Not Peer Reviewed
Henry VI, Part 2 (Folio 1, 1623)
The second Part of Henry the Sixt.133
1634For there Ile shippe them all for Ireland.
1636Manet Yorke.
1639Be that thou hop'st to be, or what thou art;
1640Resigne to death, it is not worth th' enioying:
1641Let pale-fac't feare keepe with the meane-borne man,
1642And finde no harbor in a Royall heart.
1644And not a thought, but thinkes on Dignitie.
1645My Brayne, more busie then the laboring Spider,
1646Weaues tedious Snares to trap mine Enemies.
1647Well Nobles, well: 'tis politikely done,
1649I feare me, you but warme the starued Snake,
1651'Twas men I lackt, and you will giue them me;
1652I take it kindly: yet be well assur'd,
1653You put sharpe Weapons in a mad-mans hands.
1654Whiles I in Ireland nourish a mightie Band,
1656Shall blowe ten thousand Soules to Heauen, or Hell:
1658Vntill the Golden Circuit on my Head,
1659Like to the glorious Sunnes transparant Beames,
1660Doe calme the furie of this mad-bred Flawe.
1661And for a minister of my intent,
1663Iohn Cade of Ashford,
1664To make Commotion, as full well he can,
1665Vnder the Title of Iohn Mortimer.
1668And fought so long, till that his thighes with Darts
1671Him capre vpright, like a wilde Morisco,
1672Shaking the bloody Darts, as he his Bells.
1673Full often, like a shag-hayr'd craftie Kerne,
1674Hath he conuersed with the Enemie,
1675And vndiscouer'd, come to me againe,
1676And giuen me notice of their Villanies.
1678For that Iohn Mortimer, which now is dead,
1680By this, I shall perceiue the Commons minde,
1682Say he be taken, rackt, and tortured;
1685Say that he thriue, as 'tis great like he will,
1686Why then from Ireland come I with my strength,
1688For Humfrey; being dead, as he shall be,
1689And Henry put apart: the next for me. Exit.
1690Enter two or three running ouer the Stage, from the
1691Murther of Duke Humfrey.
1693We haue dispatcht the Duke, as he commanded.
16942. Oh, that it were to doe: what haue we done?
16961. Here comes my Lord.
16981. I, my good Lord, hee's dead.
1700I will reward you for this venturous deed:
1701The King and all the Peeres are here at hand.
1702Haue you layd faire the Bed? Is all things well,
1703According as I gaue directions?
17041. 'Tis, my good Lord.
1706Sound Trumpets. Enter the King, the Queene,
1707Cardinall, Suffolke, Somerset, with
1710Say, we intend to try his Grace to day,
1711If he be guiltie, as 'tis published.
1713King. Lords take your places: and I pray you all
1715Then from true euidence, of good esteeme,
1718That faultlesse may condemne a Noble man:
1722Enter Suffolke.
1724Where is our Vnckle? what's the matter, Suffolke?
1726Queene. Marry God forfend.
1728The Duke was dumbe, and could not speake a word.
1729 King sounds.
1730Qu. How fares my Lord? Helpe Lords, the King is
1733Qu. Runne, goe, helpe, helpe: Oh Henry ope thine eyes.
1734Suff. He doth reuiue againe, Madame be patient.
1735King. Oh Heauenly God.
1736Qu. How fares my gracious Lord?
1740Came he right now to sing a Rauens Note,
1742And thinkes he, that the chirping of a Wren,
1743By crying comfort from a hollow breast,
1746Lay not thy hands on me: forbeare I say,
1749Vpon thy eye-balls, murderous Tyrannie
1750Sits in grim Maiestie, to fright the World.
1751Looke not vpon me, for thine eyes are wounding;
1753And kill the innocent gazer with thy sight:
1755In life, but double death, now Gloster's dead.
1757Although the Duke was enemie to him,
1759And for my selfe, Foe as he was to me,
1760Might liquid teares, or heart-offending groanes,
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