Henry the fourth.
320828422 The trumpets haue
sounded twice.
320928433 Twill be two a clocke ere they come from the coronati
- 3209.22845Trumpets sound, and the King, and his traine passe ouer the 3209.32846stage: after them enter Falstaffe, Shallow, Pistol, 32122848Falst. Stand heere by me mai
ster Shallow, I will make the
32132849King doe you grace, I will leere vpon him as a comes by, and
32142850do but marke the countenaunce that he will giue me.
32162851Pist. God ble
sse thy lungs good Knight.
32172852Falst. Come heere Pi
stand behinde mee. O if I had
32182853had time to haue made new liueries: I woulde haue be
32192854the thou
sand pound I borrowed of you, but tis no matter, this
shew doth better, this doth inferre the zeale I had to
32232858Falst. It
shewes my earne
sse of a
32262861Pist. It doth, it doth, it doth.
32272862Fal. As it were to ride day & night, and not to deliberate,
32282863not to remember, not to haue pacience to
shift me.
32302864Shal It is be
st certain: but to
stained with trauaile, and
2865sweating with de
sire to
see him, thinking of nothing els, putting
32332866all a
ffaires el
se in obliuion, as if there were nothing els to bee
32352868Pist. Tis
semper idem, for,
obsque hoc nihil est, tis in euery
32382871Pist. My Knight, I will in
flame thy noble liuer, and make
32392872thee rage, thy Dol, and Helen of thy noble thoughts, is in ba
32402873durance, and contagious pri
son, halde thither by mo
st mecha
- 32412874nical, and durtie hand: rowze vp reuenge from Ebon den, with