Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Rosemary Gaby
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)

Enter strewers of rushes.
1 More rushes, more rushes.
2 The trumpets haue sounded twice.
3 Twill be two a clocke ere they come from the coronati-
3209.1on, dispatch, dispatch.
Trumpets sound, and the King, and his traine passe ouer the
stage: after them enter Falstaffe, Shallow, Pistol,
Bardolfe, and the Boy.
Falst. Stand heere by me maister Shallow, I will make the
King doe you grace, I will leere vpon him as a comes by, and
do but marke the countenaunce that he will giue me.
Pist. God blesse thy lungs good Knight.
Falst. Come heere Pistoll, stand behinde mee. O if I had
had time to haue made new liueries: I woulde haue bestowed
the thousand pound I borrowed of you, but tis no matter, this
3220poore shew doth better, this doth inferre the zeale I had to see
Pist. It doth so.
Falst. It shewes my earnestnesse of affection.
Pist. It doth so.
3225Falst. My deuotion.
Pist. It doth, it doth, it doth.
Fal. As it were to ride day & night, and not to deliberate,
not to remember, not to haue pacience to shift me.
3230Shal It is best certain: but to stand stained with trauaile, and
sweating with desire to see him, thinking of nothing els, putting
all affaires else in obliuion, as if there were nothing els to bee
done, but to see him.
3235Pist. Tis semper idem, for, obsque hoc nihil est, tis in euery
Shal. Tis so indeede.
Pist. My Knight, I will inflame thy noble liuer, and make
thee rage, thy Dol, and Helen of thy noble thoughts, is in base
3240durance, and contagious prison, halde thither by most mecha-
nical, and durtie hand: rowze vp reuenge from Ebon den, with
The second part of
fell Alectoes snake, for Doll is in: Pistoll speakes nought but
Falst. I will deliuer her.
3245Pist. There roared the sea, and trumpet Clangor sounds.
Enter the King and his traine.
3250Falst. God saue thy grace King Hall, my royall Hall.
Pist. The heauens thee gard and keep, most royal impe of
Falst. God saue thee, my sweet boy.
King My Lord chiefe iustice, speake to that vaine man.
Iust. Haue you your wits? know you what tis you speake?
Falst. My King, my Ioue, I speake to thee, my heart.
King I know thee not old man, fall to thy praiers,
3260How ill white heires becomes a foole and iester,
I haue long dreampt of such a kind of man,
So surfet-sweld, so old, and so prophane:
But being awakt, I do despise my dreame,
Make lesse thy body (hence) and more thy grace,
3265Leaue gourmandizing, know the graue doth gape
For thee, thrice wider then for other men,
Reply not to me with a foole-borne iest,
Presume not that I am the thing I was,
For God doth know, so shall the world perceiue,
3270That I haue turnd away my former selfe,
So will I those that kept me company:
When thou dost heare I am as I haue bin,
Approch me, and thou shalt be as thou wast,
The tutor and the feeder of my riots:
3275Till then I banish thee, on paine of death,
As I haue done the rest of my misleaders,
Not to come neare our person by ten mile:
For competence of life, I wil allow you,
That lacke of meanes enforce you not to euills,
3280And as we heare you do reforme your selues,
We will according to your strengths and qualities,
Giue you aduauncement. Be it your charge, my lord,
Henry the fourth.
To see performd the tenure of my word: set on.
3285Iohn Master Shallow I ow you a thousand pound.
Shal. Yea mary sir Iohn, which I beseech you to let me haue
home with me.
Iohn That can hardly be, master Shalow: do not you grieue
at this, I shall be sent for in priuate to him, looke you, hee must
3290seeme thus to the world: feare not your aduauncements, I will
be the man yet that shal make you great.
Shal. I cannot perceiue how, vnlesse you giue me your
dublet, and stuffe me out with straw: I beseech you good sir
Iohn let me haue fiue hundred of my thousand.
Iohn Sir I will be as good as my worde, this that you heard
was but a collour.
Shall. A collor that I feare you will die in sir Iohn.
Iohn Feare no colours, go with me to dinner:
3300Come lieftenant Pistol, come Bardolfe, Enter Iustice and prince Iohn
I shall be sent for soone at night.
Iustice Go cary sir Iohn Falstalfe to the Fleet,
Take all his company along with him.
Fal. My lord, my lord.
3305Iust. I cannot now speake, I will heare you soone, take them
away. exeunt.
Pist. Si fortuna me tormenta spero contenta.
Iohn I like this faire proceeding of the Kings,
3310He hath intent his wonted followers
Shall all be very well prouided for,
But all are banisht till their conuersations
Appeare more wise and modest to the worlde.
Iust. And so they are.
3315Iohn The King hath cald his parlament my lord.
Iust. He hath.
Iohn I wil lay ods, that ere this yeere expire,
We beare our ciuil swords and natiue fier,
3320As farre as France, I heard a bird so sing,
Whose musique, to my thinking, pleasde the King:
Come, will you hence?
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