Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Rosemary Gaby
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)

Henry the fourth.
War. Hees walkt the way of nature,
And to our purposes he liues no more.
Iust. I would his Maiestie had calld me with him:
2890The seruice that I truely did his life,
Hath left me open to all iniuries.
War. Indeede I thinke the yong King loues you not.
Iust. I know he doth not, and do arme my selfe
To welcome the condition of the time,
2895Which cannot looke more hideously vpon me,
Than I haue drawne it in my fantasie.
Enter Iohn, Thomas, and Humphrey.
War. Heere come the heauy issue of dead Harry:
2900O that the liuing Harry had the temper
Of he, the worst of these three gentlemen!
How many Nobles then should holde their places,
That must strike saile to spirites of vile sort?
Iust. O God, I feare all will be ouer-turnd.
2905Iohn Good morrow coosin Warwicke, good morrow.
Prin. ambo Good morrow coosin.
Iohn We meete like men that had forgot to speake.
War. We do remember, but our argument
Is all too heauy to admit much talke.
2910Iohn Well, peace be with him that hath made vs heauy.
Iust. Peace be with vs, lest we be heauier.
Humph. O good my lord, you haue lost a friend indeede,
And I dare sweare you borrow not that face
Of seeming sorrow, it is sure your owne.
2915Iohn Though no man be assurde what grace to finde,
You stand in coldest expectation,
I am the sorier, would twere otherwise.
Cla. Well, you must now speake sir Iohn Falstaffe faire,
Which swimmes against your streame of quallitie.
2920Iust. Sweet princes, what I did, I did in honor,
Led by th'impartiall conduct of my soule.
And neuer shall you see that I will begge
A ragged and forestald remission,