Not Peer Reviewed
Henry VI, Part 2 (Folio 1, 1623)
3218Enter Warwicke.
3220And if thou dost not hide thee from the Beare,
3221Now when the angrie Trumpet sounds alarum,
3222And dead mens cries do fill the emptie ayre,
3224Proud Northerne Lord, Clifford of Cumberland,
3225Warwicke is hoarse with calling thee to armes.
3226Enter Yorke.
3227War. How now my Noble Lord? What all a-foot.
3229But match to match I haue encountred him,
3230And made a prey for Carrion Kytes and Crowes
3232Enter Clifford.
3233War. Of one or both of vs the time is come.
3237As I intend Clifford to thriue to day,
3251Peace with his soule, heauen if it be thy will.
3252Enter yong Clifford.
3256Whom angry heauens do make their minister,
3257Throw in the frozen bosomes of our part,
3258Hot Coales of Vengeance. Let no Souldier flye.
3259He that is truly dedicate to Warre,
3262The name of Valour. O let the vile world end,
3264Knit earth and heauen together.
3265Now let the generall Trumpet blow his blast,
3266Particularities, and pettie sounds
3267To cease. Was't thou ordain'd (deere Father)
3268To loose thy youth in peace, and to atcheeue
3269The Siluer Liuery of aduised Age,
3270And in thy Reuerence, and thy Chaire-dayes, thus
3272My heart is turn'd to stone: and while 'tis mine,
3274No more will I their Babes, Teares Virginall,
3275Shall be to me, euen as the Dew to Fire,
3276And Beautie, that the Tyrant oft reclaimes,
3277Shall to my flaming wrath, be Oyle and Flax:
3278Henceforth, I will not haue to do with pitty.
3279Meet I an infant of the house of Yorke,
3280Into as many gobbits will I cut it
3281As wilde Medea yong Absirtis did.
3282In cruelty, will I seeke out my Fame.
3285So beare I thee vpon my manly shoulders:
3286But then, Aeneas bare a liuing loade;
o3 Nothing
146The second Part of Henry the Sixt.
3288Enter Richard, and Somerset to fight.
3289Rich. So lye thou there:
3292Hath made the Wizard famous in his death:
3293Sword, hold thy temper; Heart, be wrathfull still:
3294Priests pray for enemies, but Princes kill.
3295Fight. Excursions.
3296Enter King, Queene, and others.
3298King. Can we outrun the Heauens? Good Margaret
3301Now is it manhood, wisedome, and defence,
3302To giue the enemy way, and to secure vs
3303By what we can, which can no more but flye.
3304 Alarum a farre off.
3306Of all our Fortunes: but if we haply scape,
3307(As well we may, if not through your neglect)
3308We shall to London get, where you are lou'd,
3309And where this breach now in our Fortunes made
3310May readily be stopt.
3311Enter Clifford.
3315Reignes in the hearts of all our present parts.
3316Away for your releefe, and we will liue
3317To see their day, and them our Fortune giue.
3318Away my Lord, away. Exeunt