Not Peer Reviewed
Henry VI, Part 2 (Folio 1, 1623)
The second Part of Henry the Sixt,
with the death of the Good Duke
1Actus Primus. Scoena Prima.
2Flourish of Trumpets: Then Hoboyes.
3Enter King, Duke Humfrey, Salisbury, Warwicke, and Beau-
4ford on the one side.
5The Queene, Suffolke, Yorke, Somerset, and Buckingham,
6on the other.
8AS by your high Imperiall Maiesty,
9I had in charge at my depart for France,
10As Procurator to your Excellence,
11To marry Princes Margaret for your Grace;
12So in the Famous Ancient City, Toures,
13In presence of the Kings of France, and Sicill,
14The Dukes of Orleance, Calaber, Britaigne, and Alanson,
15Seuen Earles, twelue Barons, & twenty reuerend Bishops
17And humbly now vpon my bended knee,
18In sight of England, and her Lordly Peeres,
19Deliuer vp my Title in the Queene
21Of that great Shadow I did represent:
23The Fairest Queene, that euer King receiu'd.
26Then this kinde kisse: O Lord, that lends me life,
27Lend me a heart repleate with thankfulnesse:
28For thou hast giuen me in this beauteous Face
30If Simpathy of Loue vnite our thoughts.
31Queen. Great King of England, & my gracious Lord,
32The mutuall conference that my minde hath had,
33By day, by night; waking, and in my dreames,
34In Courtly company, or at my Beades,
35With you mine Alder liefest Soueraigne,
36Makes me the bolder to salute my King,
38And ouer ioy of heart doth minister.
41Makes me from Wondring, fall to Weeping ioyes,
42Such is the Fulnesse of my hearts content.
43Lords, with one cheerefull voice, Welcome my Loue.
44All kneel. Long liue Qu. Margaret, Englands happines.
47Heere are the Articles of contracted peace,
48Betweene our Soueraigne, and the French King Charles,
49For eighteene moneths concluded by consent.
54Naples, Sicillia, and Ierusalem, and Crowne her Queene of
55England, ere the thirtieth of May next ensuing.
56Item, That the Dutchy of Aniou, and the County of Main,
58King. Vnkle, how now?
59Glo. Pardon me gracious Lord,
61And dim'd mine eyes, that I can reade no further.
63Win. Item, It is further agreed betweene them, That the
66Englands owne proper Cost and Charges, without hauing any
70And girt thee with the Sword. Cosin of Yorke,
71We heere discharge your Grace from being Regent
72I'th parts of France, till terme of eighteene Moneths
73Be full expyr'd. Thankes Vncle Winchester,
75Salisburie, and Warwicke.
76We thanke you all for this great fauour done,
77In entertainment to my Princely Queene.
78Come, let vs in, and with all speede prouide
79To see her Coronation be perform'd.
80 Exit King, Queene, and Suffolke.
81Manet the rest.
82Glo. Braue Peeres of England, Pillars of the State,
83To you Duke Humfrey must vnload his greefe:
84Your greefe, the common greefe of all the Land.
85What? did my brother Henry spend his youth,
86His valour, coine, and people in the warres?
88In Winters cold, and Summers parching heate,
89To conquer France, his true inheritance?
90And did my brother Bedford toyle his wits,
The second Part of Henry the Sixt.121
91To keepe by policy what Henrie got:
94Receiud deepe scarres in France and Normandie:
95Or hath mine Vnckle Beauford, and my selfe,
96With all the Learned Counsell of the Realme,
98Early and late, debating too and fro
99How France and Frenchmen might be kept in awe,
100And hath his Highnesse in his infancie,
101Crowned in Paris in despight of foes,
103Shall Henries Conquest, Bedfords vigilance,
104Your Deeds of Warre, and all our Counsell dye?
105O Peeres of England, shamefull is this League,
106Fatall this Marriage, cancelling your Fame,
107Blotting your names from Bookes of memory,
108Racing the Charracters of your Renowne,
109Defacing Monuments of Conquer'd France,
110Vndoing all as all had neuer bin.
113For France, 'tis ours; and we will keepe it still.
114Glo. I Vnckle, we will keepe it, if we can:
117Hath giuen the Dutchy of Aniou and Mayne,
120Sal. Now by the death of him that dyed for all,
121These Counties were the Keyes of Normandie:
122But wherefore weepes Warwicke, my valiant sonne?
124For were there hope to conquer them againe,
126Aniou and Maine? My selfe did win them both:
128And are the Citties that I got with wounds,
129Deliuer'd vp againe with peacefull words?
130Mort Dieu.
132That dims the Honor of this Warlike Isle:
133France should haue torne and rent my very hart,
134Before I would haue yeelded to this League.
135I neuer read but Englands Kings haue had
136Large summes of Gold, and Dowries with their wiues,
137And our King Henry giues away his owne,
138To match with her that brings no vantages.
143Before ---
145It was the pleasure of my Lord the King.
148But 'tis my presence that doth trouble ye,
149Rancour will out, proud Prelate, in thy face
151We shall begin our ancient bickerings:
152Lordings farewell, and say when I am gone,
155'Tis knowne to you he is mine enemy:
156Nay more, an enemy vnto you all,
157And no great friend, I feare me to the King;
158Consider Lords, he is the next of blood,
159And heyre apparant to the English Crowne:
160Had Henrie got an Empire by his marriage,
161And all the wealthy Kingdomes of the West,
163Looke to it Lords, let not his smoothing words
165What though the common people fauour him,
166Calling him, Humfrey the good Duke of Gloster,
167Clapping their hands, and crying with loud voyce,
168Iesu maintaine your Royall Excellence,
169With God preserue the good Duke Humfrey:
171He will be found a dangerous Protector.
173He being of age to gouerne of himselfe.
175And altogether with the Duke of Suffolke,
180And greatnesse of his place be greefe to vs,
181Yet let vs watch the haughtie Cardinall,
182His insolence is more intollerable
183Then all the Princes in the Land beside,
186Despite Duke Humfrey, or the Cardinall.
187 Exit Buckingham, and Somerset.
188Sal. Pride went before, Ambition followes him.
189While these do labour for their owne preferment,
190Behooues it vs to labor for the Realme.
192Did beare him like a Noble Gentleman:
193Oft haue I seene the haughty Cardinall.
194More like a Souldier then a man o'th' Church,
195As stout and proud as he were Lord of all,
197Vnlike the Ruler of a Common-weale.
198Warwicke my sonne, the comfort of my age,
200Hath wonne the greatest fauour of the Commons,
201Excepting none but good Duke Humfrey.
202And Brother Yorke, thy Acts in Ireland,
203In bringing them to ciuill Discipline:
204Thy late exploits done in the heart of France,
205When thou wert Regent for our Soueraigne,
206Haue made thee fear'd and honor'd of the people,
207Ioyne we together for the publike good,
209The pride of Suffolke, and the Cardinall,
210With Somersets and Buckinghams Ambition,
211And as we may, cherish Duke Humfries deeds,
212While they do tend the profit of the Land.
213War. So God helpe Warwicke, as he loues the Land,
214And common profit of his Countrey.
218And looke vnto the maine.
219Warwicke. Vnto the maine?
220Oh Father, Maine is lost,
221That Maine, which by maine force Warwicke did winne,
l3 Main
122The second Part of Henry the Sixt.
223Main-chance father you meant, but I meant Maine,
226Yorke. Aniou and Maine are giuen to the French,
228Stands on a tickle point, now they are gone:
229Suffolke concluded on the Articles,
230The Peeres agreed, and Henry was well pleas'd,
231To change two Dukedomes for a Dukes faire daughter.
232I cannot blame them all, what is't to them?
233'Tis thine they giue away, and not their owne.
234Pirates may make cheape penyworths of their pillage,
235And purchase Friends, and giue to Curtezans,
236Still reuelling like Lords till all be gone,
237While as the silly Owner of the goods
238Weepes ouer them, and wrings his haplesse hands,
240While all is shar'd, and all is borne away,
241Ready to sterue, and dare not touch his owne.
243While his owne Lands are bargain'd for, and sold:
244Me thinkes the Realmes of England, France, & Ireland,
246As did the fatall brand Althaea burnt,
247Vnto the Princes heart of Calidon:
248Aniou and Maine both giuen vnto the French?
249Cold newes for me: for I had hope of France,
250Euen as I haue of fertile Englands soile.
251A day will come, when Yorke shall claime his owne,
252And therefore I will take the Neuils parts,
253And make a shew of loue to proud Duke Humfrey,
254And when I spy aduantage, claime the Crowne,
255For that's the Golden marke I seeke to hit:
258Nor weare the Diadem vpon his head,
261Watch thou, and wake when others be asleepe,
262To prie into the secrets of the State,
263Till Henrie surfetting in ioyes of loue,
264With his new Bride, & Englands deere bought Queen,
265And Humfrey with the Peeres be falne at iarres:
268And in in my Standard beare the Armes of Yorke,
270And force perforce Ile make him yeeld the Crowne,
272 Exit Yorke.
273Enter Duke Humfrey and his wife Elianor.
274Elia. Why droopes my Lord like ouer-ripen'd Corn,
275Hanging the head at Ceres plenteous load?
276Why doth the Great Duke Humfrey knit his browes,
277As frowning at the Fauours of the world?
281Inchac'd with all the Honors of the world?
282If so, Gaze on, and grouell on thy face,
283Vntill thy head be circled with the same.
284Put forth thy hand, reach at the glorious Gold.
285What, is't too short? Ile lengthen it with mine,
286And hauing both together heau'd it vp,
287Wee'l both together lift our heads to heauen,
289As to vouchsafe one glance vnto the ground.
291Banish the Canker of ambitious thoughts:
292And may that thought, when I imagine ill
293Against my King and Nephew, vertuous Henry,
294Be my last breathing in this mortall world.
295My troublous dreames this night, doth make me sad.
296Eli. What dream'd my Lord, tell me, and Ile requite it
299 Court
300Was broke in twaine: by whom, I haue forgot,
301But as I thinke, it was by'th Cardinall,
302And on the peeces of the broken Wand
303Were plac'd the heads of Edmond Duke of Somerset,
305This was my dreame, what it doth bode God knowes.
306Eli. Tut, this was nothing but an argument,
312And in that Chaire where Kings & Queens wer crownd,
313Where Henrie and Dame Margaret kneel'd to me,
314And on my head did set the Diadem.
316Presumptuous Dame, ill-nurter'd Elianor,
317Art thou not second Woman in the Realme?
318And the Protectors wife belou'd of him?
320Aboue the reach or compasse of thy thought?
321And wilt thou still be hammering Treachery,
323From top of Honor, to Disgraces feete?
324Away from me, and let me heare no more.
326With Elianor, for telling but her dreame?
327Next time Ile keepe my dreames vnto my selfe,
328And not be check'd.
329Hum. Nay be not angry, I am pleas'd againe.
330Enter Messenger.
332You do prepare to ride vnto S. Albons,
333Where as the King and Queene do meane to Hawke.
336Follow I must, I cannot go before,
338Were I a Man, a Duke, and next of blood,
341And being a woman, I will not be slacke
342To play my part in Fortunes Pageant.
343Where are you there? Sir Iohn; nay feare not man,
344We are alone, here's none but thee, & I. Enter Hume.
347Hume. But by the grace of God, and Humes aduice,
348Your Graces Title shall be multiplied.
350With Margerie Iordane the cunning Witch,
351With Roger Bollingbrooke the Coniurer?
352And will they vndertake to do me good?
354A Spirit rais'd from depth of vnder ground,
The second Part of Henry the Sixt.123
356As by your Grace shall be propounded him.
358When from Saint Albones we doe make returne,
360Here Hume, take this reward, make merry man
361With thy Confederates in this weightie cause.
362 Exit Elianor.
364Marry and shall: but how now, Sir Iohn Hume?
365Seale vp your Lips, and giue no words but Mum,
367Dame Elianor giues Gold, to bring the Witch:
370I dare not say, from the rich Cardinall,
371And from the great and new-made Duke of Suffolke;
373They (knowing Dame Elianors aspiring humor)
374Haue hyred me to vnder-mine the Duchesse,
375And buzze these Coniurations in her brayne.
376They say, A craftie Knaue do's need no Broker,
377Yet am I Suffolke and the Cardinalls Broker.
378Hume, if you take not heed, you shall goe neere
379To call them both a payre of craftie Knaues.
381Humes Knauerie will be the Duchesse Wracke,
382And her Attainture, will be Humphreyes fall:
384Enter three or foure Petitioners, the Armorers
385Man being one.
387tector will come this way by and by, and then wee may
388deliuer our Supplications in the Quill.
391Enter Suffolke, and Queene.
392Peter. Here a comes me thinkes, and the Queene with
395and not my Lord Protector.
3971. Pet. I pray my Lord pardon me, I tooke ye for my
398Lord Protector.
402Goodman, my Lord Cardinals Man, for keeping my House,
403and Lands, and Wife and all, from me.
405What's yours? What's heere? Against the Duke of
407now, Sir Knaue?
4082. Pet. Alas Sir, I am but a poore Petitioner of our
409whole Towneship.
411That the Duke of Yorke was rightfull Heire to the
414say, hee was rightfull Heire to the Crowne?
417Suff. Who is there?
418Enter Seruant.
420uant presently: wee'le heare more of your matter before
421the King. Exit.
423Vnder the Wings of our Protectors Grace,
424Begin your Suites anew, and sue to him.
425Teare the Supplication.
429Is this the Fashions in the Court of England?
430Is this the Gouernment of Britaines Ile?
431And this the Royaltie of Albions King?
434Am I a Queene in Title and in Stile,
436I tell thee Poole, when in the Citie Tours
437Thou ran'st a-tilt in honor of my Loue,
439I thought King Henry had resembled thee,
440In Courage, Courtship, and Proportion:
441But all his minde is bent to Holinesse,
442To number Aue-Maries on his Beades:
443His Champions, are the Prophets and Apostles,
444His Weapons, holy Sawes of sacred Writ,
445His Studie is his Tilt-yard, and his Loues
446Are brazen Images of Canonized Saints.
447I would the Colledge of the Cardinalls
448Would chuse him Pope, and carry him to Rome,
449And set the Triple Crowne vpon his Head;
453In England worke your Graces full content.
455The imperious Churchman; Somerset, Buckingham,
457But can doe more in England then the King.
459Cannot doe more in England then the Neuils:
462As that prowd Dame, the Lord Protectors Wife:
463She sweepes it through the Court with troups of Ladies,
464More like an Empresse, then Duke Humphreyes Wife:
465Strangers in Court, doe take her for the Queene:
466She beares a Dukes Reuenewes on her backe,
468Shall I not liue to be aueng'd on her?
470She vaunted 'mongst her Minions t'other day,
471The very trayne of her worst wearing Gowne,
472Was better worth then all my Fathers Lands,
473Till Suffolke gaue two Dukedomes for his Daughter.
475And plac't a Quier of such enticing Birds,
477And neuer mount to trouble you againe.
479For I am bold to counsaile you in this;
480Although we fancie not the Cardinall,
481Yet must we ioyne with him and with the Lords,
482Till we haue brought Duke Humphrey in disgrace.
124The second Part of Henry the Sixt.
483As for the Duke of Yorke, this late Complaint
484Will make but little for his benefit:
485So one by one wee'le weed them all at last,
487Sound a Sennet.
488Enter the King, Duke Humfrey, Cardinall, Bucking-
489ham, Yorke, Salisbury, Warwicke,
490and the Duchesse.
491King. For my part, Noble Lords, I care not which,
492Or Somerset, or Yorke, all's one to me.
494Then let him be denay'd the Regent-ship.
496Let Yorke be Regent, I will yeeld to him.
497Warw. Whether your Grace be worthy, yea or no,
498Dispute not that, Yorke is the worthyer.
508Queene. If he be old enough, what needs your Grace
509To be Protector of his Excellence?
513Since thou wert King; as who is King, but thou?
514The Common-wealth hath dayly run to wrack,
515The Dolphin hath preuayl'd beyond the Seas,
516And all the Peeres and Nobles of the Realme
517Haue beene as Bond-men to thy Soueraigntie.
519Are lanke and leane with thy Extortions.
522Buck. Thy Crueltie in execution
523Vpon Offendors, hath exceeded Law,
524And left thee to the mercy of the Law.
527Would make thee quickly hop without thy Head.
528 Exit Humfrey.
529Giue me my Fanne: what, Mynion, can ye not?
530She giues the Duchesse a box on the eare.
531I cry you mercy, Madame: was it you?
532Duch. Was't I? yea, I it was, prowd French-woman:
533Could I come neere your Beautie with my Nayles,
534I could set my ten Commandements in your face.
537Shee'le hamper thee, and dandle thee like a Baby:
540 Exit Elianor.
541Buck. Lord Cardinall, I will follow Elianor,
542And listen after Humfrey, how he proceedes:
543Shee's tickled now, her Fume needs no spurres,
545 Exit Buckingham.
546Enter Humfrey.
547Humf. Now Lords, my Choller being ouer-blowne,
548With walking once about the Quadrangle,
549I come to talke of Common-wealth Affayres.
551Proue them, and I lye open to the Law:
552But God in mercie so deale with my Soule,
553As I in dutie loue my King and Countrey.
554But to the matter that we haue in hand:
556To be your Regent in the Realme of France.
559That Yorke is most vnmeet of any man.
562Next, if I be appointed for the Place,
563My Lord of Somerset will keepe me here,
564Without Discharge, Money, or Furniture,
565Till France be wonne into the Dolphins hands:
566Last time I danc't attendance on his will,
569Did neuer Traytor in the Land commit.
572Enter Armorer and his Man.
580His words were these: That Richard, Duke of Yorke,
581Was rightfull Heire vnto the English Crowne,
586falsely accus'd by the Villaine.
589ring my Lord of Yorkes Armor.
591Ile haue thy Head for this thy Traytors speech:
593Let him haue all the rigor of the Law.
596rect him for his fault the other day, he did vow vpon his
597knees he would be euen with me: I haue good witnesse
601Humf. This doome, my Lord, if I may iudge:
602Let Somerset be Regent o're the French,
604And let these haue a day appointed them
605For single Combat, in conuenient place,
607This is the Law, and this Duke Humfreyes doome.
Som. I
The second Part of Henry the Sixt.125
609Armorer. And I accept the Combat willingly.
612O Lord haue mercy vpon me, I shall neuer be able to
613fight a blow: O Lord my heart.
618Flourish. Exeunt.
619Enter the Witch, the two Priests, and Bullingbrooke.
625Bulling. I haue heard her reported to be a Woman of
628low; and so I pray you goe in Gods Name, and leaue vs.
629 Exit Hume.
630Mother Iordan, be you prostrate, and grouell on the
631Earth; Iohn Southwell reade you, and let vs to our worke.
632Enter Elianor aloft.
634this geere, the sooner the better.
635Bullin. Patience, good Lady, Wizards know their times:
636Deepe Night, darke Night, the silent of the Night,
638The time when Screech-owles cry, and Bandogs howle,
639And Spirits walke, and Ghosts breake vp their Graues;
642Wee will make fast within a hallow'd Verge.
643Here doe the Ceremonies belonging, and make the Circle,
644Bullingbrooke or Southwell reades, Coniuro
645te, &c. It Thunders and Lightens
646terribly: then the Spirit
658But him out-liue, and dye a violent death.
665Haue done, for more I hardly can endure.
667False Fiend auoide.
668Thunder and Lightning. Exit Spirit.
669Enter the Duke of Yorke and the Duke of Buckingham
670with their Guard, and breake in.
672Beldam I thinke we watcht you at an ynch.
673What Madame, are you there? the King & Commonweale
674Are deepely indebted for this peece of paines;
675My Lord Protector will, I doubt it not,
679Buck. True Madame, none at all: what call you this?
680Away with them, let them be clapt vp close,
682Stafford take her to thee.
683Wee'le see your Trinkets here all forth-comming.
684All away. Exit.
685Yorke. Lord Buckingham, me thinks you watcht her well:
686A pretty Plot, well chosen to build vpon.
687Now pray my Lord, let's see the Deuils Writ.
688What haue we here? Reades.
690But him out-liue, and dye a violent death.
692Well, to the rest:
693Tell me what fate awaits the Duke of Suffolke?
694By Water shall he dye, and take his end.
699Come, come, my Lords,
700These Oracles are hardly attain'd,
701And hardly vnderstood.
702The King is now in progresse towards Saint Albones,
703With him, the Husband of this louely Lady:
704Thither goes these Newes,
708To be the Poste, in hope of his reward.
710Who's within there, hoe?
711Enter a Seruingman.
712Inuite my Lords of Salisbury and Warwick
713To suppe with me to morrow Night. Away.
714 Exeunt.
715Enter the King, Queene, Protector, Cardinall, and
716Suffolke, with Faulkners hallowing.
719Yet by your leaue, the Winde was very high,
720And ten to one, old Ioane had not gone out.
721King. But what a point, my Lord, your Faulcon made,
723To see how God in all his Creatures workes,
724Yea Man and Birds are fayne of climbing high.
727They know their Master loues to be aloft,
728And beares his thoughts aboue his Faulcons Pitch.
730That mounts no higher then a Bird can sore:
Card. I
126The second Part of Henry the Sixt.
731Card. I thought as much, hee would be aboue the
733Glost. I my Lord Cardinall, how thinke you by that?
734Were it not good your Grace could flye to Heauen?
736Card. Thy Heauen is on Earth, thine Eyes & Thoughts
737Beat on a Crowne, the Treasure of thy Heart,
738Pernitious Protector, dangerous Peere,
740Glost. What, Cardinall?
741Is your Priest-hood growne peremptorie?
743Good Vnckle hide such mallice:
745Suff. No mallice Sir, no more then well becomes
746So good a Quarrell, and so bad a Peere.
747Glost. As who, my Lord?
748Suff. Why, as you, my Lord,
752King. I prythee peace, good Queene,
753And whet not on these furious Peeres,
754For blessed are the Peace-makers on Earth.
757Glost. Faith holy Vnckle, would't were come to that.
762And if thou dar'st, this Euening,
764King. How now, my Lords?
767We had had more sport.
768Come with thy two-hand Sword.
769Glost. True Vnckle, are ye aduis'd?
771Cardinall, I am with you.
774Now by Gods Mother, Priest,
775Ile shaue your Crowne for this,
776Or all my Fence shall fayle.
778your selfe.
779King. The Windes grow high,
780So doe your Stomacks, Lords:
782When such Strings iarre, what hope of Harmony?
783I pray my Lords let me compound this strife.
784Enter one crying a Miracle.
786Fellow, what Miracle do'st thou proclayme?
787One. A Miracle, a Miracle.
791Within this halfe houre hath receiu'd his sight,
792A man that ne're saw in his life before.
793King. Now God be prays'd, that to beleeuing Soules
795Enter the Maior of Saint Albones, and his Brethren,
796bearing the man betweene two in a Chayre.
799King. Great is his comfort in this Earthly Vale,
804That we for thee may glorifie the Lord.
807Wife. I indeede was he.
808Suff. What Woman is this?
811better told.
812King. Where wert thou borne?
813Simpc. At Barwick in the North, and't like your
815King. Poore Soule,
816Gods goodnesse hath beene great to thee:
817Let neuer Day nor Night vnhallowed passe,
818But still remember what the Lord hath done.
819Queene. Tell me, good-fellow,
820Cam'st thou here by Chance, or of Deuotion,
821To this holy Shrine?
822Simpc. God knowes of pure Deuotion,
823Being call'd a hundred times, and oftner,
824In my sleepe, by good Saint Albon:
826And I will helpe thee.
828And many time and oft my selfe haue heard a Voyce,
829To call him so.
830Card. What, art thou lame?
831Simpc. I, God Almightie helpe me.
838Simpc. But that in all my life, when I was a youth.
839Wife. Too true, and bought his climbing very deare.
841venture so.
843Damsons, and made me climbe, with danger of my
846Let me see thine Eyes; winck now, now open them,
849Saint Albones.
854Gowne of?
Glost. But
The second Part of Henry the Sixt.127
859Glost. But Cloakes and Gownes, before this day, a
861Wife. Neuer before this day, in all his life.
862Glost. Tell me Sirrha, what's my Name?
864Glost. What's his Name?
865Simpc. I know not.
866Glost. Nor his?
868Glost. What's thine owne Name?
872If thou hadst beene borne blinde,
873Thou might'st as well haue knowne all our Names,
874As thus to name the seuerall Colours we doe weare.
876But suddenly to nominate them all,
877It is impossible.
878My Lords, Saint Albone here hath done a Miracle:
879And would ye not thinke it, Cunning to be great,
880That could restore this Cripple to his Legges againe.
883Haue you not Beadles in your Towne,
884And Things call'd Whippes?
888 Exit.
889Glost. Now fetch me a Stoole hither by and by.
891ping, leape me ouer this Stoole, and runne away.
893You goe about to torture me in vaine.
894Enter a Beadle with Whippes.
896Sirrha Beadle, whippe him till he leape ouer that same
898Beadle. I will, my Lord.
899Come on Sirrha, off with your Doublet, quickly.
902After the Beadle hath hit him once, he leapes ouer
903the Stoole, and runnes away: and they
904follow, and cry, A Miracle.
907Glost. Follow the Knaue, and take this Drab away.
908Wife. Alas Sir, we did it for pure need.
909Glost. Let thẽ be whipt through euery Market Towne,
910Till they come to Barwick, from whence they came.
911 Exit.
912Card. Duke Humfrey ha's done a Miracle to day.
914Glost. But you haue done more Miracles then I:
915You made in a day, my Lord, whole Townes to flye.
916Enter Buckingham.
918Buck. Such as my heart doth tremble to vnfold:
920Vnder the Countenance and Confederacie
921Of Lady Elianor, the Protectors Wife,
922The Ring-leader and Head of all this Rout,
924Dealing with Witches and with Coniurers,
925Whom we haue apprehended in the Fact,
926Raysing vp wicked Spirits from vnder ground,
927Demanding of King Henries Life and Death,
928And other of your Highnesse Priuie Councell,
931Your Lady is forth-comming, yet at London.
932This Newes I thinke hath turn'd your Weapons edge;
933'Tis like, my Lord, you will not keepe your houre.
935Sorrow and griefe haue vanquisht all my powers;
936And vanquisht as I am, I yeeld to thee,
937Or to the meanest Groome.
939Heaping confusion on their owne heads thereby.
943How I haue lou'd my King, and Common-weale:
944And for my Wife, I know not how it stands,
945Sorry I am to heare what I haue heard.
947Honor and Vertue, and conuers't with such,
948As like to Pytch, defile Nobilitie;
949I banish her my Bed, and Companie,
950And giue her as a Prey to Law and Shame,
953To morrow toward London, back againe,
959Enter Yorke, Salisbury, and Warwick.
961Our simple Supper ended, giue me leaue,
963In crauing your opinion of my Title,
964Which is infallible, to Englands Crowne.
965Salisb. My Lord, I long to heare it at full.
966Warw. Sweet Yorke begin: and if thy clayme be good,
967The Neuills are thy Subiects to command.
968Yorke. Then thus:
969Edward the third, my Lords, had seuen Sonnes:
972Lionel, Duke of Clarence; next to whom,
973Was Iohn of Gaunt, the Duke of Lancaster;
974The fift, was Edmond Langley, Duke of Yorke;
977Edward the Black-Prince dyed before his Father,
978And left behinde him Richard, his onely Sonne,
979Who after Edward the third's death, raign'd as King,
980Till Henry Bullingbrooke, Duke of Lancaster,
981The eldest Sonne and Heire of Iohn of Gaunt,
982Crown'd by the Name of Henry the fourth,
983Seiz'd on the Realme, depos'd the rightfull King,
984Sent his poore Queene to France, from whence she came,
128The second Part of Henry the Sixt.
985And him to Pumfret; where, as all you know,
987Warw. Father, the Duke hath told the truth;
989Yorke. Which now they hold by force, and not by right:
994Yorke. The third Sonne, Duke of Clarence,
995From whose Line I clayme the Crowne,
996Had Issue Phillip, a Daughter,
997Who marryed Edmond Mortimer, Earle of March:
998Edmond had Issue, Roger, Earle of March;
999Roger had Issue, Edmond, Anne, and Elianor.
1000Salisb. This Edmond, in the Reigne of Bullingbrooke,
1001As I haue read, layd clayme vnto the Crowne,
1002And but for Owen Glendour, had beene King;
1003Who kept him in Captiuitie, till he dyed.
1004But, to the rest.
1006My Mother, being Heire vnto the Crowne,
1007Marryed Richard, Earle of Cambridge,
1008Who was to Edmond Langley,
1009Edward the thirds fift Sonnes Sonne;
1010By her I clayme the Kingdome:
1011She was Heire to Roger, Earle of March,
1012Who was the Sonne of Edmond Mortimer,
1013Who marryed Phillip, sole Daughter
1014Vnto Lionel, Duke of Clarence.
1015So, if the Issue of the elder Sonne
1016Succeed before the younger, I am King.
1017Warw. What plaine proceedings is more plain then this?
1018Henry doth clayme the Crowne from Iohn of Gaunt,
1019The fourth Sonne, Yorke claymes it from the third:
1023Then Father Salisbury, kneele we together,
1026With honor of his Birth-right to the Crowne.
1027Both. Long liue our Soueraigne Richard, Englands
1029Yorke. We thanke you Lords:
1030But I am not your King, till I be Crown'd,
1031And that my Sword be stayn'd
1033And that's not suddenly to be perform'd,
1035Doe you as I doe in these dangerous dayes,
1037At Beaufords Pride, at Somersets Ambition,
1038At Buckingham, and all the Crew of them,
1039Till they haue snar'd the Shepheard of the Flock,
1040That vertuous Prince, the good Duke Humfrey:
1042Shall finde their deaths, if Yorke can prophecie.
1044at full.
1046Shall one day make the Duke of Yorke a King.
1048Richard shall liue to make the Earle of Warwick
1049The greatest man in England, but the King.
1050 Exeunt.
1051Sound Trumpets. Enter the King and State,
1052with Guard, to banish the Duchesse.
1053King. Stand forth Dame Elianor Cobham,
1054Glosters Wife:
1055In sight of God, and vs, your guilt is great,
1056Receiue the Sentence of the Law for sinne,
1057Such as by Gods Booke are adiudg'd to death.
1058You foure from hence to Prison, back againe;
1059From thence, vnto the place of Execution:
1062You Madame, for you are more Nobly borne,
1063Despoyled of your Honor in your Life,
1064Shall, after three dayes open Penance done,
1065Liue in your Countrey here, in Banishment,
1066With Sir Iohn Stanly, in the Ile of Man.
1071Mine eyes are full of teares, my heart of griefe.
1072Ah Humfrey, this dishonor in thine age,
1073Will bring thy head with sorrow to the ground.
1077Ere thou goe, giue vp thy Staffe,
1080And Lanthorne to my feete:
1081And goe in peace, Humfrey, no lesse belou'd,
1082Then when thou wert Protector to thy King.
1084Should be to be protected like a Child,
1085God and King Henry gouerne Englands Realme:
1086Giue vp your Staffe, Sir, and the King his Realme.
1089As ere thy Father Henry made it mine;
1090And euen as willingly at thy feete I leaue it,
1091As others would ambitiously receiue it.
1092Farewell good King: when I am dead, and gone,
1093May honorable Peace attend thy Throne.
1094 Exit Gloster.
1095Queene. Why now is Henry King, and Margaret Queen,
1102Thus Elianors Pride dyes in her youngest dayes.
1104This is the day appointed for the Combat,
1105And ready are the Appellant and Defendant,
1106The Armorer and his Man, to enter the Lists,
1109Left I the Court, to see this Quarrell try'de.
1111Here let them end it, and God defend the right.
1113Or more afraid to fight, then is the Appellant,
1114The seruant of this Armorer, my Lords.
The second Part of Henry the Sixt.129
1115 Enter at one Doore the Armorer and his Neighbors, drinking
1116to him so much, that hee is drunke; and he enters with a
1117Drumme before him, and his Staffe, with a Sand-bagge
1118fastened to it: and at the other Doore his Man, with a
1119Drumme and Sand-bagge, and Prentices drinking to him.
11201. Neighbor. Here Neighbour Horner, I drinke to you
1121in a Cup of Sack; and feare not Neighbor, you shall doe
1122well enough.
11232. Neighbor. And here Neighbour, here's a Cuppe of
11253. Neighbor. And here's a Pot of good Double-Beere
1126Neighbor: drinke, and feare not your Man.
1127Armorer. Let it come yfaith, and Ile pledge you all,
1128and a figge for Peter.
1132Fight for credit of the Prentices.
1133Peter. I thanke you all: drinke, and pray for me, I pray
1134you, for I thinke I haue taken my last Draught in this
1135World. Here Robin, and if I dye, I giue thee my Aporne;
1136and Will, thou shalt haue my Hammer: and here Tom,
1137take all the Money that I haue. O Lord blesse me, I pray
1138God, for I am neuer able to deale with my Master, hee
1139hath learnt so much fence already.
1140Salisb. Come, leaue your drinking, and fall to blowes.
1141Sirrha, what's thy Name?
1143Salisb. Peter? what more?
1144Peter. Thumpe.
1149an honest man: and touching the Duke of Yorke, I will
1150take my death, I neuer meant him any ill, nor the King,
1151nor the Queene: and therefore Peter haue at thee with a
1152downe-right blow.
1154Sound Trumpets, Alarum to the Combattants.
1155They fight, and Peter strikes him downe.
1158Yorke. Take away his Weapon: Fellow thanke God,
1159and the good Wine in thy Masters way.
1160Peter. O God, haue I ouercome mine Enemies in this
1163For by his death we doe perceiue his guilt,
1164And God in Iustice hath reueal'd to vs
1165The truth and innocence of this poore fellow,
1166Which he had thought to haue murther'd wrongfully.
1167Come fellow, follow vs for thy Reward.
1169Enter Duke Humfrey and his Men in
1170Mourning Cloakes.
1172And after Summer, euermore succeedes
1173Barren Winter, with his wrathfull nipping Cold;
1175Sirs, what's a Clock?
1176Seru. Tenne, my Lord.
1177Glost. Tenne is the houre that was appointed me,
1179Vnneath may shee endure the Flintie Streets,
1180To treade them with her tender-feeling feet.
1181Sweet Nell, ill can thy Noble Minde abrooke
1182The abiect People, gazing on thy face,
1183With enuious Lookes laughing at thy shame,
1184That erst did follow thy prowd Chariot-Wheeles,
1188Enter the Duchesse in a white Sheet, and a Taper
1189burning in her hand, with the Sherife
1190and Officers.
1196Now thou do'st Penance too. Looke how they gaze,
1197See how the giddy multitude doe point,
1198And nodde their heads, and throw their eyes on thee.
1199Ah Gloster, hide thee from their hatefull lookes,
1201And banne thine Enemies, both mine and thine.
1202Glost. Be patient, gentle Nell, forget this griefe.
1204For whilest I thinke I am thy married Wife,
1205And thou a Prince, Protector of this Land;
1206Me thinkes I should not thus be led along,
1207Mayl'd vp in shame, with Papers on my back,
1208And follow'd with a Rabble, that reioyce
1210The ruthlesse Flint doth cut my tender feet,
1211And when I start, the enuious people laugh,
1212And bid me be aduised how I treade.
1213Ah Humfrey, can I beare this shamefull yoake?
1214Trowest thou, that ere Ile looke vpon the World,
1215Or count them happy, that enioyes the Sunne?
1216No: Darke shall be my Light, and Night my Day.
1217To thinke vpon my Pompe, shall be my Hell.
1218Sometime Ile say, I am Duke Humfreyes Wife,
1219And he a Prince, and Ruler of the Land:
1222Was made a wonder, and a pointing stock
1223To euery idle Rascall follower.
1225Nor stirre at nothing, till the Axe of Death
1227For Suffolke, he that can doe all in all
1228With her, that hateth thee and hates vs all,
1230Haue all lym'd Bushes to betray thy Wings,
1232But feare not thou, vntill thy foot be snar'd,
1233Nor neuer seeke preuention of thy foes.
1236And had I twentie times so many foes,
1237And each of them had twentie times their power,
1239So long as I am loyall, true, and crimelesse.
n Why
130The second Part of Henry the Sixt.
1241Why yet thy scandall were not wipt away,
1242But I in danger for the breach of Law.
1243Thy greatest helpe is quiet, gentle Nell:
1244I pray thee sort thy heart to patience,
1245These few dayes wonder will be quickly worne.
1246Enter a Herald.
1250This is close dealing. Well, I will be there.
1251My Nell, I take my leaue: and Master Sherife,
1252Let not her Penance exceede the Kings Commission.
1254And Sir Iohn Stanly is appointed now,
1255To take her with him to the Ile of Man.
1260You vse her well: the World may laugh againe,
1261And I may liue to doe you kindnesse, if you doe it her.
1262And so Sir Iohn, farewell.
1266 Exit Gloster.
1267Elianor. Art thou gone to? all comfort goe with thee,
1268For none abides with me: my Ioy, is Death;
1269Death, at whose Name I oft haue beene afear'd,
1271Stanley, I prethee goe, and take me hence,
1272I care not whither, for I begge no fauor;
1273Onely conuey me where thou art commanded.
1274Stanley. Why, Madame, that is to the Ile of Man,
1275There to be vs'd according to your State.
1276Elianor. That's bad enough, for I am but reproach:
1277And shall I then be vs'd reproachfully?
1279According to that State you shall be vs'd.
1280Elianor. Sherife farewell, and better then I fare,
1284Come Stanley, shall we goe?
1285Stanley. Madame, your Penance done,
1286Throw off this Sheet,
1287And goe we to attyre you for our Iourney.
1289No, it will hang vpon my richest Robes,
1292Sound a Senet. Enter King, Queene, Cardinall, Suffolke,
1293Yorke, Buckingham, Salisbury, and Warwicke,
1294to the Parliament.
1296'Tis not his wont to be the hindmost man,
1297What e're occasion keepes him from vs now.
1301How insolent of late he is become,
1302How prowd, how peremptorie, and vnlike himselfe.
1304And if we did but glance a farre-off Looke,
1305Immediately he was vpon his Knee,
1307But meet him now, and be it in the Morne,
1308When euery one will giue the time of day,
1309He knits his Brow, and shewes an angry Eye,
1311Disdaining dutie that to vs belongs.
1312Small Curres are not regarded when they grynne,
1313But great men tremble when the Lyon rores,
1314And Humfrey is no little Man in England.
1316And should you fall, he is the next will mount.
1317Me seemeth then, it is no Pollicie,
1319And his aduantage following your decease,
1321Or be admitted to your Highnesse Councell.
1322By flatterie hath he wonne the Commons hearts:
1323And when he please to make Commotion,
1324'Tis to be fear'd they all will follow him.
1325Now 'tis the Spring, and Weeds are shallow-rooted,
1326Suffer them now, and they'le o're-grow the Garden,
1327And choake the Herbes for want of Husbandry.
1328The reuerent care I beare vnto my Lord,
1330If it be fond, call it a Womans feare:
1333My Lord of Suffolke, Buckingham, and Yorke,
1334Reproue my allegation, if you can,
1338I thinke I should haue told your Graces Tale.
1341Or if he were not priuie to those Faults,
1342Yet by reputing of his high discent,
1344And such high vaunts of his Nobilitie,
1346By wicked meanes to frame our Soueraignes fall.
1347Smooth runnes the Water, where the Brooke is deepe,
1349The Fox barkes not, when he would steale the Lambe.
1350No, no, my Soueraigne, Glouster is a man
1351Vnsounded yet, and full of deepe deceit.
1352Card. Did he not, contrary to forme of Law,
1355Leuie great summes of Money through the Realme,
1356For Souldiers pay in France, and neuer sent it?
1357By meanes whereof, the Townes each day reuolted.
1359Which time will bring to light in smooth Duke Humfrey.
1360King. My Lords at once: the care you haue of vs,
1361To mowe downe Thornes that would annoy our Foot,
1366The Duke is vertuous, milde, and too well giuen,
1367To dreame on euill, or to worke my downefall.
1369Seemes he a Doue? his feathers are but borrow'd,
1371Is he a Lambe? his Skinne is surely lent him,
The second Part of Henry the Sixt.131
1372For hee's enclin'd as is the rauenous Wolues.
1374Take heed, my Lord, the welfare of vs all,
1375Hangs on the cutting short that fraudfull man.
1376Enter Somerset.
1377Som. All health vnto my gracious Soueraigne.
1381Is vtterly bereft you: all is lost.
1384Yorke. Cold Newes for me: for I had hope of France,
1385As firmely as I hope for fertile England.
1387And Caterpillers eate my Leaues away:
1388But I will remedie this geare ere long,
1389Or sell my Title for a glorious Graue.
1390Enter Gloucester.
1394Vnlesse thou wert more loyall then thou art:
1397Nor change my Countenance for this Arrest:
1400As I am cleare from Treason to my Soueraigne.
1401Who can accuse me? wherein am I guiltie?
1402Yorke. 'Tis thought, my Lord,
1403That you tooke Bribes of France,
1407What are they that thinke it?
1408I neuer rob'd the Souldiers of their pay,
1409Nor euer had one penny Bribe from France.
1410So helpe me God, as I haue watcht the Night,
1411I, Night by Night, in studying good for England.
1412That Doyt that ere I wrested from the King,
1413Or any Groat I hoorded to my vse,
1414Be brought against me at my Tryall day.
1415No: many a Pound of mine owne proper store,
1416Because I would not taxe the needie Commons,
1422Strange Tortures for Offendors, neuer heard of,
1423That England was defam'd by Tyrannie.
1425Pittie was all the fault that was in me:
1427And lowly words were Ransome for their fault:
1428Vnlesse it were a bloody Murtherer,
1430I neuer gaue them condigne punishment.
1431Murther indeede, that bloodie sinne, I tortur'd
1434But mightier Crimes are lay'd vnto your charge,
1437And here commit you to my Lord Cardinall
1438To keepe, vntill your further time of Tryall.
1441My Conscience tells me you are innocent.
1443Vertue is choakt with foule Ambition,
1444And Charitie chas'd hence by Rancours hand;
1445Foule Subornation is predominant,
1446And Equitie exil'd your Highnesse Land.
1447I know, their Complot is to haue my Life:
1448And if my death might make this Iland happy,
1449And proue the Period of their Tyrannie,
1450I would expend it with all willingnesse.
1451But mine is made the Prologue to their Play:
1453Will not conclude their plotted Tragedie.
1454Beaufords red sparkling eyes blab his hearts mallice,
1456Sharpe Buckingham vnburthens with his tongue,
1457The enuious Load that lyes vpon his heart:
1458And dogged Yorke, that reaches at the Moone,
1459Whose ouer-weening Arme I haue pluckt back,
1461And you, my Soueraigne Lady, with the rest,
1464My liefest Liege to be mine Enemie:
1465I, all of you haue lay'd your heads together,
1466My selfe had notice of your Conuenticles,
1467And all to make away my guiltlesse Life.
1471A Staffe is quickly found to beat a Dogge.
1472Card. My Liege, his rayling is intollerable.
1475Be thus vpbrayded, chid, and rated at,
1477'Twill make them coole in zeale vnto your Grace.
1478Suff. Hath he not twit our Soueraigne Lady here
1479With ignominious words, though Clarkely coucht?
1487Lord Cardinall, he is your Prisoner.
1489Glost. Ah, thus King Henry throwes away his Crutch,
1490Before his Legges be firme to beare his Body.
1491Thus is the Shepheard beaten from thy side,
1493Ah that my feare were false, ah that it were;
1494For good King Henry, thy decay I feare. Exit Gloster.
1496Doe, or vndoe, as if our selfe were here.
1499King. I Margaret: my heart is drown'd with griefe,
1501My Body round engyrt with miserie:
n2 For
132The second Part of Henry the Sixt.
1503Ah Vnckle Humfrey, in thy face I see
1504The Map of Honor, Truth, and Loyaltie:
1505And yet, good Humfrey, is the houre to come,
1506That ere I prou'd thee false, or fear'd thy faith.
1507What lowring Starre now enuies thy estate?
1508That these great Lords, and Margaret our Queene,
1510Thou neuer didst them wrong, nor no man wrong:
1511And as the Butcher takes away the Calfe,
1512And binds the Wretch, and beats it when it strayes,
1513Bearing it to the bloody Slaughter-house;
1515And as the Damme runnes lowing vp and downe,
1516Looking the way her harmelesse young one went,
1517And can doe naught but wayle her Darlings losse;
1519With sad vnhelpefull teares, and with dimn'd eyes;
1520Looke after him, and cannot doe him good:
1521So mightie are his vowed Enemies.
1522His fortunes I will weepe, and 'twixt each groane,
1524Queene. Free Lords:
1525Cold Snow melts with the Sunnes hot Beames:
1526Henry, my Lord, is cold in great Affaires,
1528Beguiles him, as the mournefull Crocodile
1530Or as the Snake, roll'd in a flowring Banke,
1532That for the beautie thinkes it excellent.
1533Beleeue me Lords, were none more wise then I,
1534And yet herein I iudge mine owne Wit good;
1536To rid vs from the feare we haue of him.
1538But yet we want a Colour for his death:
1539'Tis meet he be condemn'd by course of Law.
1540Suff. But in my minde, that were no pollicie:
1543And yet we haue but triuiall argument,
1545Yorke. So that by this, you would not haue him dye.
1548But my Lord Cardinall, and you my Lord of Suffolke,
1549Say as you thinke, and speake it from your Soules:
1550Wer't not all one, an emptie Eagle were set,
1551To guard the Chicken from a hungry Kyte,
1552As place Duke Humfrey for the Kings Protector?
1555To make the Fox surueyor of the Fold?
1556Who being accus'd a craftie Murtherer,
1559No: let him dye, in that he is a Fox,
1560By nature prou'd an Enemie to the Flock,
1562As Humfrey prou'd by Reasons to my Liege.
1564Be it by Gynnes, by Snares, by Subtletie,
1565Sleeping, or Waking, 'tis no matter how,
1566So he be dead; for that is good deceit,
1571But that my heart accordeth with my tongue,
1572Seeing the deed is meritorious,
1573And to preserue my Soueraigne from his Foe,
1574Say but the word, and I will be his Priest.
1576Ere you can take due Orders for a Priest:
1578And Ile prouide his Executioner,
1580Suff. Here is my Hand, the deed is worthy doing.
1583It skills not greatly who impugnes our doome.
1584Enter a Poste.
1585Post. Great Lords, from Ireland am I come amaine,
1587And put the Englishmen vnto the Sword.
1588Send Succours (Lords) and stop the Rage betime,
1589Before the Wound doe grow vncurable;
1590For being greene, there is great hope of helpe.
1594'Tis meet that luckie Ruler be imploy'd,
1595Witnesse the fortune he hath had in France.
1596Som. If Yorke, with all his farre-fet pollicie,
1597Had beene the Regent there, in stead of me,
1600I rather would haue lost my Life betimes,
1601Then bring a burthen of dis-honour home,
1606If Wind and Fuell be brought, to feed it with:
1608Thy fortune, Yorke, hadst thou beene Regent there,
1609Might happily haue prou'd farre worse then his.
1611take all.
1614Card. My Lord of Yorke, trie what your fortune is:
1615Th'vnciuill Kernes of Ireland are in Armes,
1616And temper Clay with blood of Englishmen.
1617To Ireland will you leade a Band of men,
1623Then, Noble Yorke, take thou this Taske in hand.
1624Yorke. I am content: Prouide me Souldiers, Lords,
1625Whiles I take order for mine owne affaires.
1627But now returne we to the false Duke Humfrey.
1628Card. No more of him: for I will deale with him,
1629That henceforth he shall trouble vs no more:
The second Part of Henry the Sixt.133
1634For there Ile shippe them all for Ireland.
1636Manet Yorke.
1639Be that thou hop'st to be, or what thou art;
1640Resigne to death, it is not worth th' enioying:
1641Let pale-fac't feare keepe with the meane-borne man,
1642And finde no harbor in a Royall heart.
1644And not a thought, but thinkes on Dignitie.
1645My Brayne, more busie then the laboring Spider,
1646Weaues tedious Snares to trap mine Enemies.
1647Well Nobles, well: 'tis politikely done,
1649I feare me, you but warme the starued Snake,
1651'Twas men I lackt, and you will giue them me;
1652I take it kindly: yet be well assur'd,
1653You put sharpe Weapons in a mad-mans hands.
1654Whiles I in Ireland nourish a mightie Band,
1656Shall blowe ten thousand Soules to Heauen, or Hell:
1658Vntill the Golden Circuit on my Head,
1659Like to the glorious Sunnes transparant Beames,
1660Doe calme the furie of this mad-bred Flawe.
1661And for a minister of my intent,
1663Iohn Cade of Ashford,
1664To make Commotion, as full well he can,
1665Vnder the Title of Iohn Mortimer.
1668And fought so long, till that his thighes with Darts
1671Him capre vpright, like a wilde Morisco,
1672Shaking the bloody Darts, as he his Bells.
1673Full often, like a shag-hayr'd craftie Kerne,
1674Hath he conuersed with the Enemie,
1675And vndiscouer'd, come to me againe,
1676And giuen me notice of their Villanies.
1678For that Iohn Mortimer, which now is dead,
1680By this, I shall perceiue the Commons minde,
1682Say he be taken, rackt, and tortured;
1685Say that he thriue, as 'tis great like he will,
1686Why then from Ireland come I with my strength,
1688For Humfrey; being dead, as he shall be,
1689And Henry put apart: the next for me. Exit.
1690Enter two or three running ouer the Stage, from the
1691Murther of Duke Humfrey.
1693We haue dispatcht the Duke, as he commanded.
16942. Oh, that it were to doe: what haue we done?
16961. Here comes my Lord.
16981. I, my good Lord, hee's dead.
1700I will reward you for this venturous deed:
1701The King and all the Peeres are here at hand.
1702Haue you layd faire the Bed? Is all things well,
1703According as I gaue directions?
17041. 'Tis, my good Lord.
1706Sound Trumpets. Enter the King, the Queene,
1707Cardinall, Suffolke, Somerset, with
1710Say, we intend to try his Grace to day,
1711If he be guiltie, as 'tis published.
1713King. Lords take your places: and I pray you all
1715Then from true euidence, of good esteeme,
1718That faultlesse may condemne a Noble man:
1722Enter Suffolke.
1724Where is our Vnckle? what's the matter, Suffolke?
1726Queene. Marry God forfend.
1728The Duke was dumbe, and could not speake a word.
1729 King sounds.
1730Qu. How fares my Lord? Helpe Lords, the King is
1733Qu. Runne, goe, helpe, helpe: Oh Henry ope thine eyes.
1734Suff. He doth reuiue againe, Madame be patient.
1735King. Oh Heauenly God.
1736Qu. How fares my gracious Lord?
1740Came he right now to sing a Rauens Note,
1742And thinkes he, that the chirping of a Wren,
1743By crying comfort from a hollow breast,
1746Lay not thy hands on me: forbeare I say,
1749Vpon thy eye-balls, murderous Tyrannie
1750Sits in grim Maiestie, to fright the World.
1751Looke not vpon me, for thine eyes are wounding;
1753And kill the innocent gazer with thy sight:
1755In life, but double death, now Gloster's dead.
1757Although the Duke was enemie to him,
1759And for my selfe, Foe as he was to me,
1760Might liquid teares, or heart-offending groanes,
n3 I
134The second Part of Henry the Sixt.
1762I would be blinde with weeping, sicke with grones,
1764And all to haue the Noble Duke aliue.
1765What know I how the world may deeme of me?
1766For it is knowne we were but hollow Friends:
1767It may be iudg'd I made the Duke away,
1768So shall my name with Slanders tongue be wounded,
1769And Princes Courts be fill'd with my reproach:
1770This get I by his death: Aye me vnhappie,
1771To be a Queene, and Crown'd with infamie.
1773Queen. Be woe for me, more wretched then he is.
1774What, Dost thou turne away, and hide thy face?
1775I am no loathsome Leaper, looke on me.
1776What? Art thou like the Adder waxen deafe?
1777Be poysonous too, and kill thy forlorne Queene.
1779Why then Dame Elianor was neere thy ioy.
1782Was I for this nye wrack'd vpon the Sea,
1783And twice by aukward winde from Englands banke
1784Droue backe againe vnto my Natiue Clime.
1785What boaded this? but well fore-warning winde
1787Nor set no footing on this vnkinde Shore.
1789And he that loos'd them forth their Brazen Caues,
1791Or turne our Sterne vpon a dreadfull Rocke:
1792Yet Aeolus would not be a murtherer,
1793But left that hatefull office vnto thee.
1794The pretty vaulting Sea refus'd to drowne me,
1800Might in thy Pallace, perish Elianor.
1801As farre as I could ken thy Chalky Cliffes,
1802When from thy Shore, the Tempest beate vs backe,
1806I tooke a costly Iewell from my necke,
1807A Hart it was bound in with Diamonds,
1808And threw it towards thy Land: The Sea receiu'd it,
1810And euen with this, I lost faire Englands view,
1811And bid mine eyes be packing with my Heart,
1814How often haue I tempted Suffolkes tongue
1815(The agent of thy foule inconstancie)
1817When he to madding Dido would vnfold
1818His Fathers Acts, commenc'd in burning Troy.
1819Am I not witcht like her? Or thou not false like him?
1820Aye me, I can no more: Dye Elinor,
1822Noyse within. Enter Warwicke, and many
1824War. It is reported, mighty Soueraigne,
1825That good Duke Humfrey Traiterously is murdred
1826By Suffolke, and the Cardinall Beaufords meanes:
1827The Commons like an angry Hiue of Bees
1828That want their Leader, scatter vp and downe,
1829And care not who they sting in his reuenge.
1831Vntill they heare the order of his death.
1832King. That he is dead good Warwick, 'tis too true,
1833But how he dyed, God knowes, not Henry:
1834Enter his Chamber, view his breathlesse Corpes,
1835And comment then vpon his sodaine death.
1837With the rude multitude, till I returne.
1840Some violent hands were laid on Humfries life:
1842For iudgement onely doth belong to thee:
1843Faine would I go to chafe his palie lips,
1845Vpon his face an Ocean of salt teares,
1846To tell my loue vnto his dumbe deafe trunke,
1847And with my fingers feele his hand, vnfeeling:
1849Bed put forth.
1850And to suruey his dead and earthy Image:
1851What were it but to make my sorrow greater?
1852Warw. Come hither gracious Soueraigne, view this
1853 body.
1858With that dread King that tooke our state vpon him,
1859To free vs from his Fathers wrathfull curse,
1860I do beleeue that violent hands were laid
1861Vpon the life of this thrice-famed Duke.
1863What instance giues Lord Warwicke for his vow.
1867Being all descended to the labouring heart,
1870Which with the heart there cooles, and ne're returneth,
1872But see, his face is blacke, and full of blood:
1873His eye-balles further out, than when he liued,
1879His well proportion'd Beard, made ruffe and rugged,
1880Like to the Summers Corne by Tempest lodged:
1881It cannot be but he was murdred heere,
1885And we I hope sir, are no murtherers.
1886War. But both of you were vowed D. Humfries foes,
1887And you (forsooth) had the good Duke to keepe:
1888Tis like you would not feast him like a friend,
1889And 'tis well seene, he found an enemy.
1891As guilty of Duke Humfries timelesse death.
The second Part of Henry the Sixt.135
1896But may imagine how the Bird was dead,
1897Although the Kyte soare with vnbloudied Beake?
1900Is Beauford tearm'd a Kyte? where are his Tallons?
1906That I am faultie in Duke Humfreyes death.
1909Qu. He dares not calme his contumelious Spirit,
1910Nor cease to be an arrogant Controller,
1913For euery word you speake in his behalfe,
1914Is slander to your Royall Dignitie.
1915Suff. Blunt-witted Lord, ignoble in demeanor,
1916If euer Lady wrong'd her Lord so much,
1917Thy Mother tooke into her blamefull Bed
1918Some sterne vntutur'd Churle; and Noble Stock
1920And neuer of the Neuils Noble Race.
1921Warw. But that the guilt of Murther bucklers thee,
1922And I should rob the Deaths-man of his Fee,
1924And that my Soueraignes presence makes me milde,
1925I would, false murd'rous Coward, on thy Knee
1929And after all this fearefull Homage done,
1930Giue thee thy hyre, and send thy Soule to Hell,
1934Warw. Away euen now, or I will drag thee hence:
1935Vnworthy though thou art, Ile cope with thee,
1937 Exeunt.
1939Thrice is he arm'd, that hath his Quarrell iust;
1940And he but naked, though lockt vp in Steele,
1942A noyse within.
1944Enter Suffolke and Warwicke, with their
1945Weapons drawne.
1946King. Why how now Lords?
1947Your wrathfull Weapons drawne,
1949Why what tumultuous clamor haue we here?
1950Suff. The trayt'rous Warwick, with the men of Bury,
1951Set all vpon me, mightie Soueraigne.
1952Enter Salisbury.
1955Dread Lord, the Commons send you word by me,
1957Or banished faire Englands Territories,
1958They will by violence teare him from your Pallace,
1959And torture him with grieuous lingring death.
1960They say, by him the good Duke Humfrey dy'de:
1964As being thought to contradict your liking,
1965Makes them thus forward in his Banishment.
1969In paine of your dislike, or paine of death;
1971Were there a Serpent seene, with forked Tongue,
1973It were but necessarie you were wak't:
1975The mortall Worme might make the sleepe eternall.
1976And therefore doe they cry, though you forbid,
1977That they will guard you, where you will, or no,
1980Your louing Vnckle, twentie times his worth,
1983of Salisbury.
1986But you, my Lord, were glad to be imploy'd,
1987To shew how queint an Orator you are.
1988But all the Honor Salisbury hath wonne,
1989Is, that he was the Lord Embassador,
1990Sent from a sort of Tinkers to the King.
1992breake in.
1994I thanke them for their tender louing care;
1995And had I not beene cited so by them,
1996Yet did I purpose as they doe entreat:
1997For sure, my thoughts doe hourely prophecie,
2000Whose farre-vnworthie Deputie I am,
2002But three dayes longer, on the paine of death.
2006Thou wilt but adde encrease vnto my Wrath.
2007Had I but sayd, I would haue kept my Word;
2008But when I sweare, it is irreuocable:
2010On any ground that I am Ruler of,
2012Come Warwicke, come good Warwicke, goe with mee,
2013I haue great matters to impart to thee. Exit.
2016Be play-fellowes to keepe you companie:
2017There's two of you, the Deuill make a third,
2018And three-fold Vengeance tend vpon your steps.
2020And let thy Suffolke take his heauie leaue.
Queene. Fye
136The second Part of Henry the Sixt.
2024 them?
2025Would curses kill, as doth the Mandrakes grone,
2026I would inuent as bitter searching termes,
2029With full as many signes of deadly hate,
2030As leane-fac'd enuy in her loathsome caue.
2035And euen now my burthen'd heart would breake
2042And boading Screech-Owles, make the Consort full.
2043All the foule terrors in darke seated hell---
2046Or like an ouer-charged Gun, recoile,
2047And turnes the force of them vpon thy selfe.
2048Suf. You bad me ban, and will you bid me leaue?
2049Now by the ground that I am banish'd from,
2050Well could I curse away a Winters night,
2051Though standing naked on a Mountaine top,
2052Where byting cold would neuer let grasse grow,
2055That I may dew it with my mournfull teares:
2056Nor let the raine of heauen wet this place,
2057To wash away my wofull Monuments.
2058Oh, could this kisse be printed in thy hand,
2061So get thee gone, that I may know my greefe,
2063As one that surfets, thinking on a want:
2064I will repeale thee, or be well assur'd,
2066And banished I am, if but from thee.
2067Go, speake not to me; euen now be gone.
2068Oh go not yet. Euen thus, two Friends condemn'd,
2070Loather a hundred times to part then dye;
2071Yet now farewell, and farewell Life with thee.
2073Once by the King, and three times thrice by thee.
2074'Tis not the Land I care for, wer't thou thence,
2075A Wildernesse is populous enough,
2076So Suffolke had thy heauenly company:
2077For where thou art, there is the World it selfe,
2079And where thou art not, Desolation.
2080I can no more: Liue thou to ioy thy life;
2082Enter Vaux.
2086That Cardinall Beauford is at point of death:
2090Sometime he talkes, as if Duke Humfries Ghost
2091Were by his side: Sometime, he calles the King,
2092And whispers to his pillow, as to him,
2095That euen now he cries alowd for him.
2097Aye me! What is this World? What newes are these?
2098But wherefore greeue I at an houres poore losse,
2100Why onely Suffolke mourne I not for thee?
2101And with the Southerne clouds, contend in teares?
2103Now get thee hence, the King thou know'st is comming,
2104If thou be found by me, thou art but dead.
2105Suf. If I depart from thee, I cannot liue,
2108Heere could I breath my soule into the ayre,
2109As milde and gentle as the Cradle-babe,
2110Dying with mothers dugge betweene it's lips.
2112And cry out for thee to close vp mine eyes:
2113To haue thee with thy lippes to stop my mouth:
2116And then it liu'd in sweete Elizium.
2117To dye by thee, were but to dye in iest,
2118From thee to dye, were torture more then death:
2119Oh let me stay, befall what may befall.
2121It is applyed to a deathfull wound.
2123For wheresoere thou art in this worlds Globe,
2125Suf. I go.
2126Qu. And take my heart with thee.
2128That euer did containe a thing of worth,
2130This way fall I to death.
2132Enter the King, Salisbury, and Warwicke, to the
2133Cardinal in bed.
2134King. How fare's my Lord? Speake Beauford to thy
2138So thou wilt let me liue, and feele no paine.
2142Beau. Bring me vnto my Triall when you will.
2143Dy'de he not in his bed? Where should he dye?
2144Can I make men liue where they will or no?
2145Oh torture me no more, I will confesse.
2146Aliue againe? Then shew me where he is,
2147Ile giue a thousand pound to looke vpon him.
2148He hath no eyes, the dust hath blinded them.
The second Part of Henry the Sixt.137
2149Combe downe his haire; looke, looke, it stands vpright,
2151Giue me some drinke, and bid the Apothecarie
2153King. Oh thou eternall mouer of the heauens,
2154Looke with a gentle eye vpon this Wretch,
2155Oh beate away the busie medling Fiend,
2158War. See how the pangs of death do make him grin.
2162Hold vp thy hand, make signall of thy hope.
2163He dies and makes no signe: Oh God forgiue him.
2167And let vs all to Meditation. Exeunt.
2168Alarum. Fight at Sea. Ordnance goes off.
2169Enter Lieutenant, Suffolke, and others.
2171Is crept into the bosome of the Sea:
2172And now loud houling Wolues arouse the Iades
2173That dragge the Tragicke melancholy night:
2175Cleape dead-mens graues, and from their misty Iawes,
2176Breath foule contagious darknesse in the ayre:
2177Therefore bring forth the Souldiers of our prize,
2178For whilst our Pinnace Anchors in the Downes,
2182And thou that art his Mate, make boote of this:
2183The other Walter Whitmore is thy share.
2187Lieu. What thinke you much to pay 2000. Crownes,
2188And beare the name and port of Gentlemen?
2189Cut both the Villaines throats, for dy you shall:
2195And therefore to reuenge it, shalt thou dye,
2198Suf. Looke on my George, I am a Gentleman,
2199Rate me at what thou wilt, thou shalt be payed.
2203A cunning man did calculate my birth,
2204And told me that by Water I should dye:
2205Yet let not this make thee be bloody-minded,
2206Thy name is Gualtier, being rightly sounded.
2207Whit. Gualtier or Walter, which it is I care not,
2209But with our sword we wip'd away the blot.
2210Therefore, when Merchant-like I sell reuenge,
2211Broke be my sword, my Armes torne and defac'd,
2212And I proclaim'd a Coward through the world.
2214The Duke of Suffolke, William de la Pole.
2222Bare-headed plodded by my foot-cloth Mule,
2223And thought thee happy when I shooke my head.
2224How often hast thou waited at my cup,
2225Fed from my Trencher, kneel'd downe at the boord,
2226When I haue feasted with Queene Margaret?
2227Remember it, and let it make thee Crest-falne,
2228I, and alay this thy abortiue Pride:
2230And duly wayted for my comming forth?
2231This hand of mine hath writ in thy behalfe,
2232And therefore shall it charme thy riotous tongue.
2238Lieu. Poole, Sir Poole? Lord,
2240Troubles the siluer Spring, where England drinkes:
2241Now will I dam vp this thy yawning mouth,
2247And wedded be thou to the Hagges of hell,
2248For daring to affye a mighty Lord
2249Vnto the daughter of a worthlesse King,
2250Hauing neyther Subiect, Wealth, nor Diadem:
2251By diuellish policy art thou growne great,
2252And like ambitious Sylla ouer-gorg'd,
2253With gobbets of thy Mother-bleeding heart.
2254By thee Aniou and Maine were sold to France.
2255The false reuolting Normans thorough thee,
2256Disdaine to call vs Lord, and Piccardie
2258And sent the ragged Souldiers wounded home.
2259The Princely Warwicke, and the Neuils all,
2261As hating thee, and rising vp in armes.
2264And lofty proud incroaching tyranny,
2267Vnder the which is writ, Inuitis nubibus.
2268The Commons heere in Kent are vp in armes,
2269And to conclude, Reproach and Beggerie,
2270Is crept into the Pallace of our King,
2271And all by thee: away, conuey him hence.
2274Small things make base men proud. This Villaine heere,
2275Being Captaine of a Pinnace, threatens more
2276Then Bargulus the strong Illyrian Pyrate.
2277Drones sucke not Eagles blood, but rob Bee-hiues:
138The second Part of Henry the Sixt.
2280Thy words moue Rage, and not remorse in me:
2281I go of Message from the Queene to France:
2284to thy death.
2285Suf. Pine gelidus timor occupat artus, it is thee I feare.
2287What, are ye danted now? Now will ye stoope.
2290Vs'd to command, vntaught to pleade for fauour.
2292With humble suite: no, rather let my head
2293Stoope to the blocke, then these knees bow to any,
2294Saue to the God of heauen, and to my King:
2295And sooner dance vpon a bloody pole,
2296Then stand vncouer'd to the Vulgar Groome.
2297True Nobility, is exempt from feare:
2298More can I beare, then you dare execute.
2299Lieu. Hale him away, and let him talke no more:
2300Come Souldiers, shew what cruelty ye can.
2301Suf. That this my death may neuer be forgot.
2302Great men oft dye by vilde Bezonions.
2303A Romane Sworder, and Bandetto slaue
2306Pompey the Great, and Suffolke dyes by Pyrats.
2307 Exit Water with Suffolke.
2309It is our pleasure one of them depart:
2310Therefore come you with vs, and let him go.
2311 Exit Lieutenant, and the rest.
2312Manet the first Gent. Enter Walter with the body.
2316His body will I beare vnto the King:
2317If he reuenge it not, yet will his Friends,
2318So will the Queene, that liuing, held him deere.
2319Enter Beuis, and Iohn Holland.
2321Lath, they haue bene vp these two dayes.
2323Beuis. I tell thee, Iacke Cade the Cloathier, meanes to
2325nap vpon it.
2327it was neuer merrie world in England, since Gentlemen
2328came vp.
2330Handy-crafts men.
2333Beuis. Nay more, the Kings Councell are no good
2339braue minde, then a hard hand.
2341Tanner of Wingham.
2343make Dogges Leather of.
2344Hol. And Dicke the Butcher.
2346quities throate cut like a Calfe.
2347Hol. And Smith the Weauer.
2349Hol. Come, come, let's fall in with them.
2350Drumme. Enter Cade, Dicke Butcher, Smith the Weauer,
2351and a Sawyer, with infinite numbers.
2357mand silence.
2358But. Silence.
2359Cade. My Father was a Mortimer.
2361Cade. My mother a Plantagenet.
2366Weauer. But now of late, not able to trauell with her
2370was he borne, vnder a hedge: for his Father had neuer a
2371house but the Cage.
2372Cade. Valiant I am.
2374Cade. I am able to endure much.
2376three Market dayes together.
2381ing burnt i'th hand for stealing of Sheepe.
2382Cade. Be braue then, for your Captaine is Braue, and
2384halfe peny Loaues sold for a peny: the three hoop'd pot,
2385shall haue ten hoopes, and I wil make it Fellony to drink
2388King, as King I will be.
2392apparrell them all in one Liuery, that they may agree like
2393Brothers, and worship me their Lord.
2397be made Parchment; that Parchment being scribeld ore,
2399'tis the Bees waxe: for I did but seale once to a thing, and
2400I was neuer mine owne man since. How now? Who's
2402Enter a Clearke.
2403Weauer. The Clearke of Chartam: hee can write and
2404reade, and cast accompt.
The second Part of Henry the Sixt.139
2407Cade. Here's a Villaine.
2408Wea. Ha's a Booke in his pocket with red Letters in't
2409Cade. Nay then he is a Coniurer.
2410But. Nay, he can make Obligations, and write Court
2416Clearke. Emanuell.
2418go hard with you.
2421ling man?
2423vp, that I can write my name.
2425and a Traitor.
2427and Inke-horne about his necke.
2428 Exit one with the Clearke
2429Enter Michael.
2430Mich. Where's our Generall?
2431Cade. Heere I am thou particular fellow.
2433are hard by, with the Kings Forces.
2436is but a Knight, is a?
2437Mich. No.
2440Enter Sir Humfrey Stafford, and his Brother,
2441with Drum and Soldiers.
2443Mark'd for the Gallowes: Lay your Weapons downe,
2444Home to your Cottages: forsake this Groome.
2445The King is mercifull, if you reuolt.
2446Bro. But angry, wrathfull, and inclin'd to blood,
2447If you go forward: therefore yeeld, or dye.
2449It is to you good people, that I speake,
2450Ouer whom (in time to come) I hope to raigne:
2451For I am rightfull heyre vnto the Crowne.
2453And thou thy selfe a Sheareman, art thou not?
2454Cade. And Adam was a Gardiner.
2455Bro. And what of that?
2456Cade. Marry, this Edmund Mortimer Earle of March,
2457married the Duke of Clarence daughter, did he not?
2459Cade. By her he had two children at one birth.
2462The elder of them being put to nurse,
2463Was by a begger-woman stolne away,
2464And ignorant of his birth and parentage,
2465Became a Bricklayer, when he came to age.
2466His sonne am I, deny it if you can.
2470deny it not.
2472that speakes he knowes not what.
2473All. I marry will we: therefore get ye gone.
2474Bro. Iacke Cade, the D. of York hath taught you this
2478for French Crownes) I am content he shall raigne, but Ile
2479be Protector ouer him.
2480Butcher. And furthermore, wee'l haue the Lord Sayes
2481head, for selling the Dukedome of Maine.
2484it vp. Fellow-Kings, I tell you, that that Lord Say hath
2485gelded the Commonwealth, and made it an Eunuch: &
2486more then that, he can speake French, and therefore hee is
2487a Traitor.
2491with the tongue of an enemy, be a good Councellour, or
2493All. No, no, and therefore wee'l haue his head.
2495Assaile them with the Army of the King.
2496Staf. Herald away, and throughout euery Towne,
2497Proclaime them Traitors that are vp with Cade,
2499May euen in their Wiues and Childrens sight,
2500Be hang'd vp for example at their doores:
2501And you that be the Kings Friends follow me. Exit.
2502Cade. And you that loue the Commons, follow me:
2504We will not leaue one Lord, one Gentleman:
2507As would (but that they dare not) take our parts.
2508But. They are all in order, and march toward vs.
2510of order. Come, march forward.
2511Alarums to the fight, wherein both the Staffords are slaine.
2512Enter Cade and the rest.
2515Cade. They fell before thee like Sheepe and Oxen, &
2517owne Slaughter-house: Therfore thus will I reward thee,
2519haue a License to kill for a hundred lacking one.
2525fore vs.
2526But. If we meane to thriue, and do good, breake open
2527the Gaoles, and let out the Prisoners.
2528Cade. Feare not that I warrant thee. Come, let's march
2529towards London. Exeunt.
2530Enter the King with a Supplication, and the Queene with Suf-
2531folkes head, the Duke of Buckingham, and the
2532Lord Say.
140The second Part of Henry the Sixt.
2534And makes it fearefull and degenerate,
2535Thinke therefore on reuenge, and cease to weepe.
2536But who can cease to weepe, and looke on this.
2537Heere may his head lye on my throbbing brest:
2538But where's the body that I should imbrace?
2545Will parley with Iacke Cade their Generall.
2546But stay, Ile read it ouer once againe.
2547Qu. Ah barbarous villaines: Hath this louely face,
2548Rul'd like a wandering Plannet ouer me,
2549And could it not inforce them to relent,
2550That were vnworthy to behold the same.
2554King. How now Madam?
2555Still lamenting and mourning for Suffolkes death?
2556I feare me (Loue) if that I had beene dead,
2560Enter a Messenger.
2563Mes. The Rebels are in Southwarke: Fly my Lord:
2564Iacke Cade proclaimes himselfe Lord Mortimer,
2566And calles your Grace Vsurper, openly,
2568His Army is a ragged multitude
2569Of Hindes and Pezants, rude and mercilesse:
2570Sir Humfrey Stafford, and his Brothers death,
2571Hath giuen them heart and courage to proceede:
2572All Schollers, Lawyers, Courtiers, Gentlemen,
2573They call false Catterpillers, and intend their death.
2575Buck. My gracious Lord, retire to Killingworth,
2576Vntill a power be rais'd to put them downe.
2579King. Lord Say, the Traitors hateth thee,
2580Therefore away with vs to Killingworth.
2582The sight of me is odious in their eyes:
2583And therefore in this Citty will I stay,
2584And liue alone as secret as I may.
2585Enter another Messenger.
2586Mess. Iacke Cade hath gotten London-bridge.
2589Ioyne with the Traitor, and they ioyntly sweare
2590To spoyle the City, and your Royall Court.
2598Enter Lord Scales vpon the Tower walking. Then enters
2599two or three Citizens below.
2602For they haue wonne the Bridge,
2604The L. Maior craues ayd of your Honor from the Tower
2605To defend the City from the Rebels.
2607But I am troubled heere with them my selfe,
2608The Rebels haue assay'd to win the Tower.
2609But get you to Smithfield, and gather head,
2611Fight for your King, your Countrey, and your Liues,
2613Enter Iacke Cade and the rest, and strikes his
2614staffe on London stone.
2615Cade. Now is Mortimer Lord of this City,
2616And heere sitting vpon London Stone,
2617I charge and command, that of the Cities cost
2618The pissing Conduit run nothing but Clarret Wine
2621That calles me other then Lord Mortimer.
2622Enter a Soldier running.
2623Soul. Iacke Cade, Iacke Cade.
2626Cade more, I thinke he hath a very faire warning.
2627Dicke. My Lord, there's an Army gathered together
2628in Smithfield.
2631And if you can, burne downe the Tower too.
2632Come, let's away. Exeunt omnes.
2633Alarums. Mathew Goffe is slain, and all the rest.
2634Then enter Iacke Cade, with his Company.
2636Others to'th Innes of Court, downe with them all.
2640But. Onely that the Lawes of England may come out
2641of your mouth.
2643in the mouth with a Speare, and 'tis not whole yet.
2647burne all the Records of the Realme, my mouth shall be
2648the Parliament of England.
2649Iohn. Then we are like to haue biting Statutes
2650Vnlesse his teeth be pull'd out.
2652mon. Enter a Messenger.
2653Mes. My Lord, a prize, a prize, heeres the Lord Say,
2654which sold the Townes in France. He that made vs pay
2655one and twenty Fifteenes, and one shilling to the pound,
The second Part of Henry the Sixt.141
2657Enter George, with the Lord Say.
2659Ah thou Say, thou Surge, nay thou Buckram Lord, now
2668as before, our Fore-fathers had no other Bookes but the
2670and contrary to the King, his Crowne, and Dignity, thou
2671hast built a Paper-Mill. It will be prooued to thy Face,
2673Nowne and a Verbe, and such abhominable wordes, as
2676bout matters they were not able to answer. Moreouer,
2678reade, thou hast hang'd them, when (indeede) onely for
2681Say. What of that?
2684and Doublets.
2686ample, that am a butcher.
2687Say. You men of Kent.
2689Say. Nothing but this: 'Tis bona terra, mala gens.
2696Sweet is the Covntry, because full of Riches,
2697The People Liberall, Valiant, Actiue, Wealthy,
2698Which makes me hope you are not void of pitty.
2700Yet to recouer them would loose my life:
2701Iustice with fauour haue I alwayes done,
2702Prayres and Teares haue mou'd me, Gifts could neuer.
2703When haue I ought exacted at your hands?
2704Kent to maintaine, the King, the Realme and you,
2705Large gifts haue I bestow'd on learned Clearkes,
2706Because my Booke preferr'd me to the King.
2708Knowledge the Wing wherewith we flye to heauen.
2710You cannot but forbeare to murther me:
2711This Tongue hath parlied vnto Forraigne Kings
2712For your behoofe.
2719Cade. Giue him a box o'th' eare, and that wil make 'em
2720red againe.
2724of hatchet.
2729a pole, or no: Take him away, and behead him.
2733Is my Apparrell sumptuous to behold?
2734Whom haue I iniur'd, that ye seeke my death?
2736This breast from harbouring foule deceitfull thoughts.
2737O let me liue.
2740well for his life. Away with him, he ha's a Familiar vn-
2741der his Tongue, he speakes not a Gods name. Goe, take
2743breake into his Sonne in Lawes house, Sir Iames Cromer,
2745poles hither.
2747Say. Ah Countrimen: If when you make your prair's,
2749How would it fare with your departed soules,
2750And therefore yet relent, and saue my life.
2751Cade. Away with him, and do as I command ye: the
2755head ere they haue it: Men shall hold of mee in Capite.
2756And we charge and command, that their wiues be as free
2757as heart can wish, or tongue can tell.
2758Dicke. My Lord,
2760ties vpon our billes?
2762All. O braue.
2763Enter one with the heads.
2764Cade. But is not this brauer:
2765Let them kisse one another: For they lou'd well
2766When they were aliue. Now part them againe,
2768Of some more Townes in France. Soldiers,
2769Deferre the spoile of the Citie vntill night:
2771Will we ride through the streets, & at euery Corner
2773Alarum, and Retreat. Enter againe Cade,
2774and all his rabblement.
2776kill and knocke downe, throw them into Thames:
2777Sound a parley.
2778What noise is this I heare?
2780When I command them kill?
o Enter
142The second Part of Henry the Sixt.
2781Enter Buckingham, and old Clifford.
2783Know Cade, we come Ambassadors from the King
2785And heere pronounce free pardon to them all,
2786That will forsake thee, and go home in peace.
2789Or let a rabble leade you to your deaths.
2790Who loues the King, and will imbrace his pardon,
2792Who hateth him, and honors not his Father,
2793Henry the fift, that made all France to quake,
2794Shake he his weapon at vs, and passe by.
2797And you base Pezants, do ye beleeue him, will you needs
2798be hang'd with your Pardons about your neckes? Hath
2799my sword therefore broke through London gates, that
2800you should leaue me at the White-heart in Southwarke.
2801I thought ye would neuer haue giuen out these Armes til
2802you had recouered your ancient Freedome. But you are
2804to the Nobility. Let them breake your backes with bur-
2806Wiues and Daughters before your faces. For me, I will
2809All. Wee'l follow Cade,
2810Wee'l follow Cade.
2812That thus you do exclaime you'l go with him.
2813Will he conduct you through the heart of France,
2814And make the meanest of you Earles and Dukes?
2815Alas, he hath no home, no place to flye too:
2816Nor knowes he how to liue, but by the spoile,
2817Vnlesse by robbing of your Friends, and vs.
2819The fearfull French, whom you late vanquished
2821Me thinkes alreadie in this ciuill broyle,
2823Crying Villiago vnto all they meete.
2826To France, to France, and get what you haue lost:
2827Spare England, for it is your Natiue Coast:
2828Henry hath mony, you are strong and manly:
2831Wee'l follow the King, and Clifford.
2833as this multitude? The name of Henry the fift, hales them
2837in despight of the diuels and hell, haue through the verie
2839no want of resolution in mee, but onely my Followers
2841my heeles. Exit
2843And he that brings his head vnto the King,
2844Shall haue a thousand Crownes for his reward.
2845 Exeunt some of them.
2847To reconcile you all vnto the King. Exeunt omnes.
2848Sound Trumpets. Enter King, Queene, and
2849Somerset on the Tarras.
2850King. Was euer King that ioy'd an earthly Throne,
2851And could command no more content then I?
2852No sooner was I crept out of my Cradle,
2853But I was made a King, at nine months olde.
2854Was neuer Subiect long'd to be a King,
2856Enter Buckingham and Clifford.
2859Or is he but retir'd to make him strong?
2860Enter Multitudes with Halters about their
2863And humbly thus with halters on their neckes,
2866To entertaine my vowes of thankes and praise.
2867Souldiers, this day haue you redeem'd your liues,
2868And shew'd how well you loue your Prince & Countrey:
2870And Henry though he be infortunate,
2872And so with thankes, and pardon to you all,
2875Enter a Messenger.
2877The Duke of Yorke is newly come from Ireland,
2878And with a puissant and a mighty power
2880Is marching hitherward in proud array,
2881And still proclaimeth as he comes along,
2882His Armes are onely to remoue from thee
2883The Duke of Somerset, whom he tearmes a Traitor.
2887Is straight way calme, and boorded with a Pyrate.
2888But now is Cade driuen backe, his men dispierc'd,
2889And now is Yorke in Armes, to second him.
2890I pray thee Buckingham go and meete him,
2892Tell him, Ile send Duke Edmund to the Tower,
2893And Somerset we will commit thee thither,
2895Somerset. My Lord,
2897Or vnto death, to do my Countrey good.
2899For he is fierce, and cannot brooke hard Language.
2901As all things shall redound vnto your good.
2902King. Come wife, let's in, and learne to gouern better,
2903For yet may England curse my wretched raigne.
The second Part of Henry the Sixt.143
2905Enter Cade.
2909the Country is laid for me: but now am I so hungry, that
2911could stay no longer. Wherefore on a Bricke wall haue
2913picke a Sallet another while, which is not amisse to coole
2914a mans stomacke this hot weather: and I think this word
2915Sallet was borne to do me good: for many a time but for
2916a Sallet, my braine-pan had bene cleft with a brown Bill;
2917and many a time when I haue beene dry, & brauely mar-
2920Enter Iden.
2921Iden. Lord, who would liue turmoyled in the Court,
2923This small inheritance my Father left me,
2924Contenteth me, and worth a Monarchy.
2925I seeke not to waxe great by others warning,
2926Or gather wealth I care not with what enuy:
2931Villaine, thou wilt betray me, and get a 1000. Crownes
2932of the King by carrying my head to him, but Ile make
2934like a great pin ere thou and I part.
2936I know thee not, why then should I betray thee?
2937Is't not enough to breake into my Garden,
2938And like a Theefe to come to rob my grounds:
2939Climbing my walles inspight of me the Owner,
2942broach'd, and beard thee to. Looke on mee well, I haue
2944fiue men, and if I doe not leaue you all as dead as a doore
2945naile, I pray God I may neuer eate grasse more.
2947That Alexander Iden an Esquire of Kent,
2948Tooke oddes to combate a poore famisht man.
2950See if thou canst out-face me with thy lookes:
2951Set limbe to limbe, and thou art farre the lesser:
2953Thy legge a sticke compared with this Truncheon,
2955And if mine arme be heaued in the Ayre,
2956Thy graue is digg'd already in the earth:
2960on that euer I heard. Steele, if thou turne the edge, or
2961cut not out the burly bon'd Clowne in chines of Beefe,
2963thou mayst be turn'd to Hobnailes.
2964Heere they Fight.
2968Garden, and be henceforth a burying place to all that do
2970Cade is fled.
2972Sword, I will hallow thee for this thy deede,
2973And hang thee o're my Tombe, when I am dead.
2974Ne're shall this blood be wiped from thy point,
2975But thou shalt weare it as a Heralds coate,
2976To emblaze the Honor that thy Master got.
2979the World to be Cowards: For I that neuer feared any,
2982Die damned Wretch, the curse of her that bare thee:
2985Hence will I dragge thee headlong by the heeles
2986Vnto a dunghill, which shall be thy graue,
2988Which I will beare in triumph to the King,
2989Leauing thy trunke for Crowes to feed vpon. Exit.
2990Enter Yorke, and his Army of Irish, with
2991Drum and Colours.
2992Yor. From Ireland thus comes York to claim his right,
2993And plucke the Crowne from feeble Henries head.
2994Ring Belles alowd, burne Bonfires cleare and bright
2995To entertaine great Englands lawfull King.
2997Let them obey, that knowes not how to Rule.
2998This hand was made to handle nought but Gold.
2999I cannot giue due action to my words,
3000Except a Sword or Scepter ballance it.
3002On which Ile tosse the Fleure-de-Luce of France.
3003Enter Buckingham.
3004Whom haue we heere? Buckingham to disturbe me?
3007Yor. Humfrey of Buckingham, I accept thy greeting.
3011Or why, thou being a Subiect, as I am,
3014Or dare to bring thy Force so neere the Court?
3016Oh I could hew vp Rockes, and fight with Flint,
3018And now like Aiax Telamonius,
3019On Sheepe or Oxen could I spend my furie.
3020I am farre better borne then is the king:
3021More like a King, more Kingly in my thoughts.
3022But I must make faire weather yet a while,
3023Till Henry be more weake, and I more strong.
3024Buckingham, I prethee pardon me,
3025That I haue giuen no answer all this while:
3026My minde was troubled with deepe Melancholly.
3027The cause why I haue brought this Armie hither,
o2 Is
144The second Part of Henry the Sixt.
3028Is to remoue proud Somerset from the King,
3029Seditious to his Grace, and to the State.
3031But if thy Armes be to no other end,
3032The King hath yeelded vnto thy demand:
3033The Duke of Somerset is in the Tower.
3038Meet me to morrow in S. Georges Field,
3040And let my Soueraigne, vertuous Henry,
3042As pledges of my Fealtie and Loue,
3043Ile send them all as willing as I liue:
3044Lands, Goods, Horse, Armor, any thing I haue
3047We twaine will go into his Highnesse Tent.
3048Enter King and Attendants.
3049King. Buckingham, doth Yorke intend no harme to vs
3050That thus he marcheth with thee arme in arme?
3057Enter Iden with Cades head.
3060Loe, I present your Grace a Traitors head,
3061The head of Cade, whom I in combat slew.
3063Oh let me view his Visage being dead,
3064That liuing wrought me such exceeding trouble.
3065Tell me my Friend, art thou the man that slew him?
3067King. How art thou call'd? And what is thy degree?
3068Iden. Alexander Iden, that's my name,
3069A poore Esquire of Kent, that loues his King.
3071He were created Knight for his good seruice.
3073We giue thee for reward a thousand Markes,
3074And will, that thou henceforth attend on vs.
3076And neuer liue but true vnto his Liege.
3077Enter Queene and Somerset.
3079Go bid her hide him quickly from the Duke.
3081But boldly stand, and front him to his face.
3084And let thy tongue be equall with thy heart.
3087Knowing how hardly I can brooke abuse?
3088King did I call thee? No: thou art not King:
3089Not fit to gouerne and rule multitudes,
3091That Head of thine doth not become a Crowne:
3093And not to grace an awefull Princely Scepter.
3095Whose Smile and Frowne, like to Achilles Speare
3096Is able with the change, to kill and cure.
3097Heere is a hand to hold a Scepter vp,
3099Giue place: by heauen thou shalt rule no more
3100O're him, whom heauen created for thy Ruler.
3103Obey audacious Traitor, kneele for Grace.
3105If they can brooke I bow a knee to man:
3106Sirrah, call in my sonne to be my bale:
3107I know ere they will haue me go to Ward,
3111Shall be the Surety for their Traitor Father.
3113Out-cast of Naples, Englands bloody Scourge,
3114The sonnes of Yorke, thy betters in their birth,
3115Shall be their Fathers baile, and bane to those
3116That for my Surety will refuse the Boyes.
3117Enter Edward and Richard.
3118See where they come, Ile warrant they'l make it good.
3119Enter Clifford.
3123Nay, do not fright vs with an angry looke:
3124We are thy Soueraigne Clifford, kneele againe;
3127But thou mistakes me much to thinke I do,
3128To Bedlem with him, is the man growne mad.
3131Clif. He is a Traitor, let him to the Tower,
3132And chop away that factious pate of his.
3135Yor. Will you not Sonnes?
3138Clif. Why what a brood of Traitors haue we heere?
3140I am thy King, and thou a false-heart Traitor:
3141Call hither to the stake my two braue Beares,
3142That with the very shaking of their Chaines,
3144Bid Salsbury and Warwicke come to me.
3145Enter the Earles of Warwicke, and
3148And manacle the Berard in their Chaines,
3149If thou dar'st bring them to the bayting place.
3151Run backe and bite, because he was with-held,
3153Hath clapt his taile, betweene his legges and cride,
The second Part of Henry the Sixt.145
3157As crooked in thy manners, as thy shape.
3161King. Why Warwicke, hath thy knee forgot to bow?
3164What wilt thou on thy death-bed play the Ruffian?
3166Oh where is Faith? Oh, where is Loyalty?
3169Wilt thou go digge a graue to finde out Warre,
3170And shame thine honourable Age with blood?
3171Why art thou old, and want'st experience?
3173For shame in dutie bend thy knee to me,
3174That bowes vnto the graue with mickle age.
3176The Title of this most renowned Duke,
3177And in my conscience, do repute his grace
3178The rightfull heyre to Englands Royall seate.
3180Sal. I haue.
3184Who can be bound by any solemne Vow
3185To do a murd'rous deede, to rob a man,
3187To reaue the Orphan of his Patrimonie,
3188To wring the Widdow from her custom'd right,
3189And haue no other reason for this wrong,
3190But that he was bound by a solemne Oath?
3194I am resolu'd for death and dignitie.
3199Then any thou canst coniure vp to day:
3200And that Ile write vpon thy Burgonet,
3201Might I but know thee by thy housed Badge.
3204This day Ile weare aloft my Burgonet,
3205As on a Mountaine top, the Cedar shewes,
3207Euen io affright thee with the view thereof.
3208Old Clif. And from thy Burgonet Ile rend thy Beare,
3209And tread it vnder foot with all contempt,
3212To quell the Rebels, and their Complices.
3216canst tell.
3218Enter Warwicke.
3220And if thou dost not hide thee from the Beare,
3221Now when the angrie Trumpet sounds alarum,
3222And dead mens cries do fill the emptie ayre,
3224Proud Northerne Lord, Clifford of Cumberland,
3225Warwicke is hoarse with calling thee to armes.
3226Enter Yorke.
3227War. How now my Noble Lord? What all a-foot.
3229But match to match I haue encountred him,
3230And made a prey for Carrion Kytes and Crowes
3232Enter Clifford.
3233War. Of one or both of vs the time is come.
3237As I intend Clifford to thriue to day,
3251Peace with his soule, heauen if it be thy will.
3252Enter yong Clifford.
3256Whom angry heauens do make their minister,
3257Throw in the frozen bosomes of our part,
3258Hot Coales of Vengeance. Let no Souldier flye.
3259He that is truly dedicate to Warre,
3262The name of Valour. O let the vile world end,
3264Knit earth and heauen together.
3265Now let the generall Trumpet blow his blast,
3266Particularities, and pettie sounds
3267To cease. Was't thou ordain'd (deere Father)
3268To loose thy youth in peace, and to atcheeue
3269The Siluer Liuery of aduised Age,
3270And in thy Reuerence, and thy Chaire-dayes, thus
3272My heart is turn'd to stone: and while 'tis mine,
3274No more will I their Babes, Teares Virginall,
3275Shall be to me, euen as the Dew to Fire,
3276And Beautie, that the Tyrant oft reclaimes,
3277Shall to my flaming wrath, be Oyle and Flax:
3278Henceforth, I will not haue to do with pitty.
3279Meet I an infant of the house of Yorke,
3280Into as many gobbits will I cut it
3281As wilde Medea yong Absirtis did.
3282In cruelty, will I seeke out my Fame.
3285So beare I thee vpon my manly shoulders:
3286But then, Aeneas bare a liuing loade;
o3 Nothing
146The second Part of Henry the Sixt.
3288Enter Richard, and Somerset to fight.
3289Rich. So lye thou there:
3292Hath made the Wizard famous in his death:
3293Sword, hold thy temper; Heart, be wrathfull still:
3294Priests pray for enemies, but Princes kill.
3295Fight. Excursions.
3296Enter King, Queene, and others.
3298King. Can we outrun the Heauens? Good Margaret
3301Now is it manhood, wisedome, and defence,
3302To giue the enemy way, and to secure vs
3303By what we can, which can no more but flye.
3304 Alarum a farre off.
3306Of all our Fortunes: but if we haply scape,
3307(As well we may, if not through your neglect)
3308We shall to London get, where you are lou'd,
3309And where this breach now in our Fortunes made
3310May readily be stopt.
3311Enter Clifford.
3315Reignes in the hearts of all our present parts.
3316Away for your releefe, and we will liue
3317To see their day, and them our Fortune giue.
3318Away my Lord, away. Exeunt
3319Alarum. Retreat. Enter Yorke, Richard, Warwicke,
3320and Soldiers, with Drum & Colours.
3322That Winter Lyon, who in rage forgets
3324And like a Gallant, in the brow of youth,
3325Repaires him with Occasion. This happy day
3326Is not it selfe, nor haue we wonne one foot,
3328Rich. My Noble Father:
3329Three times to day I holpe him to his horse,
3333And like rich hangings in a homely house,
3334So was his Will, in his old feeble body,
3335But Noble as he is, looke where he comes.
3336Enter Salisbury.
3339God knowes how long it is I haue to liue:
3340And it hath pleas'd him that three times to day
3341You haue defended me from imminent death.
3342Well Lords, we haue not got that which we haue,
3343'Tis not enough our foes are this time fled,
3346For (as I heare) the King is fled to London,
3347To call a present Court of Parliament:
3348Let vs pursue him ere the Writs go forth.
3350War. After them: nay before them if we can:
3351Now by my hand (Lords) 'twas a glorious day.
3352Saint Albons battell wonne by famous Yorke,
3353Shall be eterniz'd in all Age to come.
3354Sound Drumme and Trumpets, and to London all,