Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Rosemary Gaby
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)

The second part of
In formes imaginary, th'unguyded daies,
And rotten times that you shall looke vpon,
When I am sleeping with my auncestors:
2440For when his head-strong riot hath no curbe,
When rage and hot bloud are his counsellors,
When meanes and lauish manners meete together,
Oh with what wings shal his affections flie,
Towards fronting peril and opposde decay?
2445War. My gracious Lord, you looke beyond him quite,
The prince but studies his companions,
Like a strange tongue wherein to gaine the language:
Tis needfnll that the most immodest word,
Be lookt vpon and learnt, which once attaind,
2450Your highnesse knowes comes to no further vse,
But to be knowne and hated: so, like grosse termes,
The prince will in the perfectnesse of time,
Cast off his followers, and their memory
Shall as a pattern, or a measure liue,
2455By which his grace must mete the liues of other,
Turning past-euils to aduantages.
King Tis seldome when the bee doth leaue her comb,
In the dead carion: who's here, Westmerland?
Enter Westmerland.
West. Health to my soueraigne, and new happinesse
Added to that that I am to deliuer,
Prince Iohn your sonne doth kisse your graces hand.
Mowbray, the Bishop, Scroope, Hastings, and al,
2465Are brought to the correction of your law:
There is not now a rebels sword vnsheathd,
But Peace puts forth her oliue euery where,
The manner how this action hath bin borne,
Here at more leisure may your highnesse reade,
2470With euery course in his particular.
King O Westmerland, thou art a summer bird,
Which euer in the haunch of winter sings
The lifting vp of day: looke heres more newes. enter Harcor.