Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Rosemary Gaby
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)

The second part of
Shal. Go to I say, he shal haue no wrong, look about Dauy:
where are you sir Iohn? come, come, come, off with your boots,
2845giue me your hand master Bardolfe.
Bard. I am glad to see your worship.
Shal I thank thee with my heart kind master Bardolfe, and
welcome my tall fellow, come sir Iohn.
2850Falst. Ile follow you good maister Robert Shallow: Bar-
dolfe, looke to our horses: if I were sawed into quantities, I
should make foure dozen of such berded hermites staues as
maister Shallow: it is a wonderfull thing to see the semblable
coherence of his mens spirits, and his, they, by obseruing him,
2855do beare themselues like foolish Iustices: hee, by conuersing
with them, is turned into a Iustice-like seruingman, their spirits
are so married in coniunction, with the participation of society,
that they flocke together in consent, like so many wild-geese.
2860If I had a suite to master Shallow, I would humour his men
with the imputation, of beeing neere their maister: if to his
men, I would curry with maister Shallow, that no man could
better commaund his seruants. It is certaine, that eyther wise
bearing, or ignorant cariage is caught, as men take diseases one
of another: therefore let men take heede of their company. I
will deuise matter enough out of this Shallow, to keepe prince
Harry in continuall laughter, the wearing out of sixe fashions,
which is foure termes, or two actions, and a shal laugh without
2870interuallums. O it is much that a lie, with a slight oathe, and
a iest, with a sad browe, will doe with a fellow that neuer had
the ach in his shoulders: O you shall see him laugh til his face
be like a wet cloake ill laide vp.
2875Shal. Sir Iohn.
Falst. I come maister Shallow, I come master Shallow.
Enter Warwike, duke Humphrey,L. chiefe Iustice, Thomas
2879.1 Clarence, Prince, Iohn Westmerland.
War. How now, my lord chiefe Iustice, whither away?
Iust. How doth the King?
War. Exceeding well, his cares are now all ended.
Iust. I hope not dead.