Not Peer Reviewed
Henry VI, Part 2 (Folio 1, 1623)
The second Part of Henry the Sixt.129
1115 Enter at one Doore the Armorer and his Neighbors, drinking
1116to him so much, that hee is drunke; and he enters with a
1117Drumme before him, and his Staffe, with a Sand-bagge
1118fastened to it: and at the other Doore his Man, with a
1119Drumme and Sand-bagge, and Prentices drinking to him.
11201. Neighbor. Here Neighbour Horner, I drinke to you
1121in a Cup of Sack; and feare not Neighbor, you shall doe
1122well enough.
11232. Neighbor. And here Neighbour, here's a Cuppe of
11253. Neighbor. And here's a Pot of good Double-Beere
1126Neighbor: drinke, and feare not your Man.
1127Armorer. Let it come yfaith, and Ile pledge you all,
1128and a figge for Peter.
1132Fight for credit of the Prentices.
1133Peter. I thanke you all: drinke, and pray for me, I pray
1134you, for I thinke I haue taken my last Draught in this
1135World. Here Robin, and if I dye, I giue thee my Aporne;
1136and Will, thou shalt haue my Hammer: and here Tom,
1137take all the Money that I haue. O Lord blesse me, I pray
1138God, for I am neuer able to deale with my Master, hee
1139hath learnt so much fence already.
1140Salisb. Come, leaue your drinking, and fall to blowes.
1141Sirrha, what's thy Name?
1143Salisb. Peter? what more?
1144Peter. Thumpe.
1149an honest man: and touching the Duke of Yorke, I will
1150take my death, I neuer meant him any ill, nor the King,
1151nor the Queene: and therefore Peter haue at thee with a
1152downe-right blow.
1154Sound Trumpets, Alarum to the Combattants.
1155They fight, and Peter strikes him downe.
1158Yorke. Take away his Weapon: Fellow thanke God,
1159and the good Wine in thy Masters way.
1160Peter. O God, haue I ouercome mine Enemies in this
1163For by his death we doe perceiue his guilt,
1164And God in Iustice hath reueal'd to vs
1165The truth and innocence of this poore fellow,
1166Which he had thought to haue murther'd wrongfully.
1167Come fellow, follow vs for thy Reward.
1169Enter Duke Humfrey and his Men in
1170Mourning Cloakes.
1172And after Summer, euermore succeedes
1173Barren Winter, with his wrathfull nipping Cold;
1175Sirs, what's a Clock?
1176Seru. Tenne, my Lord.
1177Glost. Tenne is the houre that was appointed me,
1179Vnneath may shee endure the Flintie Streets,
1180To treade them with her tender-feeling feet.
1181Sweet Nell, ill can thy Noble Minde abrooke
1182The abiect People, gazing on thy face,
1183With enuious Lookes laughing at thy shame,
1184That erst did follow thy prowd Chariot-Wheeles,
1188Enter the Duchesse in a white Sheet, and a Taper
1189burning in her hand, with the Sherife
1190and Officers.
1196Now thou do'st Penance too. Looke how they gaze,
1197See how the giddy multitude doe point,
1198And nodde their heads, and throw their eyes on thee.
1199Ah Gloster, hide thee from their hatefull lookes,
1201And banne thine Enemies, both mine and thine.
1202Glost. Be patient, gentle Nell, forget this griefe.
1204For whilest I thinke I am thy married Wife,
1205And thou a Prince, Protector of this Land;
1206Me thinkes I should not thus be led along,
1207Mayl'd vp in shame, with Papers on my back,
1208And follow'd with a Rabble, that reioyce
1210The ruthlesse Flint doth cut my tender feet,
1211And when I start, the enuious people laugh,
1212And bid me be aduised how I treade.
1213Ah Humfrey, can I beare this shamefull yoake?
1214Trowest thou, that ere Ile looke vpon the World,
1215Or count them happy, that enioyes the Sunne?
1216No: Darke shall be my Light, and Night my Day.
1217To thinke vpon my Pompe, shall be my Hell.
1218Sometime Ile say, I am Duke Humfreyes Wife,
1219And he a Prince, and Ruler of the Land:
1222Was made a wonder, and a pointing stock
1223To euery idle Rascall follower.
1225Nor stirre at nothing, till the Axe of Death
1227For Suffolke, he that can doe all in all
1228With her, that hateth thee and hates vs all,
1230Haue all lym'd Bushes to betray thy Wings,
1232But feare not thou, vntill thy foot be snar'd,
1233Nor neuer seeke preuention of thy foes.
1236And had I twentie times so many foes,
1237And each of them had twentie times their power,
1239So long as I am loyall, true, and crimelesse.
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