would haue rested me,
And I went and and entred my Action in his wiues paper house.
Cade. Dicke follow thy sute in her common place,
You horson villaine, you are a Sargiant youle,
Take any man by the throate for twelue pence,
2756.15And rest a man when hees at dinner,
And haue him to prison ere the meate be out of his mouth.
Go Dicke take him hence, cut out his toong for cogging,
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
Hough him for running, and to conclude,
Braue him with his owne mace.
2756.20Exet with the Sargiant.
Enter two with the Lord Sayes head, and sir Iames
2763.1Cromers, vpon two poles.
2770So, come carry them before me, and at euery lanes ende, let them
kisse togither.
Enter the Duke of Buckingham, and Lord Clifford the
2781.1Earle of Comberland.
Clifford. Why country-men and warlike friends of Kent,
What meanes this mutinous rebellions,
That you in troopes do muster thus your selues,
2789.1Vnder the conduct of this Traitor Cade?
To rise against your soueraigne Lord and King,
2790Who mildly hath his pardon sent to you,
If you forsake this monstrous Rebell here?
If honour be the marke whereat you aime,
Then haste to France that our forefathers wonne,
And winne againe that thing which now is lost,
2794.1And leaue to seeke your Countries ouerthrow.
2795All. A Clifford, a Clifford.
2795.1They forsake Cade.
Cade. Why how now, will you forsake your generall,
And ancient freedome which you haue possest?
To bend your neckes vnder their seruile yokes,
2804.1Who if you stir, will straightwaies hang you vp,
But follow me, and you shall pull them downe,
And make them yeeld their liuings to your hands.
All. A Cade, a Cade.
2810They runne to Cade againe.
Cliff. Braue warlike friends heare me but speak a word,
Refuse not good whilst it is offered you,
The King is mercifull, then yeeld to him,
And I my selfe will go along with you,
2815To Winsore Castle whereas the King abides,
And on mine honour you shall haue no hurt.
2830All. A Clifford, a Clifford, God saue the King.
Cade. How like a feather is this rascall company
G3 Blowne
The first part of the contention of the two famous
Blowne euery way,
2833.1But that they may see there want no valiancy in me,
My staffe shall make way through the midst of you,
2836.1And so a poxe take you all.
He runs through them with his staffe, and flies away.
Buc. Go some and make after him, and proclaime,
That those that can bring the head of Cade,
Shall haue a thousand Crownes for his labour.
Come march away. Exet omnes.
Enter King Henry and the Queene, and Somerset.
2848.1King. Lord Somerset, what newes here you of the Rebell Cade?
Som. This, my gratious Lord, that the Lord Say is don to death,
And the Citie is almost sackt.
King. Gods will be done, for as he hath decreede, so must it be:
2848.5And be it as he please, to stop the pride of those rebellious men.
Queene. Had the noble Duke of Suffolke bene aliue,
The Rebell Cade had bene supprest ere this,
And all the rest that do take part with him.
Enter the Duke of Buckingham and Clifford, with the
2860Rebels, with halters about their necks.
Cliff. Long liue King Henry, Englands lawfull King,
2857.1Loe here my Lord, these Rebels are subdude,
And offer their liues before your highnesse feete.
King. But tell me Clifford, is there Captaine here.
Cliff. No, my gratious Lord, he is fled away, but proclamations
2862.1are sent forth, that he that can but bring his head, shall haue a thou-
sand crownes. But may it please your Maiestie, to pardon these
their faults, that by that traitors meanes were thus misled.
2865King. Stand vp you simple men, and giue God praise,
For you did take in hand you know not what,
And go in peace obedient to your King,
And liue as subiects, and you shall not want,
Whilst Henry liues, and weares the English Crowne.
All. God saue the King, God saue the King.
2874.1King. Come let vs hast to London now with speed,
That solemne prosessions may be sung,
In laud and honour of the God of heauen,
And triumphs of this happie victorie. (Exet omnes.
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
2905Enter Iacke Cade at one doore, and at the other, maister Alexander
2920 Eyden and his men, and Iack Cade lies downe picking of hearbes
2920.1 and eating them.
Eyden. Good Lord how pleasant is this country life,
This litle land my father left me here,
With my contented minde serues me as well,
2924.1As all the pleasures in the Court can yeeld,
2925Nor would I change this pleasure for the Court.
Cade. Sounes, heres the Lord of the soyle, Stand villaine, thou
wilt betraie mee to the King, and get a thousand crownes for my
head, but ere thou goest, ile make thee eate yron like an Astridge,
and swallow my sword like a great pinne.
Eyden. Why sawcy companion, why should I betray thee?
Ist not inough that thou hast broke my hedges,
And enterd into my ground without the leaue of me the owner,
2940But thou wilt braue me too.
Cade. Braue thee and beard thee too, by the best blood of the
Realme, looke on me well, I haue eate no meate this fiue dayes, yet
and I do not leaue thee and thy fiue men as dead as a doore nayle, I
2945pray God I may neuer eate grasse more.
Eyden. Nay, it neuer shall be saide whilst the world doth stand,
that Alexander Eyden an Esquire of Kent, tooke oddes to combat
with a famisht man, looke on me, my limmes are equall vnto thine,
and euery way as big, then hand to hand, ile combat thee. Sirrha
fetch me weopons, and stand you all aside.
2960Cade. Now sword, if thou doest not hew this burly-bond churle
into chines of beefe, I beseech God thou maist fal into some smiths
hand, and be turnd to hobnailes.
Eyden. Come on thy way. (They fight, and Cade fals downe.
2965Cade. Oh villaine, thou hast slaine the floure of Kent for chiual-
2965.1rie, but it is famine & not thee that has done it, for come ten thou-
sand diuels, and giue me but the ten meales that I wanted this fiue
daies, and ile fight with you all, and so a poxe rot thee, for Iacke
2970Cade must die. (He dies.
Eyden. Iack Cade, & was it that monstrous Rebell which I haue
slaine. Oh sword ile honour thee for this, and in my chamber shalt
thou hang as a monument to after age, for this great seruice thou
2985hast done to me. Ile drag him hence, and with my sword cut off his
head, and beare it to the King. Exet.
The first part of the contention of the two famous
2990Enter the Duke of Yorke with Drum and souldiers,
Yorke. In Armes from Ireland comes Yorke amaine,
Ring belles aloud, bonfires perfume the ayre,
2995To entertaine faire Englands royall King.
Ah Sancta Maiesta, who would not buy thee deare?
Enter the Duke of Buckingham.
But soft, who comes here Buckingham, what newes with him?
Buc. Yorke, if thou meane well, I greete thee so.
Yorke. Humphrey of Buckingham, welcome I svveare:
What comes thou in loue or as a Messenger?
Buc. I come as a Messenger from our dread Lord and soueraign,
3010Henry. To knovv the reason of these Armes in peace?
Or that thou being a subiect as I am,
Shouldst thus approach so neare vvith colours spred,
Whereas the person of the King doth keepe?
3015Yorke. A subiect as he is.
Oh hovv I hate these spitefull abiect termes,
But Yorke dissemble, till thou meete thy sonnes,
3017.1Who novv in Armes expect their fathers sight,
And not farre hence I knovv they cannot be.
Humphrey Duke of Buckingham, pardon me,
3025That I ansvvearde not at first, my mind vvas troubled,
I came to remoue that monstrous Rebell Cade,
And heaue proud Somerset from out the Court,
That basely yeelded vp the Tovvnes in France.
3030Buc. Why that vvas presumption on thy behalfe,
But if it be no othervvise but so,
The King doth pardon thee, and granst to thy request,
And Somerset is sent vnto the Tovver.
Yorke. Vpon thine honour is it so?
3035Buc. Yorke, he is vpon mine honour.
York. Then before thy face, I here dismisse my troopes,
Sirs, meete me to morrovv in saint Georges fields,
And there you shall receiue your paie of me.
3039.1Exet souldiers.
Buc. Come York, thou shalt go speake vnto the King,
3047.1But see, his grace is comming to meete vvith vs.
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
Enter King Henry.
King. How now Buckingham, is Yorke friends with vs,
3050That thus thou bringst him hand in hand with thee?
Buc. He is my Lord, and hath dischargde his troopes
Which came with him, but as your grace did say,
To heaue the Duke of Somerset from hence,
3055And to subdue the Rebels that vvere vp.
3055.1King. Then vvelcome cousin Yorke, giue me thy hand,
And thankes for thy great seruice done to vs,
Against those traitorous Irish that rebeld.
Enter maister Eyden vvith Iacke Cades head.
Eyden. Long liue Henry in triumphant peace,
Lo here my Lord vpon my bended knees,
3060I here present the traitorous head of Cade,
That hand to hand in single fight I slue.
King. First thanks to heauen, & next to thee my friend,
3062.1That hast subdude that vvicked traitor thus.
Oh let me see that head that in his life,
3063.1Did vvorke me and my land such cruell spight,
A visage sterne, cole blacke his curled locks,
Deepe trenched furrovves in his frovvning brovv,
Presageth vvarlike humors in his life.
3070Here take it hence and thou for thy revvard,
Shalt be immediatly created Knight.
Kneele dovvne my friend, and tell me vvhats thy name?
Eyden. Alexander Eyden, if it please your grace,
A poore Esquire of Kent.
King. Then rise vp sir Alexander Eyden knight,
And for thy maintenance, I freely giue
A thousand markes a yeare to maintaine thee,
3074.1Beside the firme revvard that vvas proclaimde,
For those that could performe this vvorthie act,
And thou shalt vvaight vpon the person of the king.
3075Eyden. I humbly thank your grace, and I no longer liue,
Then I proue iust and loyall to my king. (Exet.
Enter the Queene vvith the Duke of Somerset.
King. O Buckingham see vvhere Somerset comes,
Bid him go hide himselfe till Yorke be gone.
H Queene.
The first part of the contention of the two famous
3080Queene. He shall not hide himselfe for feare of Yorke,
But beard and braue him proudly to his face.
Yorke. Whose that, proud Somerset at libertie?
Base fearefull Henry that thus dishonor'st me,
By heauen, thou shalt not gouerne ouer me:
I cannot brooke that Traitors presence here,
Nor will I subiect be to such a King,
3090That knowes not how to gouerne nor to rule,
Resigne thy Crowne proud Lancaster to me,
That thou vsurped hast so long by force,
For now is Yorke resolu'd to claime his owne,
And rise aloft into faire Englands Throane.
Somer. Proud Traitor, I arest thee on high treason,
Against thy soueraigne Lord, yeeld thee false Yorke,
For here I sweare, thou shalt vnto the Tower,
3103.1For these proud words which thou hast giuen the king.
Yorke. Thou art deceiued, my sonnes shalbe my baile,
And send thee there in dispight of him.
Hoe, where are you boyes?
Queene. Call Clifford hither presently.
Enter the Duke of Yorkes sonnes, Edward the Earle of March, and
3117.1 crook-backe Richard, at the one doore, with Drumme and sol-
diers, and at the other doore, enter Clifford and his sonne, with
3119.1 Drumme and souldiers, and Clifford kneeles to Henry, and
Cliff. Long liue my noble Lord, and soueraigne King.
Yorke. We thanke thee Clifford.
Nay, do not affright vs with thy lookes,
3125If thou didst mistake, we pardon thee, kneele againe.
Cliff. Why, I did no way mistake, this is my King.
What is he mad? to Bedlam with him.
King. I, a bedlam frantike humor driues him thus
3130To leauy Armes against his lawfull King.
Clif. Why doth not your grace send him to the Tower?
Queene. He is arested, but will not obey,
His sonnes he saith, shall be his baile.
3135Yorke. How say you boyes, will you not?
Edward. Yes noble father, if our words will serue.
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
Richard. And if our words will not, our swords shall.
Yorke. Call hither to the stake, my two rough beares.
King. Call Buckingham, and bid him Arme himselfe.
Yorke. Call Buckingham and all the friends thou hast,
Both thou and they, shall curse this fatall houre.
3145Enter at one doore, the Earles of Salsbury and VVarwicke, with
Drumme and souldiers. And at the other, the Duke of Bucking-
3146.1 ham, with Drumme and souldiers.
Cliff. Are these thy beares? weele bayte them soone,
Dispight of thee and all the friends thou hast.
War. You had best go dreame againe,
To keepe you from the tempest of the field.
Clif. I am resolu'd to beare a greater storme,
Then any thou canst coniure vp to day,
3200And that ile write vpon thy Burgonet,
Might I but know thee by thy houshold badge.
VVar. Now by my fathers age, old Neuels crest,
The Rampant Beare chaind to the ragged staffe,
This day ile weare aloft my burgonet,
3205As on a mountaine top the Caedar showes,
That keepes his leaues in spight of any storme,
Euen to affright the with the view thereof.
Clif. And from thy burgonet will I rend the beare,
And tread him vnderfoote with all contempt,
3210Dispight the Beare-ward that protects him so.
Yoong Clif. And so renowmed soueraigne to Armes,
To quell these Traitors and their compleases.
Richard. Fie, Charitie for shame, speake it not in spight,
For you shall sup with Iesus Christ to night.
3215Yoong Clif. Foule Stigmaticke thou canst not tell.
Rich. No, for if not in heauen, youle surely sup in hell.
3217.1Exet omnes.
Alarmes to the battaile, and then enter the Duke of Somerset
3288.1 and Richard fighting, and Richard kils him vnder the signe of
the Castle in saint Albones.
Rich. So Lie thou there, and breathe thy last.
3289.1Whats here, the signe of the Castle?
Then the prophesie is come to passe,
H2 For
The first part of the contention of the two famous
For Somerset was forewarned of Castles,
The which he alwaies did obserue.
3290And now behold, vnder a paltry Ale-house signe,
The Castle in saint Albones,
Somerset hath made the Wissard famous by his death.
Alarme again, and enter the Earle of
3218.1Warwicke alone.
VVar. Clifford of Comberland, tis Warwicke calles,
3220And if thou doest not hide thee from the Beare,
Now whilst the angry Trompets sound Alarmes,
And dead mens cries do fill the emptie aire:
Clifford I say, come forth and fight with me,
Proud Northerne Lord, Clifford of Comberland,
3225Warwicke is hoarse with calling thee to Armes.
3225.1Clifford speakes within.
Warwicke stand still, and view the way that Clifford hewes with
his murthering Curtelaxe, through the fainting troopes to finde
thee out.
3225.5Warwicke stand still, and stir not till I come.
Enter Yorke.
VVar. How now my Lord, what a foote?
3227.1Who kild your horse?
Yorke. The deadly hand of Clifford. Noble Lord,
3228.1Fiue horse this day slaine vnder me,
And yet braue Warwicke I remaine aliue,
But I did kill his horse he lou'd so well,
The boniest gray that ere was bred in North.
Enter Clifford, and Warwicke offers to
3232.1fight with him.
Hold Warwicke, and seeke thee out some other chase,
3235My selfe will hunt this deare to death.
VVar. Braue Lord, tis for a Crowne thou fights,
Clifford farewell, as I entend to prosper well to day,
It grieues my soule to leaue thee vnassaild.
3238.1Exet VVarwicke.
Yorke. Now Clifford, since we are singled here alone,
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
Be this the day of doome to one of vs,
For now my heart hath sworne immortall hate
3242.1To thee and all the house of Lancaster.
Cliffood. And here I stand, and pitch my foot to thine,
3247.1Vowing neuer to stir, till thou or I be slaine.
For neuer shall my heart be safe at rest,
Till I haue spoyld the hatefull house of Yorke.
Alarmes, and they fight, and Yorke kils Clifford.
3250Yorke. Now Lancaster sit sure, thy sinowes shrinke,
Come fearefull Henry grouelling on thy face,
3251.1Yeeld vp thy Crowne vnto the Prince of Yorke.
Exet Yorke.
Alarmes, then enter yoong Clifford alone.
3252.1Yoong Clifford. Father of Comberland,
Where may I seeke my aged father forth?
O! dismall sight, see where he breathlesse lies,
All smeard and weltred in his luke-warme blood,
3272.1Ah, aged pillar of all Comberlands true house,
Sweete father, to thy murthred ghoast I sweare,
Immortall hate vnto the house of Yorke,
Nor neuer shall I sleepe secure one night,
3275Till I haue furiously reuengde thy death,
And left not one of them to breath on earth.
3282.1He takes him vp on his backe.
And thus as old Ankyses sonne did beare
3284.1His aged father on his manly backe,
And fought with him against the bloodie Greeks,
3285Euen so will I. But staie, heres one of them,
3285.1To whom my soule hath sworne immortall hate.
Enter Richard, and then Clifford laies downe his father,
fights with him, and Richard flies away againe.
Out crooktbacke villaine, get thee from my sight,
3285.5But I will after thee, and once againe
When I haue borne my father to his Tent,
Ile trie my fortune better with thee yet.
Exet yoong Clifford with his
H3 Alarmes,
The first part of the contention of the two famous
3318.1Alarmes againe, and then enter three or foure, bearing the Duke
of Buckingham wounded to his Tent.
Alarmes still, and then enter the King and Queene.
Queene. Avvay my Lord, and flie to London straight,
3297.1Make hast, for vengeance comes along vvith them,
Come stand not to expostulate, lets go.
King. Come then faire Queene to London let vs hast,
3298.1And sommon a Parlament vvith speede,
To stop the fury of these dyre euents.
Exet King and Queene.
Alarmes, and then a flourish, and enter the Duke of
3320Yorke and Richard.
3320.1Yorke. Hovv novv boyes, fortunate this fight hath bene,
I hope to vs and ours, for Englands good,
And our great honour, that so long vve lost,
Whilst faint-heart Henry did vsurpe our rights:
But did you see old Salsbury, since we
With bloodie mindes did buckle with the foe,
I would not for the losse of this right hand,
3325That ought but well betide that good old man.
Rich. My Lord, I saw him in the thickest throng,
3328.1Charging his Lance with his old weary armes,
And thrise I saw him beaten from his horse,
3330And thrise this hand did set him vp againe,
And still he fought with courage gainst his foes,
The boldest sprited man that ere mine eyes beheld.
Enter Salibbury and Warwicke.
3336.1Edward. See noble father, where they both do come,
The onely props vnto the house of Yorke.
Sals. Well hast thou fought this day, thou valiant Duke,
And thou braue bud of Yorkes encreasing house,
The small remainder of my weary life,
3339.1I hold for thee, for with thy warlike arme,
3340Three times this day thou hast preseru'd my life.
3345Yorke. What say you Lords, the King is fled to London?
There as I here to hold a Parlament.
Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
What saies Lord Warwicke, shall we after them?
3350VVar. After them, nay before them if we can.
Now by my faith Lords, twas a glorious day,
Saint Albones battaile wonne by famous Yorke,
Shall be eternest in all age to come.
Sound Drummes and Trumpets, and to London all,
3355And more such daies as these to vs befall.
3355.1Exet omnes.
F I N I S.
Printed by Thomas Creed, for Thomas Millington,
And are to be sold at his shop vnder Saint Peters
Church in Cornwall.