Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Rosemary Gaby
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)

The second part of
2515War. Speake lower, princes, for the King recouers.
Hum. This apoplexi wil certaine be his end.
King I pray you take me vp, and beare me hence,
Into some other chamber.
2520Let there be no noyse made, my gentle friends,
Vnlesse some dull and fauourable hand
Will whisper musique to my weary spirite.
War. Call for the musique in the other roome.
King Set me the crowne vpon my pillow here.
2525Clar. His eie is hollow, and he changes much.
War. Lesse noyse, lesse noyse. Enter Harry
Prince Who saw the duke of Clarence?
Clar. I am here brother, ful of heauinesse.
2530Prince How now, raine within doores, and none abroad?
How doth the King?
Hum. Exceeding ill.
Prince Heard he the good newes yet? tell it him.
2535Hum. He altred much vpon the hearing it,
Prince If he be sicke with ioy, heele recouer without phi-
War. Not so much noyse my Lords, sweete prince, speake
lowe, the King your father is disposde to sleepe.
Cla. Let vs withdraw into the other roome.
War. Wilt please your Grace to go along with vs?
Prince No, I wil sit and watch heere by the King.
Why doth the Crowne lie there vpon his pillow,
2545Being so troublesome a bedfellow?
O polisht perturbation! golden care!
That keepst the ports of Slumber open wide
To many a watchfull night, sleepe with it now!
Yet not so sound, and halfe so deeply sweete,
2550As he whose brow (with homely biggen bound)
Snores out the watch of night. O maiestie!
When thou dost pinch thy bearer, thou dost sit
Like a rich armour worne in heate of day,
That scaldst with safty (by his gates of breath)